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Archived Blog Posts

The Stinky Realities of Sewage Leaks | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

Hydrophobic and dry soil barely absorb water and standing sewage. Let SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties help you recover from sewage leaks around your property.

There’s no doubt about it, sewage leaks are one of the most frustrating experiences that a homeowner or business owner can experience. While they maybe aren’t as destructive as other home emergencies, the sheer gross factor is enough to send anyone reeling!

Unfortunately, sewage leaks are a common occurrence and can happen to anyone at any time. Dealing with them swiftly can help keep the situation from growing out of control, so we explain the first few steps below that you should take when you suffer from a stinky sewage leak.

What to Do First

Sewage backups happen whenever wastewater moves in the wrong direction due to a clog or blockage and the water moves back up into sinks, tubs or other places around your home. Sewage leaks can happen if a pipe or water line becomes compromised and the hazardous water leaks out of it.

No matter the situation, our first recommendation is to not touch the water. There are three different types of water, and they are categorized as white water, gray water and black water. Sewage is considered part of the black water category because it contains toxic substances that could be harboring dangerous or even deadly viruses, bacteria and other microbes.

Stay clear of the water, and find your water shutoff valves to stop the source of the leak. You should also start opening up windows and running fans to let the fumes escape. Block off the area to keep your family or customers out and then get us on the phone right away.

Where SERVPRO® Comes In

We have a highly trained restoration and cleaning team that can handle any biohazard situation with ease, which is why we want you to contact us right away! Our team will ask many questions about where the leak started and the extent of the damage and then we will be on our way to you with the appropriate safety gear and the right equipment for the job.

While you wait for us to arrive, start taking photos. These images are certainly not pictures you will want as keepsakes, but they are really important when it comes to working with your insurance company for your damage claim. Fresh images of the situation will make your claim go much smoother and will give us all a good starting point.

Once we arrive, we will get started by identifying the source of the leak and then we will get to work on removing the sewage and standing water. Since sewage water is toxic, our crew will be decked out in the latest and safest protective gear and we will encourage you and your family or staff to stay clear of the area while we work.

While some of our technicians will be working on fixing the problem that caused the leak, our cleaning crew will be focused on deep-cleaning and sanitizing your entire space to ensure it is safe to return to when we are finished. In addition, we will also employ deodorizers to make sure the stinky smell is entirely removed from the air and surrounding materials. If the leak damaged any part of your space, we can take care of those repairs as well.

Dealing with stinky sewage leaks on your own is never recommended, so give us a call and our team will take care of the mess for you!

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO and we will take care of you.

Restoring Your Business After Disaster, the SERVPRO® Way | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

2/15/2024 (Permalink)

business man in office talking to female SERVPRO rep SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here for your business every step of the way, from ERPs to disaster recovery.

Fires, floods and severe storms can be serious situations no matter where they occur, but especially if an emergency like this happens at your business. A single disaster can have a serious impact on your year and can be really frustrating for your employees.

While we know that we can’t control the weather or prevent every single emergency from happening, it is possible to make a full recovery when you rely on SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for a quick and reliable restoration.

Preparing Ahead of the Disaster

Disasters can strike at a moment’s notice, which means it is important to have a plan in place for multiple different scenarios. Your team should always know what’s next and what is expected of them.

One of the most important parts of your disaster plan is your communication strategy! Staying connected and informed is one of the most important ways to ensure your staff react appropriately. Assign specific tasks to people and establish a secure chain of command so that everyone knows what is going on.

You should also take a tour of your facility and show your team where all of the important valves and switches are. If your team can quickly shut off water during a water disaster or snuff out a fire with a nearby fire extinguisher, you will be able to avoid more serious damage.

In addition, you should also have a plan ready to use for after the disaster is over and your scene is secured. Establish the rules for remote work or gather your team at an alternate location while your repairs are taking place.

Recovering the SERVPRO Way

Once your space is secure and your staff are safe, it is time to call SERVPRO! Our reliable crew will take care of every aspect of your recovery and we will do it with confidence.

We will get right to work on restoring, rebuilding and cleaning, so we want you to focus on keeping your customers informed along the way. Business-customer relationships are everything nowadays, so it is important that your patrons know when you expect to be open again.

While you may have to be displaced temporarily, know that it is not forever! Hiring a professional restoration company can ensure you make a full recovery in a short amount of time. We will work hard to minimize the disruption to your workflow and staff while also making sure we leave a job well done.

Create the plans ahead of time so you can navigate through disasters more seamlessly, and then call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for a thorough restoration no matter your situation. Your business is always in good hands with us.

Has your business experienced a disaster, or do you want help building an emergency plan? Contact us to find everything you need.

Tackling Home Damage Restoration With Our Team | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

2/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pounding down on a blacktop surface SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is Here to Help® when any disaster strikes!

The phrase “when it rains, it pours” can be applied to many life situations. Setbacks at work, relationship changes and even home disasters can all occur and take us by surprise. Any particular situation can become more than we expected, leaving us with many questions and not enough answers.

This is especially true when it comes to home damage following a disaster situation. The woes of Mother Nature, as well as simple home accidents like broken dishwashers, can cause serious damage without much warning.

The team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to ensure you make a full recovery no matter the extent of your damage. We are ready to help when you need it most.

Disasters, Explained

The different disaster scenarios that are possible are endless, and each instance can cause a strain on your household or even on our entire community. It can be overwhelming even if we are expecting a situation, like a strong storm.

Heavy rain can have us all running for the safety of our homes, but it can become too much too fast and lead to flooding and mold concerns. Minor kitchen fires may seem contained in the moment, but you could be surprised to find soot and lingering smoke odors in other levels of your home.

These types of compounding damage can be really frustrating to deal with, and the longer you wait to address the problem, the worse it can become.

That’s why a quick response is always necessary! Our team is here to answer your call for help and we will get right to work for you.

A Single Team, Endless Possibilities

Every minute matters when it comes to reliable disaster recovery, which is why we are here 247 to respond to your home or business emergency. We know that quick action needs to be taken to avoid serious structural damage from setting in, so we get right to work to help you recover quickly.

Our highly trained team members will focus our efforts on your recovery based on your home’s specific needs. We will adjust your recovery plan no matter what kind of fire, water or storm damage is present. Our team is also locally owned and operated right here in the Conway community, which allows us to truly be faster to your home disaster.

We can do everything from securing your roof after suffering storm damage to pulling smoke odors out of your air after suffering a house fire. We have the tools and training to get it done for you quickly and efficiently.

Another benefit of working with us is that we are a one-stop-shop for all of your restoration needs! You can say goodbye to working with multiple contractors and agreements and relax in the knowledge that we will handle everything from start to finish.

We are ready to go to work for you, all you have to do is call. We know that suffering a home disaster can be frustrating, but we can assure you that SERVPRO® is here to make sure sunnier days are right around the corner for you.

Have you experienced a disaster and need restorations? Make one call to our office to start recovery fast.

Tips for a Safe and Toasty Warm Winter | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

1/16/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

Now that the holidays are over and a new year has begun, we all settle in to ride out the doldrums of winter together. These chilly temperatures and unfavorable weather can have all of us running to the warmth and safety of our homes much more often.

Unfortunately, the number of house fires drastically increases in the winter as we all turn on space heaters or stoke our fireplaces. Our team explains some easy ways to reduce your fire risk without sacrificing your comfort below.

Prepping Your Fires

We can all appreciate how nice a warm fire can feel on a cold winter’s night, but fireplaces can be really dangerous if not cared for properly.

First, you need to be cleaning out leftover ash before each new fire, and you should also take the time to thoroughly scrub your chimney walls to remove creosote buildup. Consider hiring a professional to come out and perform a thorough inspection of your chimney every year to look for cracks or aging issues.

If you keep flammable materials on your mantle, remove them before starting a fire and check to make sure your smoke detectors are in good working order. If your fireplace is gas or electric, take the time to check the gas or electrical lines before flipping your switch on. A single leak or loose connection can be dangerous or even deadly.

Setting Up Heaters for Success

Who doesn’t love having a toasty space heater at their feet while they are working or nearby while reading on the couch? However, space heaters can also be dangerous if they aren’t used properly. In fact, around 1,700 house fires are started by faulty space heaters or misuse.

The key to safe space heater use is to set it up in a fire-safe location. Choose a spot in your home that is flat, level and nonflammable, avoiding carpets or shag rugs. Keep the cord lying flat and consider taping it down to avoid tripping hazards.

This tip may surprise you, but your space heater should have a buffer of at least three feet of anything around it. This is crucial in case it tips over or gets knocked over. Try to keep pets and kids out of the area as much as possible.

Tips for Safety Features

It is important to remember that not all space heaters are created equally, so don’t just buy the first one you see or the one that is on sale. Do your research to make sure you are choosing a safe heater.

Check their website to ensure that they have passed all of their safety certifications, and read reviews of the heater you are researching to check what actual users have to say about it. In addition, certain safety features can help ensure it is a good purchase. A safety shutoff feature can help be a great backup if you have a hard time remembering to turn off your heater!

Lastly, be sure the heater cord is well-made and long enough for your needs. A length of at least six feet can help ensure you can set your heater up in a fire-safe location without sacrificing your comfort in the process.

Stay safe, stay warm and stay fire-free out there, folks! We hope you have a great rest of your winter season, but remember that we are always here if you suffer from any kind of fire damage. We will put your home back together quickly and with the confidence you deserve.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO® for immediate assistance.

Suspect a Water Leak? Look Here First | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

close up of condensation on window pane and ledge Water damage can happen anywhere in your home. Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to restore water damage on your property 24/7, 365.

Water serves such an essential role in our lives, and we rely on it to get all kinds of things done in our households on a daily basis. It is the star of many cooking ventures, the best way to get dishes, pets and kids clean after a long day and it freezes nicely into the ice cubes that chill our drinks.

This easy access to water makes our lives more efficient, but it can also increase our risk of suffering from water damage from time to time. Water leaks can happen at any moment, so knowing where to go looking for them is essential to stopping a problem from getting worse.

Under the Sink

We all have at least one sink in our houses, and that sink holds an important role of draining water efficiently through your water lines. A single loose connection or a deteriorating seal can be the catalyst for a serious water leak to happen under your cupboards.

Once a water leak starts in an unsuspecting spot, it can quickly seep and drip into your wooden cupboards, down your walls and under your floors. If you come upon a new puddle on the ground or notice a dip in your water pressure, get down below to investigate further.

Under or Behind Appliances

Many of us rely heavily on our appliances to help us get through our days and they can make our lives so much easier! However, a single leak or electrical malfunction can cause water to pour out onto your floors without much notice. Dishwashers, water heaters and washing machines are often the largest culprits when it comes to water leaks.

To add to the frustration, many water leaks begin behind or beneath appliances, making it hard to spot at the beginning. Try to get into the habit of pulling your machines away from the wall regularly to check underneath and behind them. A single water spot or a small mold colony should prompt you to take action right away.

Behind Drywall

If a water leak does happen in your house, you hope that it occurs in an easily accessible area. That can make cleanup and any restoration a bit easier. Unfortunately, water leaks often happen behind walls or under floors because that’s where all of your water lines eventually lead to!

If you start to notice your home smells musty or a spot near your ceiling is slowly getting darker than the rest of the wall, it may indicate a water leak behind your wall.

Window and Door Water Leaks

Condensation is a natural process that happens when the moisture in the air reacts to the drastic temperature change between the inside and outside. If condensation forms on your windows, it can seep down and settle onto your window sills or get behind your drywall.

Windows and doors can also experience structural aging and start to sag against their frames. If that happens, moisture can easily get in through those small gaps and cracks that appear and leak down your walls.

If you do become the victim of water damage, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help. We will make sure all of the excess water is removed and your home is restored quickly. Call us today for a faster and more thorough restoration.

Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO® for a quick restoration.

When You Need Disaster Assistance, You Need Us | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

12/15/2023 (Permalink)

group of 3 SERVPRO reps standing near a green semi truck at a work site No job is too big or too small for our team of industry leading experts at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties!

Disasters are by nature unexpected. No one assumes that floods, fires or storms will happen on any given day. Lives can be turned upside down in an instant without much warning.

Even when we are prepared or are aware of the projected forecast, it can still be a helpless feeling to watch your home being damaged without being able to do anything about it.

No matter what kind of disaster happens in your home, recovering quickly is always a top priority. That’s where SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties comes into play!

Choosing Your Restoration Company

Experiencing a home disaster is usually an overwhelming experience that can lead to many emotions and feelings of frustration. These feelings can be made even worse by an unfriendly or unreliable restoration team.

Getting your life back together again is so important, and we fully understand that. We know that the company you choose should have extensive experience, a friendly demeanor, necessary training and a passion for helping others.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is all of that and more! Our team offers reliable and efficient restoration services and our team members are dedicated to helping you recover immediately. We are available 247 for emergency assistance, and we can be at your door faster because we are locally owned and operated, making us your neighbors!

The Experience You Deserve

While supporting local businesses in your community is important, it is also important to ensure the restoration team you choose has the resources you need to fully recover. Our team is proudly backed by the national SERVPRO® brand to ensure we have the team and resources we need to help you from start to finish.

SERVPRO has been in business since 1967, and we quickly became one of the trusted leaders in the restoration industry. Today, there are more than 2,000 locations all around the nation, including our branch locally owned and operated here in the Conway area.

Our team offers the total package when it comes to restoration! We are constantly training and perfecting our craft to ensure you can rely on us no matter what kind of disaster occurs in your home. We also only use the most reliable and most advanced restoration equipment that is available.

With our rich history and quality restoration services, it’s no wonder that SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is a trusted restoration leader in the Conway area. We will help you recover faster and more thoroughly day or night.

Want to learn more about everything we can do for you? Contact us to be prepared for anything.

Don’t Stand for Standing Water at Work | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

12/1/2023 (Permalink)

concrete floor tiling with large cracks and water on it Give SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties a call to restore your business from water damage!

You are busy getting ready for another regular day at work—you arrive, start turning on lights and unlocking doors, only to be hit with a musty odor of stagnant water. Where is the water leak and when did it exactly start?

Water leaks can happen at any point at your business, and they are always inconvenient. While minor leaks can usually be contained and cleaned up quickly, serious floods or burst water lines can feel like true nightmares.

No matter how your business suffered the water disaster, tackling the cleanup quickly is crucial. The sooner you can address the situation, the less damage you will have to overcome. Follow the steps below to stay in control when you come upon a water disaster at work.

<h3steps-toward-success">The Steps Toward Success

Discovering a water disaster at work can be really unnerving, especially if it is a complete surprise. Try to stay calm and follow these easy steps to help you focus on what needs to be done and to stay in control of the situation.

1. Stay safe. Just like anything else in life, staying safe should be your top priority. Get yourself and your employees to a safe location, and then assess the situation. Take some pictures of the situation and call SERVPRO® right away so we can start creating your recovery plan.

2. Control the disaster. While we have a quick response time, there will still be a small amount of time from when you call us to when we arrive at your home. Because of this, taking control by stopping the flow of water can help minimize your damage. Identify the source of the water as quickly as possible, and shut off the water valve that is controlling the flow of water. If you can’t find it quickly and water is still pouring out onto your floor, shut off the main waterline just to be safe.

3. Start the drying process. You will want to open some windows and turn on some fans to remove start the drying process, but try not to walk through the water if you don’t have to. Floodwater can pick up all kinds of hazardous substances along the way, like sewage, chemicals and storm runoff. Keep the area secure and closed to the public while you wait for us to arrive.

<h3recovery-process">The Recovery Process

You might breathe a sigh of relief to see our trucks in your drive! Our team will get right to work assessing the situation and setting up our drying equipment to remove the standing water. We will also address the source of the leak and secure that situation as well.

We will work with your insurance company throughout the entire process, so all you have to do during this time is focus on the well-being of your team. We often can find a way to section off the affected area so you can continue to operate however you are able until the repairs are complete.

Our team is dedicated to helping you overcome your water disaster as quickly as possible because we know how detrimental long-term closures can be to the success of your business.

Lean on us when you suffer water damage, and we will work alongside you to tackle your standing water issue in no time at all.

Do you need repairs after a water disaster in your commercial building? Contact us to get dried out quickly.

Different Home Damage Possibilities | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

residentail home with roof destroyed and debris falling down If you discover damage in your residence, call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties right away.

Our homes are constantly under threat when it comes to damage possibilities. Strong weather, potential fires and structural aging issues can cause significant damage that leaves you with a lot of questions and yet another phone call to your insurance company.

Even with the potential risks that we face every day, we can’t live our lives in a constant state of worry! Natural disasters can’t be prevented, but preparing for every situation can help you ride out even the most unexpected situations with minimal to no damage.

SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help with your entire restoration. We explain some of the most common types of damage and what our recovery process looks like below.

The Biggest Risks to the Conway Area

Strong winds from thunderstorms, tornadoes and heavy rain that brings flooding issues are the main causes of home damage due to Mother Nature in the Conway area. A popup storm can occur in the afternoon even when the morning starts out sunny! Water damage, roof damage and house fires are some of the other home damage situations that can occur at any point.

Water damage can come from any sort of home accident, including appliance malfunctions, burst pipes or faucet leaks, but it can also occur when rain infiltrates your home through a leak or a flood. The same holds true for fire, but more often than not, house fires are caused by human error or neglect.

When the Damage Gets Worse

Home damage is frustrating no matter what happens in your home, but it unfortunately may only be the beginning in a long string of damage repairs. For example, a flood certainly will lead to water damage, but it can also lead to mold issues or structural damage that could affect your foundation.

Fires also have the ability to cause further damage, even after the flames are out. Soot and smoke can spread to different levels or areas of your home that didn’t catch fire, leaving stained walls and lingering odors. Fire can also lead to water damage due to the water used to put out the fire.

Natural or manmade disasters are both overwhelming and require a trained hand to recover from completely. That’s where we come in! Our team is fully equipped to handle your restoration from start to finish.

When your home suffers a water disaster, we will first focus on removing the excess water to stop the damage from getting worse. We will also tackle odor removal and structural repairs. We will finish with a full sanitization to ensure a mold infestation can’t grow.

If your home suffers from a house fire, we will remove burned debris while we clean up all of the soot and smoke damage. We will also address any water issues during our repair process. If your home is damaged beyond repair, we will tear down the burned sections and rebuild it exactly how you want it.

We are a full-service restoration company, which means we will handle every aspect of your recovery! There is no need to work with other construction or remodeling companies when SERVPRO is on your side.

Does your home need restoration and you don’t want to make more than one call? Contact us to get everything handled by one team.

Planning for Emergencies at Your Business | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

clip board with a disaster preparedness checklist and emergency supplies in the background Are you prepared for disaster? SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here for you when disaster strikes!

Disaster can strike at any time, and the possibility of suffering a disaster at your workplace is actually increasing. The number of natural disasters has increased steadily over the last five years. Not only that, but these instances are becoming stronger and more destructive in nature, which means they leave behind more extensive damage than ever before.

While that might sound scary, we don’t want you to panic! Preparing for these types of situations can help you navigate these scenarios more smoothly.

Knowing what to expect and how to handle each situation is key to keeping your team safe and your business afloat. We explain more about preparing for disasters below.

The Importance of Having a Plan

Since the frequency of natural disasters have been increasing over the years, having a plan can save lives and reduce your damage risk. For example, preparing for the possibility of a flood or a fire can help you react quicker and get your employees to safety right away.

Natural or manmade disasters can cause widespread damage to your property, but they can also be a strain on your budget financially. Creating a plan ahead of time can help minimize the cost of recovery and ensure your staff get their wages in a timely manner.

Sometimes damage can be so severe that businesses have to close during the repair process, and oftentimes, those businesses never reopen. We are here to help make sure that doesn’t happen to you!

The Creation of an Emergency Ready Plan

Your SERVPRO® team has the perfect solution to your preparation needs. Our Emergency Ready Plan is a comprehensive guide that will help you navigate the most uncertain circumstances and will be your solution to staying in control of any damage situation.

Our team will start by assessing your business by laying out the different threats that are unique to your property. For example, a small storefront that sells local goods will have a much different risk level than a large warehouse that works with heat or chemicals.

We will explain what to do before, during and after each disaster. Preparation before certain events might include moving important paperwork to a water-safe location or creating go-bags for your employees to take with them as they get out safely.

Our Emergency Ready Plan will also lay out the important communication strategies to follow. We will create a reliable chain of command when it comes to communicating with authorities and your other team members, and it will also designate who is in charge of what during a disaster.

Your Emergency Ready Plan will help you navigate any weather disaster or manmade disaster with ease and confidence. If you know exactly what to do and when to do it, your losses will be minimized and your business will be restored and back open before you know it.

Ready to create your Emergency Ready Plan for your business? Contact us for your free assessment to start the plan you need.

Baking Up Your Holiday Treats in a Fire-Safe Way | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

pan on kitchen counter in residence ablaze while unattended Fire damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties on the case!

The jolliest time of year has arrived, and we are ready to celebrate the holidays right alongside you. No matter what holidays you observe or how you celebrate, we would bet there will be an abundance of delicious homecooked meals and treats for all to enjoy.

Whether you always bring your family-famous green bean casserole or your sugar cookies are the first to go on the platter, you will be spending more time in the kitchen this season preparing for your holiday parties.

House fires increase at this time of year, particularly those that start in the kitchen. By incorporating these fire-safe practices, you can cook with confidence without the worry of starting an out-of-control blaze.

Space Preparation

Getting your space ready is the key to success! Removing clutter from around your counters and floor can take away tripping hazards, and you should keep your little ones and pets out of this area while the stove or oven is on.

You also need to limit the amount of flammable materials near your burners. Take away wooden utensils, pot holders, oven mitts and holiday decorations, and store them in a safe place so they can’t accidentally catch on fire.

In addition to removing flammable hazards around your kitchen, you also need to address your clothing! Loose apron strings, holiday outfits and long sleeves can also become fire hazards and can create a really dangerous situation for you. Be mindful about your outfit and keep those sleeves rolled up.

Watch Food Carefully

If you are in charge of baking, boiling, grilling or frying, stay close by the kitchen. All forms of cooking can be dangerous, so being near your stove or oven can help you control a situation before it gets out of hand.

Some families love the tradition of deep-frying a turkey, which requires extra precautions and safety measures. Choose one person who will man the fryer and control the oil. Use a flat, nonflammable surface that is far away from any overhangs or outbuildings. Check the package of your turkey, and make sure to pull it out in time so that the meat is completely thawed by the time it goes into the fryer.

Check on Your Alarms and Extinguishers

Preventing a situation before it starts is always ideal, but sometimes it is just not possible. This is why having your alert systems and extinguishers ready to go is vital! Check the batteries in your smoke alarms every month, and replace them as needed.

You also should be sure you have at least one fire extinguisher in your home. Ideally it should be kept close to or inside your kitchen for emergencies. Being able to access it quickly can help you knock down a few flames so you can avoid serious damage.

We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season, but remember that we are always here to help you overcome any fire damage that you do suffer. We will clean, sanitize and rebuild your kitchen so you can get back to your festive holiday plans ahead.

House fires can happen in the blink of an eye. Contact us for a quick restoration day or night!

Safely Navigating Chilly Winter Weather | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

snowy highway with vehicles driving in a squall The winter season is almost upon us! SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has your back with these helpful tips.

The winter season is upon us, and it is time to start thinking about the potential for severe winter weather. While we are less likely to experience a catastrophic blizzard or a deep freeze, our community is still at risk of suffering through our own kind of winter weather.

Heavy rain, sleet, wind and temperatures below freezing can cause all kinds of issues for our homes, and it is not out of the question to experience minor snowstorms from time to time. Preparing ahead of time for these different scenarios can keep your entire family safe and reduce the risk of damage to your home.

Preparing for the Storm

Once the forecast has been predicted, we suggest you head for home and stay there! Traveling during winter storms can be dangerous if sleet, ice or snow are on the roads.

Instead, hunker down and start gathering your emergency supplies to help you stay comfortable in case the unexpected occurs. Severe weather can impact your home for hours or even a few days, so having what you need can keep you safer.

Locate your extra flashlights and batteries, emergency candles, and extra blankets in case the power goes out. You should also have a backup heating source like a fireplace to use to help you stay warm.

Depending on the temperature outside, your home may start to cool down quickly if we lose power. Keep a different location in mind that you can head to if your home becomes too uncomfortable to stay in. Communicate with a friend and go to his or her house, or head to a public space if needed in order to stay warm.

Addressing Any Home Damage

Winter weather can come in all shapes and sizes, quickly turning rain into sleet, ice pellets or a sheet of ice that covers the ground. After the storm has blown on, use caution and take a look at your home to get started on any cleanup needs.

Strong wind and ice are usually the most damaging parts of a winter storm in the Conway area, so check your roof and siding for signs of broken materials or missing shingles. You should also evaluate each vent leading from your home and clear off any ice buildup quickly. If your vents cannot safely expel carbon monoxide, it can easily back up into your home and become really dangerous for your family.

Where Our Restoration Team Comes In

Storms can cause all kinds of damage to your home, but we can help you recover no matter what happens! If a tree falls on your roof, we will secure your space and address repairs. If the temperatures drop below freezing and a pipe bursts in your basement, we will dry out the area and replace the pipe.

Our team is here for you 247 to help you recover, all you have to do is get us on the phone after you discover damage. We will take it from here.

Our team is always ready for anything! Contact us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for a quick restoration after suffering damage from a winter storm.

Preparing Your Home for Severe Storms | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Empty parking lot with lots of greenery shown during a heavy downpour of rain. Have you been impacted by the unusual summer storm season? SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has your back when you experience water damage.

Wind, hail, rain, floods and tornadoes… there’s no doubt about it—it’s summertime in Arkansas! Weather can range from quiet rainstorms to dangerous tornadoes at this time of year, so being prepared for both options is crucial for your home and your safety.

Severe weather season in the Conway area tends to bring strong storms with high winds, clapping thunder and the occasional tornado. When a tornado touches down, quick action is key to staying safe, so you should already have your home prepped and ready to go.

Advanced preparation is the way to go when it comes to severe weather! We explain some easy ways to get your home ready below, so read on to learn more.

Regular Home Maintenance

As a homeowner, you work hard to keep your home clean and your yard looking nice. Did you know that your daily tasks and chores actually help protect your home from storms?

Trim your trees and remove dead branches from your property to help reduce your risk of impact damage when the wind picks up. Cleaning out your gutters and setting up your downspouts can help you avoid significant water damage. Keep your yard free of excess clutter, and try to pick up your property at the end of every week and put things away.

In addition, you should be inspecting your home on occasion for signs of wear and tear. Gaps or rotten wood around window panes can easily invite water into your home, and missing or broken shingles can pose trouble for your attic and walls when the rain starts to fall. Repair these issues as soon as you discover them!

Additional Upgrades

Thankfully, preparations for storms don’t cost much money, but there are some additional things you can do to secure your home even further.

Storm shutters are a good choice for our area, as high winds and tornadoes can easily break windows and cause destruction. They can easily be closed when a storm warning is issued and can protect your home from significant damage. If your property is covered in trees, investing in gutter guards can help you avoid clogged gutters, which can help you avoid water damage in your attic or basement.

Adding braces or reinforcements to your outbuildings can help secure these spaces, and gutters can even be installed on them as well to help keep your equipment inside nice and dry.

Once your home is ready, tune in to the local weather reports and heed all warnings that are issued. If the next storm leaves you with home damage, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help you completely recover.

Was your home damaged in a storm? Call us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to start restoration, 247.

Basic Grill Safety For Your Backyard BBQ | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Man holding tongs above grill preparing food outdoors Have you had a barbeque gone wrong? Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to get your space back in shape.

If the summer season is your favorite time of year in Conway, you are not alone! We love the warm sunny days and extra time spent with friends and family just like you do. One of our favorite summer activities is to host BBQs and grill up some burgers and hot dogs.

While grilling may be more common at this time of year, it also brings about the rise in grill fires, which sometimes lead to house fires! In order to reduce your risk of starting an accidental fire while you are grilling, you have to prepare your space and be responsible for the flames.

Read on as our SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties team explains some easy ways to stay safe and fire-free while you are whipping up your famous BBQ ribs or grilled chicken.

Setting Up for Success

The first thing you need to ensure is that your work space is safe and set up outside. You may be thinking that is obvious, but this also includes avoiding your garage and any roof overhangs completely. A grill that can’t vent properly is a health hazard and if it is underneath anything combustible, the heat could start your house on fire.

A good place to set up your grilling spot is a concrete pad or the center of your driveway if it is level. A 10-foot radius from your siding or wooden railings of your deck add an extra layer of protection. Aim to keep pets and kids out of this barrier as well.

Next up, it is time to inspect your specific grill. If you have a charcoal grill, check the drum for any dents or deformities and clean out any ash from the tray catch. If you have a propane grill, be sure that all gas lines are secure and your propane tank isn’t dented or cracked. A leaky tank or gas line is a huge safety concern and can also lead to a dangerous fire situation.

Manning the Grill

Now that you are ready to grill, stay there and grill! Don’t leave your post while you have food on the grill and the flames are hot. Keep a water source like your hose nearby just in case, and consider having a spray bottle on hand to knock down small sparks or a wandering flame.

When you are done grilling and ready to shut everything down, hand off the plate of food and start shutting off burners and closing propane tanks, or scatter the coals and close the vents to cut off the oxygen supply. Once cooled, remove the ashes and put them in a metal can nearby. Check on your grill one more time before going to bed to ensure everything is off and your grill is cool to the touch.

We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer season here in the Conway area! If you do wind up suffering fire damage, remember that SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is always here for you.

Don’t let fire damage linger in your home. Call us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for a fast restoration.

The Steps Following a Water Disaster at Your House | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Pool of water sitting on top of a herringbone patterned wood floor with furniture nearby If you discover water damage in your home or business, call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties right away.

We all rely on the constant flow of water in our homes on a daily basis. We pump water through our pipes to wash our dishes, rinse our clothes, make dinner and even brew that perfect first cup of morning coffee. Water is an incredibly powerful resource that we have the privilege to have in our homes.

However, water also has the potential to be really problematic in our homes if it winds up where it shouldn’t be. In addition to burst pipes and appliance malfunctions, Mother Nature can also send rain from above to wreak havoc. In fact, we have had a really volatile storm season so far that has left many of our community members struggling with storm damage and resulting water damage.

While it is always better to take steps to avoid water damage altogether, sometimes it’s just not possible due to accidents or the forces of nature. Thankfully, SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help!

What to Do First

Discovering a water leak can sometimes be a shock, especially if there is a lot of it or if it is flowing into your home quickly. You need to act just as quickly to control the situation before it gets worse. Water will seep and leak into every available crevice in minutes, and it can be impossible to dry up on your own if it gets under your floor or behind your walls.

If the water leak is due to a faulty pipe or appliance, shut off the water supply by closing the appropriate water valve. If your home was damaged in a storm and the rain is coming in, you may just have to wait it out with a bucket to catch the drips until the threat has passed.

Remember, wading through standing water in your home is never a good idea. Live electrical wires or sharp debris may be lurking under the surface. Go around or avoid the area entirely.

Now it’s time to call SERVPRO. Our team is here 247 to respond to your call for help, and we are ready to respond as soon as you reach out to us.

Our Thorough Drying and Cleaning Process

Our first phone call with you will involve a lot of questions to help us better understand your situation. While we are chatting, start taking some photos of the damage. This will help us create a more robust plan for you, and it will also help make your insurance claims process easier.

Once our team arrives at your door, we can get to work cleaning and drying out your space. We will bring in air movers and blowers to get things dried out, and we will also focus on saving your possessions. Soft materials can often be dried out completely with the right training and tools, so we work quickly and efficiently to avoid irreversible damages. After everything is dry, we will clean, sanitize and deodorize the space.

We can also handle any repairs that are needed! Even just a few drops of water can cause warped walls or wood, so we will pinpoint each area of your home that requires repairs and jump right into action. We won’t stop working for you until you are 100% satisfied with the final product.

You can rely on SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to take your home from wet and soggy to dry and repaired in the blink of an eye. Call us to get started today.

Do you have water damage in your home? Call us for fast and complete restoration.

Assessing Your Storm Damage in a Safe Way | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Dramatic night shot of a home with visible roof damage from a recently storm and fallen debris Summer storms affecting your property? Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to restore your space in no time!

The storm season can be a tricky one to navigate at times. Some storms are predicted days in advance and give us time to prepare, while others can develop quickly and take us by surprise. In either case, strong storms have the potential to leave behind serious destruction in a matter of minutes.

Taking steps to prepare can reduce your risk of the more serious damage, but sometimes that’s not always possible around here. Tornadoes can pop up quickly at any time between now and early fall and strong thunderstorms can bring rain, hail and wind that whips across the Conway area.

Safety should always be your top priority no matter what type of storm situation is brewing, so be sure to keep everyone inside and away from windows until the threat has passed. After the coast is clear, be cautious moving about your home.

Taking these steps below can help you navigate any damage situation safely and more efficiently.

Immediately Following the Storm

Remember that even though the first storm system has passed, you may not be in the clear. Storms can come in waves and the second round can be just as intense, if not even more intense, as the first one. Keep your weather radio near and be sure your safe shelter location is ready at a moment’s notice.

Contact your loved ones as soon as the storm is over to ensure everyone’s safety, especially if a member of your family was out of the house during the storm.

Once your family has been deemed safe, go check on your neighbors. Be cautious moving around any damaged building, but checking on them can help everyone seek safety in an emergency.

Take as many photos of your damage as possible. This will help us document the damage and create our recovery plan for you, but it will also help us navigate your insurance claim process more efficiently. After that, call SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties to get the restoration process started.

The Minutes Following

It is important that you prioritize safety as you walk around your damaged home. Loose nails, boards and other hazards could be sticking out and could injure you. If you are assessing the damage yourself, be sure to carry your cell phone with you in case you run into any trouble.

Do what you can to prevent further damage while you are waiting for us to arrive. We pride ourselves in being quick, but laying tarps or boarding up windows on your own if it is still actively raining can help you avoid more significant damage.

Our restoration team works directly with your insurance company to make sure your claim is being handled correctly, and we can also help you navigate the relocation process if you need to live off site while your restoration occurs.

Storm damage can be devastating, but rest assured that SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties will help you recover right away.

If a storm leaves your home damaged, contact us for fast recovery. We’re here 247 when you need us.

Tips for Responding to Flooding Situations in Your Home | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

image of a large body of water during a rain storm with ripples caused by the heavy downpour Water damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties on the case!

We can all appreciate a good rainstorm at this time of year. Sometimes our lawns really need it, and other times, it can be really refreshing after a long stretch of hot and humid days. But while a soft and gentle rainfall may be calming, more severe weather usually isn’t.

Severe storms can rip across our landscape to dump intense waves of rain on our houses along with high wind and occasional hail. While we can rely on our homes to keep us dry and safe the majority of the time, heavier rain can sometimes force its way into our homes in a variety of locations.

Our SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties team wants you to stay safe under any circumstances, so we explain some easy ways to prepare for intense rain as soon as a watch or warning is issued.

Rain and the Conway Area

Storms are a regular part of summertime in the Conway area, and this year was no different. In addition to mild to moderate rainstorms, we also suffered some pretty extensive damage across our community. Rain has the unique ability to cause a wide variety of damage from ruined walls to flooded yards and basements.

While there is nothing we can do to stop Mother Nature, we can be prepared for the different scenarios when they do occur. Stay connected to the forecast and understand the different potential threats so you can take action right away.

Steps for Staying Safe During a Weather Warning

Safety for your family and your home is always a top priority during severe weather. Postpone or cancel any outdoor plans and head home to start preparing, just be sure to avoid any roads that you know tend to flood easily in the process.

Once you are all safely home, start preparing your yard and property. Tidy up any loose items like toys or lawn equipment, and pull your car into the garage. Tie down anything that can’t be easily picked up, like your trampoline and lawn furniture, and then head inside.

Move any fragile or sentimental possessions away from the walls and off the floor of the lowest level in your home and turn off electricity to those rooms just to be on the safe side. After that, all you can do is stay inside and wait it out. If water does start leaking into your home, stay calm and simply call our water damage restoration team for a full restoration.

Protective Measures for Future Storms

It can be frustrating enough to deal with the current damages, let alone think about them potentially happening again. These type of situations can be overwhelming, but they can actually help you fix the problem for good! For example, if you always have water issues in your basement and your sliding door seems to leak water whenever it rains, you can turn your attention to any seal repairs or consider grading your yard to ensure any rain that does fall will flow in the opposite direction of your house.

If your basement always floods when it rains really hard, consider investing in a sump pump. Sump pumps automatically turn on when they sense excess water near your foundation, so they will collect the water and pump it back to the surface.

Water and flood damage are unfortunately always a possibility no matter how much you prepare. Just remember that our restoration team is available day and night to help you recover faster!

We are here for all of your water disasters. Contact us day or night for a quick recovery.

Tips for Safe Fall Bonfires at Home | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

campfire-style fire pit with flames emerging from the top of the logs on the dark green grass Bonfire season is upon us! SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has your back with these helpful fire safety tips.

While the temperatures outside may not reflect it, the fall season is right around the corner! We are so excited to welcome in a new season and (hopefully) get a break from these crazy hot temperatures. One way that many people in our community enjoy the changing seasons is by hanging out by a bonfire.

Fall bonfires are a great way to relax and spend time with your loved ones, but they can also lead to extensive fire damage if you aren’t careful.

Our SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties team explains more below about fall fire safety and what to do to keep your fire controlled and enjoyable for all.

Starting Your Fire the Safe Way

Do choose a safe and level location for your pit. Portable pits can be moved around to find a flat, nonflammable surface, while permanent pits should be cleared of any nearby brush or logs. You should also make sure any trees are trimmed that are hanging over your pit.

Do keep a source of water ready to use at a moment’s notice. Buckets of water or your garden hose are both reliable ways to extinguish errant flames quickly. If you are too far away from a water source, be sure to keep a shovel nearby if you need to pile dirt or sand on top of the flames in an instant.

Do respect the weather and any local burn bans. High winds or dry conditions can make even the smallest fire dangerous, so choose another day if the conditions are less than ideal. Checking with local authorities is always recommended because burn bans can change by the day.

Maintaining a Safe Fire

Don’t use any gas or lighter fluid on your fire at any point. Flammable substances can light a quick blaze, yes, but they are really unpredictable and can lead to a rapidly spreading fire or one that becomes too large to control.

Don’t let kids or pets play near the flames. In addition to accidents and severe burns, curious children can easily pick up burning sticks and cause your fire to spread beyond your pit.

Don’t let your fire get too large or out of control. It can be fun to feed your fire and watch things burn, but large fires are much harder to control and extinguish fast, so keep it small to keep it safe.

Don’t go inside until a responsible adult has extinguished the flames and embers. Pouring water over everything is vital until all of the logs and ashes are cold to the touch.

Wildfire Safety

Wildfires can start in any manner of ways and can lead to widespread destruction and even death in serious situations. While nature can be responsible for some of these fires, most wildfires are human-caused. You can directly decrease your risk of starting a wildfire with every responsible fire safety decision you make. Doing all of these tasks while you enjoy your bonfire will help keep our community safe.

Fire can be unpredictable, and we know that accidents can occur at any point. Call us right away if your home has been damaged by smoke or flames.

Fire can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Contact us day or night for immediate assistance.

Prepping Your Staff for Weather Emergencies | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/16/2023 (Permalink)

Business man holding an umbrella and briefcase with a dark thunderstorm behind him. If you've suffered from storm-related damage, we're here to help. Call SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties to help you get back to normal.

Running a business means that you are in charge of many different things. Your day-to-day is filled with decision making and problem-solving, but you also have to plan for the future and all of the “what-ifs” when it comes to your business and your staff.

While most of the issues you will encounter have to do with work-related obstacles, there is always the possibility that a weather emergency will take your staff by surprise. If your team isn’t trained on the proper response, it could lead to chaos really quickly.

Arming your staff with the knowledge they need can help keep everyone safe when a storm rolls into town. Check out our great tips below so you can start preparing yourself!

Knowing What Could Happen

We can experience a lot of different weather patterns here, so it is important to understand our risk level based on the season that we are in. Winter usually brings colder, rainier days, while the early spring and summer can be really volatile and destructive with high winds and tornado touchdowns.

Whenever the rain starts to fall, there is always the risk of flooding. Understanding your flood risk is an easy way for you to begin preparations before an emergency arises. Do your best to understand the weekly forecast and be proactive in your planning.

Planning Your Communication

It has never been easier to be connected to your team, thanks to the development of technology over the last few decades. However, this communication can only happen if you have your team’s contact info! Start by creating a group text or an email chain with everyone’s information so you can quickly send off a message when you need to.

If a storm is on the horizon or if you need to tell your staff about your evacuation routes or safe shelter location, a simple message can help direct your team on where to go and what to do in a calm and concise manner.

Plan Your Way Out or Way in

Different weather systems should prompt different reactions. A potential flooding issue or other impending weather scenario could require a quick evacuation. In that instance, your team needs to know how to get out quickly. Show them ahead of time where your evacuation routes are, and be sure to clearly label your exits.

Other weather situations like severe storms or tornadoes require you to stay put and find your safe shelter location. Get this space ready now by stocking it with food, water and emergency supplies, and be sure everyone knows how to get to it without the use of an escalator or elevator.

Once you are ready, it’s time to practice! Practicing your evacuation and getting to your shelter location can ensure everyone reacts appropriately and stays safe during a weather emergency.

Don’t let extreme weather take control! If storms strike your business, SERVPRO® can help you restore your losses.

Understanding Our Fire Damage Restoration Process | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/16/2023 (Permalink)

House fire burning widly through broken windows with flames seen from the outside House fires are scary events. Call SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties to help get you back in action.

Imagine this—it’s the end of a busy week and you and your family are looking forward to going out for dinner together tonight. You get all the kids ready,  get yourself ready and just barely remember to switch over your laundry into the dryer before you leave. You hit start, hop in the car and head to dinner. 

You are settled into a booth with your family, only to receive the phone call no one ever wants to get: Your house is on fire. Thankfully, our local fire department can help put out the flames and control the situation, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have an overwhelming task of home repairs ahead of you. 

That’s where SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties comes in. We can handle your fire damage restoration process from start to finish, and we work hard to make sure your experience is as smooth as it can be during this time. Check out our restoration process below to learn how we can help you. 

The Initial Contact

  • We are a part of your team from the minute you call us. We will ask questions about the fire damage and your specific situation so we can start to gather the right tools and equipment.

  • We arrive and inspect the damage firsthand. We inspect and test the damage site as well as other rooms to understand the level of fire, smoke and soot damage.

  • Our team then secures the rest of your home from further damage, which can include boarding up windows and walls or placing tarps on exposed sections of your roof. 

The Removal Process

  • Many fire-damaged homes also have water damage due to the water used to extinguish the fire. We can bring in our drying equipment and humidifiers at this time.

  • At the same time, we start to remove damaged debris and the residual smoke and soot from your property. Our deodorizers can ensure a complete odor removal throughout your home.

Restoration Time

  • Once the debris and soot have been removed, it’s time to start putting your home back together. We start with a deep-clean and sanitization of your space.

  • Then we get to start on your repairs! This can include anything from replacing drywall and painting to restoring entire rooms or sections of your home. 

We know that suffering a house fire is an overwhelming and scary experience, so we will handle everything from your restoration project to working with your insurance company to ensure a smooth claims process. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here 24/7 for you. 

Suffered a house fire? Our SERVPRO® team is here to help.

Here Comes the Wind! Severe Storm Season Is Here | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

Dense forest area with trees bending due to intense wind and rain If you've suffered from storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties your first call.

On a scorching day, a mild breeze can provide a revitalizing retreat from the oppressive heat. Though the wind is invisible, it is an ever-present force that we can depend on, even when it is not ideal.

However, when the wind intensifies and transforms into a powerful gust, it can cause widespread destruction, leaving homes with terrible damage. While strong winds are typically associated with severe storms, they can arise unexpectedly on clear days.

Familiarize yourself with the potential consequences of high winds and how they can jeopardize your property, and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of your family and your home.

The Different Kinds of Wind

About half of all deadly wind events happen alongside severe thunderstorms, making them a hazard that is hard to avoid. Winds brought on by thunderstorms are known to cause much more destruction than tornadoes.

Debris can be dispersed across your yard, and structures can be severely damaged by thunderstorms’ winds, which can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.

Straight-line winds, a form of thunderstorm wind, can be dangerously destructive, with speeds of up to 100 miles per hour. These winds are not related to rotation, unlike tornadoes, and can cause harm even in places where there is no precipitation.

The combination of various types of winds produced by tornadoes is responsible for their destructive power. East Lansing is vulnerable to tornadoes, which can cause considerable damage on occasion. Aside from tornadoes, strong winds caused by thunderstorms are another risk that residents and businesses in our area should be prepared for.

Wind Damage and Prevention

Severe winds can be incredibly destructive, with downed trees, scattered debris and damaged power lines being some of the most common types of wind damage. Even an anchored mobile home is not immune to these effects when winds exceed 80 miles per hour.

Familiarizing yourself with the various types of weather alerts related to high winds and taking preventive measures to secure outdoor objects can go a long way in reducing the impact of wind damage.

Make sure your trees are well-maintained, and remove any dead or weak branches overhanging your home. Don’t forget to secure any loose objects in your yard that could become flying projectiles.

After the winds have died down, make sure to inspect your home for any signs of damage. Be sure to check your roof for problems such as misplaced shingles, and repair any damage before water leaks inside. Turn to our expert SERVPRO team, and we’ll get your home back to its pre-storm state before you know it.

Has your home been damaged by wind? Call us and get things cleaned up fast.

Teaching Your Kids About Fire Safety | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

Young boy staring at a lit match being held between his fingers SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here for you and your family if you experience a fire in your home or business.

f you have children, you know how much work it is to keep them safe on a daily basis! The world is full of unknowns and things are often out of your complete control, but you do your best to teach them about personal safety while also fostering independence. This can sometimes be tricky with sensitive topics without scaring your children with the facts.

Fire safety is one of those topics that if you introduce it wrong, it can cause your children unnecessary stress and anxiety. By introducing fire safety in a fun or encouraging way, you can increase your child’s likelihood of responding quickly and accurately to a fire emergency.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties explains how to introduce some of these concepts below, so read on to get some ideas for your own children.

Discovering Where Fire Starts

Fires can start in many areas of your home, and each instance carries its own level of risk. Start by explaining how fire starts and what is needed in order for a fire to spread, and then let your children walk around your home to try and identify every space that could start a fire. Lead them into the kitchen, utility room and even the backyard by the grill or fire pit.

Show them the matches and lighters that you use so that your children are familiar with them. Once you explain that they are not toys and should only ever be used by adults, your children will be more likely to leave them alone. A single match and a curious child are never a good mix.

Authority Figures

Seeing a firefighter in his or her suit and heavy gear can be an overwhelming or even scary experience, so don’t let this first interaction happen during a true fire emergency. Try to expose your kids to pictures, videos and books about firefighters. You should also attempt to go to any local meet-and-greet events to see our local fire crews in person.

If your child knows what to expect, it can help him or her understand that these people are just there to help and to trust them. You also need to ensure your children are comfortable calling for help.

To do this, put them in their rooms and have them call out their name as loud as they can! Once you can hear them, tell them to army crawl out of their room and toward the front door.

Forming Your Family Escape Plan

All homes should have a robust emergency exit plan. If you don’t already have one, this is the perfect chance to make it a fun game for your kids. Let them go into each room and find all of the ways out, and have them write down their findings. Once you have your list, see who can make it out of your home the fastest!

This is also the perfect time to discuss the use of windows and window safety. While knowing how to open the windows is important in an actual emergency, be sure that your children know that windows are always a last resort and should never be played with.

Once you are done, put it all together and practice getting out of your home! Choose an external meeting location and practice your plan all the way through at least twice a year.

Fires can cause widespread damage. Call us for a thorough and efficient restoration.

Understanding Our Fire Damage Restoration Process | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

5/18/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”fire” alt = " photograph of a residential home on fire ” > Experiencing a house fire is a scary experience. SERVPRO of Sumter is here to help you through whatever disaster may strike.

Imagine this—it’s the end of a busy week and you and your family are looking forward to going out for dinner together tonight. You get all the kids ready,  get yourself ready and just barely remember to switch over your laundry into the dryer before you leave. You hit start, hop in the car and head to dinner. 

You are settled into a booth with your family, only to receive the phone call no one ever wants to get: Your house is on fire. Thankfully, our local fire department can help put out the flames and control the situation, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have an overwhelming task of home repairs ahead of you. 

That’s where SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties comes in. We can handle your fire damage restoration process from start to finish, and we work hard to make sure your experience is as smooth as it can be during this time. Check out our restoration process below to learn how we can help you. 

The Initial Contact

  • We are a part of your team from the minute you call us. We will ask questions about the fire damage and your specific situation so we can start to gather the right tools and equipment.

  • We arrive and inspect the damage firsthand. We inspect and test the damage site as well as other rooms to understand the level of fire, smoke and soot damage.

  • Our team then secures the rest of your home from further damage, which can include boarding up windows and walls or placing tarps on exposed sections of your roof. 

The Removal Process

  • Many fire-damaged homes also have water damage due to the water used to extinguish the fire. We can bring in our drying equipment and humidifiers at this time.

  • At the same time, we start to remove damaged debris and the residual smoke and soot from your property. Our deodorizers can ensure a complete odor removal throughout your home.

Restoration Time

  • Once the debris and soot have been removed, it’s time to start putting your home back together. We start with a deep-clean and sanitization of your space.

  • Then we get to start on your repairs! This can include anything from replacing drywall and painting to restoring entire rooms or sections of your home. 

We know that suffering a house fire is an overwhelming and scary experience, so we will handle everything from your restoration project to working with your insurance company to ensure a smooth claims process. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here 24/7 for you. 

Suffered a house fire? Our SERVPRO team is here to help.

Discovering Water Damage Fast | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

5/9/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”bucket” alt = " blue bucket in the middle of the living area catching water falling from the ceiling ” > Think you may have water damage in your home? Here are some tips from SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to find the source.

Water damage is a tricky form of home damage. Not only can it occur in large and catastrophic situations like floods, but it can also happen slowly with a single drip around a leaky pipe.

No matter how it happens in your Conway-area home, it can be overwhelming to deal with. The best way to prevent widespread damages is to understand where water damage typically occurs so you can help stop a problem right away.

Our team has laid out some of the most common locations for water damage below, so check it out to stay informed.

Your roof. When was the last time you were up on your roof? If you can’t easily remember, it’s time to get up there and look for signs of damage.

Gaps along your roofline, sagging sections and missing shingles all increase your risk of experiencing water damage, so it is important to address these issues right away.

If you don’t repair the damage as soon as you discover it, your home will certainly suffer during the next heavy rain. Water can easily infiltrate your roof and travel elsewhere in your house.

Water can drip and leak throughout your entire home if the leak is not caught in time. It can warp floors, soak walls and even start to affect your home’s structural integrity. In time, it can contribute to mold growth as well.

In your bathroom. Our bathrooms are one of the most used rooms in our entire homes, so it is no wonder that water damage often starts here. Each water line and drain has the potential to leak or get clogged, leaving you with a puddle and a quickly escalating situation.

Do your best to check around your bathroom often for signs of damage and try to reduce your moisture levels by running a fan or opening a window to completely dry out your bathroom between uses.

Household appliances. If you are a homeowner, chances are that you have at least one appliance that relies on water in order to function. Dishwashers, fridges and washing machines are all common culprits for causing water damage.

Since we don’t often pull these bulky appliances away from the wall, it can be hard to spot an emerging issue until it is too late. Water damage and mold growth could have been happening for a long time until it is discovered!

Run your hand along these appliances often to check for drips or lingering moisture, and certainly investigate any new puddles on the ground. If you are financially able to do so, consider replacing your appliances regularly to ensure you have the latest and most reliable technology in your home.

However, water damage isn’t the end of the world when you have SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties on your side. Just call us, and we will be there to repair your home in no time at all.

Dealing with a water emergency? Our SERVPRO specialists can be on the scene of the disaster ASAP to restore your water-damaged home!

Our Team Has the Training You Can Count On | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

5/4/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”team” alt = " group of 3 SERVPRO reps standing near a green semi truck at a work site ” > Is your home or business in need of restoration? SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is ready to help you recover.around the clock.

When it comes to your home, you know that every decision you make affects your daily life. While certain decisions like what color to paint your front door are minor decisions, major decisions like deciding who to help you restore your fire-damaged kitchen have a large impact.

Imagine if you suffered a kitchen fire and needed help restoring your space, would you be OK with a team with minimal experience and training to come help you? Or would you prefer a nationally known brand that has extensive training to handle any situation?

Choosing SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to help you recover is one of the best decisions you can make. We can handle your situation using the latest and most advanced restoration techniques, and we prioritize proper training for all of our technicians.

We Stay Current on Industry Trainings

We are proud to follow the IICRC standards when it comes to restoration training, and we incorporate the guidelines for cleaning and restoration into our recovery plans every day! Some of the courses that we take include:

  • water damage restoration
  • fire damage restoration
  • mold remediation
  • carpet and upholstery and cleaning

We also ensure our employees get the certifications they need and want! Our certification training program is self-paced, allowing our staff the time they need and deserve to fully understand the material.

We Are Always Learning and Growing

You are never supposed to stop learning throughout life, and we believe that is true for our careers as well! After our employees are trained and onboarded, they always have access to continuing education classes and e-learning opportunities to further their skills.

Home damage can come in all shapes and sizes, so we train for every scenario as much as possible so you can recover quickly and more efficiently.

Continual learning also lets us change up our policies and procedures! As technology changes, we are able to adjust our restoration techniques to align with the current best practices.

How Our Community Benefits

The best part about this is that all of this training is just for you! Everything that we learn is incorporated into our restoration process, allowing for a smoother and more efficient recovery for you.

We take pride in what we do, and we work hard to make sure you are satisfied with the final product. While you could choose another company to help you recover from disaster, there’s no need to take that risk! Choose SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, and you will be one happy homeowner.

When you need help recovering from a disaster, SERVPRO is here for you. Get in touch 24/7 to start your disaster recovery.

The Arrival of the Winter Season | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

12/29/2022 (Permalink)

side by side view of a hot and cold thermometer If you experience damage due to a winter storm, call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties. We have the experience and equipment for any issue.

The official winter season is almost upon us, but we are certainly already starting to feel the effects. The temperatures are lower during the day, and there is a certain crispness to the air at night.

While the thunderstorm season may be on its way out, winter brings its own set of unique threats to your property and home. With some simple preparation, you can prevent the damage from even occurring!

Winter Across the Country

One of the interesting things about the United States is how vastly different the winter season can be across the country.

We may be in for an interesting winter season here in Conway and Faulkner counties! With the predicted lower temperatures and higher chance of snow, we could see more white on the ground than we are used to.

We know that the weather can be unpredictable at times, so we need to be prepared for any scenario as we enter this winter season.

Winter Around Conway and Faulkner Counties

While a typical winter for our area consists of mild to moderate temperatures and snow only on occasion, we can still expect dangerous conditions from time to time.

Rain, sleet and icy conditions can not only be dangerous to you and your families, but also to our homes! When the temperature drops below freezing, it is important to drive carefully or stay off the roads entirely when it starts to rain or sleet.

Preparing Your Home

The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the types of weather that could affect us here in north-central Arkansas](https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/winter/types/). While major snowstorms and blizzards don’t typically affect us, it is still important to understand how they develop and what the alerts for them look like.

Every household needs to have a fully stocked emergency kit, and your car should have a small kit as well. You never know when the weather could turn and create a dangerous situation for you.

No matter what happens this winter, weatherproofing your windows and doors can help lower your electric bill as well as prevent moisture buildup.

Outside your home, take a day to do a full walk around your property to repair any roof issues, clean out your gutters and trim any tree limbs that are hanging over your home. All of these steps can help prevent water and storm damage if a storm were to come through our area.

Winter can be a wonderful time to enjoy the coziness of the holidays and warmth of time well spent with family and friends. Just remember that your team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is ready 247 if you need help. We will jump right into action so you can get back to enjoying all this season has to offer.

If you experience damage in a winter storm, call us. We have the experience and equipment to get your home back to normal.

Keeping Water Troubles at Bay | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

12/29/2022 (Permalink)

a white ceiling showing signs of water damage from a leak If you experience any water damage inside your home or business, reach out to SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

Slowly leaking water problems aren’t always easily noticeable. Sometimes a situation can develop slowly through a tiny leak and you won’t notice until the damage has already been done!

Excess moisture can cause a multitude of problems within your home. Stopping a water leak at its source is the best way to prevent a large and costly repair.

The longer water damage goes undetected in your home, the worse it can get! Read on to learn about some water damage prevention strategies.

Water Fixture Troubles

Sinks are a common source of water troubles. Water supply lines can slowly wear away or the sealing around the connections can deteriorate over time. This can also happen to your showers, bathtubs or toilets.

The best way to notice a problem is to frequently check on these areas of your home! Every time you clean these spaces, check for moisture or slow drips. Even a small leak can waste thousands of gallons of water a year and waste a lot of money.

Water From Appliance Failures

We love the convenience of appliances like refrigerators and dishwashers, but they come with their own water risks! Any type of malfunction or blockage can cause a massive leak all over your kitchen floor. A water disaster of this size can lead to warped floors or ruined wood trim.

Checking for leaks can be easy to do! Simply unplug your appliances and check behind them for water spots or staining. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, call us right away so we can further investigate.

Water Damage From Weather

Not all water damage issues originate inside your homes! We are vulnerable to the danger of Mother Nature at any time.

We are no strangers to winter weather. While we may avoid some of the harshest temperatures and storms like some of the country endures, we surely see our fair share of winter storms. Because of this, it is important to always know how you and your family will react to ice, rain, sleet and snow at any given time.

Managing the moisture in your home is a great way to reduce your risk of water damage. Any steps you can take on a daily basis can go a long way in protecting your home!

Clean out your gutters every season and make sure your downspouts are installed and pointing away from your foundation. It is also important to do a thorough check of the seals around your windows and doors. An extra bead of caulk around any noticeable gapping or a draft can help keep moisture out of your home.

If you experience water damage inside your home or business, call us247. We have the experience and equipment to get your property back in working order fast.

Your Hometown Restoration Team Is Here for You | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

10/11/2022 (Permalink)

a SERVPRO crew unloading cleaning equipment out of a green van No job is too big or small. Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties today to schedule your estimate

Choosing a restoration team to assist you when you are recovering from damages to your home or business is one of the most important decisions you can make! Your team should be able to produce quality work that you can trust.

When you choose SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, that is exactly what you will get! We promise to perform our high-quality restoration services for every project that we have.

We can also offer much more than just our restoration services! We offer deep-cleans of your commercial property, as well as more sensitive cleanings like vandalism or a recent graffiti problem at your home or business.

While all of that is important when choosing a restoration company, we think one of the most beneficial things is that your team should be local.

The Benefits of a Local Service1. We Will Answer Your Call for Help Faster

When you suffer damages to your home, the last thing you want to do is wait days to weeks for a company to fit you into their schedule! With us, we are just a few streets and a phone call away from providing you with our top-notch services.

2. We Understand Our Unique Weather

We don’t just work in this community, a lot of us live here, too! So when the weather forecast is predicted in the evening or a particularly strong storm begins developing on radar, we are watching it just like you are.

However, in addition to preparing for a storm in our own homes, we begin connecting with our teams to plan our response to any calls for help in the aftermath.

We have witnessed countless tornado watches and warnings, and we are all too familiar with watching a storm develop in the sky above us. Since we work in the same conditions we live in, we know exactly how to respond in each scenario.

3. We Love Central Arkansas

We know that there are different restoration companies out there, but we also know that they don’t compare to our level of service and dedication to our area. If you choose another company to assist you, chances are that the team that shows up will be a mix of people from all around and may not even be from Arkansas!

That leaves you vulnerable to a company that is unfamiliar with the area and the different resources available here.

The SERVPRO team that shows up at your door will be friendly and uniquely passionate about our counties! We can chat with you about the best places to fish along the Arkansas River, or we can share with you our favorite place for a sweet treat if you need a pick-me-up! We have to recommend Kassi’s cookies in Mayflower.

We love it here, and we hope you can tell when we arrive at your home! We also know how to effectively work with our local government ordinances and regulations, ensuring a streamlined process from start to finish.

Our National Brand With a Personal Touch

We typically work with local technicians and organizations in whatever area we are serving, but sometimes a larger-scale disaster requires a bit more attention than what our resources can provide.

That’s where our neighboring SERVPRO locations come in! We have great relationships with other locally owned locations that allow us to work together to do whatever it takes to complete your project with satisfaction.

When disaster strikes your home or your business, we’re the team you can trust—located right here, close to home. Get in touch today to get started!

Assessing Your Home’s Flood Risk | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

10/1/2022 (Permalink)

a group of residential homes with major flooding in back yards Experienced water damage in your home? Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to get the restoration process started right away

Flooding problems can be a large issue for many homeowners. If you consistently seem to find water in your home after a storm, seeing inclement weather in the forecast can make you feel nervous.

If you do experience some sort of water damage, it may not be covered under your insurance and you may not make the list to receive federal assistance. Armed with that information, it is even more important to prepare your home on your own as best as you can.

Our counties have some minimal flood risk zones and some zone A areas. Floods can happen due to the rising river levels from the Arkansas River or from any severe weather that comes our way, so it is important to be prepared for heavy rains and unexpected flash flooding.

Outdoor Preparation

Taking the time to prepare and clear your gutters is a great way to help reduce your risk of having water back up on your roof and leak down your walls. Also make sure you angle your downspouts as far away from your home as you can.

Consider adding mulch around your home to absorb excess moisture, or plant a garden in an area that could help encourage water to flow down to it instead of toward your home. Any landscaping you can do to help prevent water from flowing backward into your foundation will be helpful.

Your fuel and propane tanks should be anchored to the ground to make sure they are protected in the event of a flood. It can also be a good idea to turn off power to any floor or ground outlets before any incoming weather.

Indoor Preparation

If your foundation is not waterproof, a single crack can cause a lot of water issues for you. If you notice any sort of cracking or breaking along your foundation line, call a professional to repair the crack right away.

Your basement may also benefit from installing a sump pump! A sump pump works by pumping water away from your home as it flows toward it.

Flooding problems can also stem from an appliance or a rusted-out pipe. If you notice any weathering on a pipe in your utility room or start to notice water spots on your floor after running a load in your dishwasher, it is best to investigate the cause right away.

Once your home is safeguarded using these tips, it is time to address the contents of your home. A flood can ruin photographs, important documents and anything else made of paper. It is best to store these types of things on a high shelf or in a waterproof safe.

Make sure to include a copy of your emergency plan up high as well so you are never caught without it!

What if you do experience damage? Taking quick action any time you encounter flooding will help reduce your risk of long-term or irreversible damages and mold growth.

Experienced water damage in your home? Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties today to get your restoration completed faster.

Is Your Home Ready for a Lightning Strike? | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

10/1/2022 (Permalink)

multiple lightning strikes off in distance of dark purple night sky If you are dealing with smoke or fire damage from a recent fire, call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to learn about a restoration solution for

Fire safety is most commonly focused on preventing fires inside the home. But what happens when the fire originates from a source outside of our control? Lightning strike fires can be incredibly destructive if they are not caught and extinguished right away.

Having your home hit by a lightning bolt actually is more common than you might assume. In 2020 alone, 70,000 homes were damaged by lightning or the fire after the strike. If this happens to you, it is important to know what to do!

Lightning Creation

Lightning is a reaction of a large electric current inside a thunderstorm. When the current becomes overly charged, a giant spark is produced and travels to the ground.

Wherever lightning decides to hit, there is risk of a fire or widespread damage.

Your Home’s Risk

If your home gets hit by lightning, it is really important to do a thorough check of every level of your house to catch any fires, as one may have started inside a wall or up in the eaves of your house.

Since Mother Nature is unpredictable, it is impossible to know exactly when a lightning strike might hit your home, but you can take some preventive measures.

Add a lightning rod to your roof to help absorb some of the impact of that electrical current. These metal poles are great for reducing your overall level of damage.

Next, you can add surge protectors around the outlets in your home to protect your electronics and to prevent an overall electrical disaster.

Lighting in the Area

Unfortunately, even if you escape a thunderstorm without your home experiencing a lightning strike, you can still be the victim of a lightning fire! All it takes is a strike in a dry field or on a house where no one is home for a fire to get out of control quickly. If that happens, a wildfire may begin.

Address your yard from time to time, and clear it of dead grass or leaves often. You should also look into how you choose to landscape your yard and incorporate some defensible space zones to provide your home with a buffer.

The most important thing to remember is that if you do discover a fire after a lightning strike, get out of your home and call 911. Staying safe is crucial!

After the fire has been extinguished by the professionals, call us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties. We are ready to respond to any type of fire disaster and we will help you fully recover.

Have you experienced smoke or fire damage in your home? Call us today to get the restoration finished fast.

Responsible Recreational Fire Use | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

8/4/2022 (Permalink)

a close up view of a bright campfire burning at night If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

Spending time in your backyard is a staple for the summertime season. Chocolatey s’mores around the bonfire or grilling up your favorite hot dogs with family or friends are wonderful memories to make year after year.

In order to enjoy these fun activities, fire is a necessity! But whether we are lighting a grill or stoking a bonfire, any time there is fire present, there is a higher risk of danger. The National Park Service believes that the majority of wildfires are caused by humans.

Knowing that our grills and bonfires heighten the risk of sparking a wildfire can feel frightening or overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to. With some simple safety measures incorporated into your daily lives, you can continue to roast marshmallows, throw fresh corn on the grill or dispose of your yard waste.

Grills and Bonfires

Grills, campfires, fireworks and portable fire pits are the most common culprits when it comes to starting an unintended fire. In fact, grills start 8,800 home fires.

Fires from grills are mostly started due to user error and neglect, so it is very important to always have someone responsible for the flames. It is also a good idea to check the gas lines and propane tank often to look for leaks or cracks.

If your family frequently builds bonfires, matches or lighters should be the method of lighting your fire. Once your flames are established, stick to only approved firewood and keep the lid on your gas can. Adding gas to a fire is one of the quickest ways to find yourself with an out of control blaze.

Portable fire pits are another great alternative to enjoy the feel of a campfire without having to dig a pit in your yard. However, they carry similar risks and should never be placed on a wooden deck or below any overhangs.

You should always have a way to extinguish the flames quickly if you need to. A shovel and a bucket of water or a hose can help put out a fire and control the damage.

Even though Independence Day has passed for the year, if you are planning to light fireworks for any other celebration this summer, make sure you know your specific city’s requirements for fireworks. Even though fireworks are legal in Arkansas, some cities allow certain kinds while others do not.

Additional Fire Risks

If you live on land that has a lot of leafy trees or pines, the leaf drop in the fall can be overwhelming! Sometimes it is necessary to burn off this debris in order to stay on top of it.

Before beginning any yard project, make sure you understand the local burn bans and the current fire risks for our counties. This handy website is updates in real-time and will change colors based on which counties are at risk.

If we are in a low risk time period, do one final check on the current weather conditions before proceeding. Any day that is excessively windy or particularly dry should be avoided. Skip the flames and choose another activity until the conditions improve.

Keeping your yard clear of excess debris and dead grasses actually helps minimize the risk of adding fuel to a potential wildfire. Understanding what is able to be burned in your backyard will also help keep your risk low.

If you have a gas can or two in your garage, your risk of fire is increased if they are not stored properly. Keep them out of reach of children and only store gasoline in approved containers.

Gas should also not be used for anything other than fuel. While it can be very tempting to use it as a fire accelerant, your fire can quickly get out of hand.

If you do find yourself with fire or smoke damage, we are here to help at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties. Our trained teams are ready to tackle the damages, and we will work hard to get you back into your newly restored home as quickly as possible.

Burn safely outdoors. And save some chocolate for us! If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact us today to get restoration started faster.

Choosing Us as Your Restoration Team | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

8/4/2022 (Permalink)

a group of employees with restoration tools walking away from SERVPRO van No matter what type of disaster you face, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is only a phone call away.

Even though we specialize in damage restoration, we still need to plan for natural disasters just like you do. We are an independently owned and operated SERVPRO location, so we uniquely understand how important it is to protect what you own.

Preventing—and sometimes even predicting—the weather isn’t possible, so in order to be fully prepared, you have to plan ahead before any disasters occur.

If your business is in our area and you also happen to live here, you could end up suffering damages to both your home and commercial property all at once. Dealing with damages to both places seems overwhelming!

To help minimize the risk of suffering a large loss, you should create an emergency plan that can be changed and adapted for different situations. In order to do so, you have to know what kinds of threats affect us here in Conway and Faulkner Counties.

To start creating your emergency plan, begin by collecting information from websites like this great American Red Cross website that outlines potential disasters across the country and how to prepare for them. More locally, both Conway County and Faulkner County have great sites dedicated to emergency preparedness.

It is quite likely that you will suffer damages to some extent at your business or home. When you do, quick action is crucial to make sure you don’t end up with irreparable damages. You should call us first for several reasons:

SERVPRO Over the Rest

We treat each situation in its own unique way. Restoration projects may seem commonplace to us, but we know to treat each situation as its own entity and we know that different situations require different things.

When it comes to water issues, 14 million homes across the nation are at risk of flooding issues every year. However, not every neighborhood and house will suffer the same damages. Some may only have minor water troubles and others will completely flood.

We will approach your restoration project with an unbiased eye, each time.

We will answer your call anytime of day. When it comes to damages, it is crucial to act quickly, so we offer 247 availability. Whatever time of day you call, we will answer.

Any time you experience damage to your home or business, you should act quickly, but when water and mold are involved, a quick response is even more important. Mold and mildew can begin to grow within 48 hours and will take hold quickly.

We can help every step of the way. We can offer our assistance with more than just damage restoration!

We can discuss the details of your claim with your insurance agent, and we can help you pack away your things to protect them from damage while we are working on your project. Any way that we can help make your experience better, we will do it!

No matter what kind of disaster or damages you are dealing with, your team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to guide you through the process. We will jump right into action and work our hardest to get you back into your home as soon as we possibly can.

When you suffer damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get restoration started faster.

Storm Alerts and Your Safety | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

7/14/2022 (Permalink)

a red and white severe weather alert sign If you suspect any damage to your home from a recent storm, call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

One of the unique aspects of American life is that there are so many different weather patterns and climates across the country. In order to keep all of those potential weather situations organized, they are associated with 42 different kinds of weather alerts, and those alerts are subcategorized into multiple smaller groups.

With all of these variables occurring during any type of severe weather, it can be overwhelming!

While it can be helpful to have a solid understanding of all of the different possible alerts, it is really only imperative to understand the ones that commonly are issued here in Conway and Faulkner counties.

Forecasting for Alerts

We all rely on weather forecasting to plan our lives and events, but have you ever wondered how those forecasts are issued in the first place? Since weather forecasts are, at best, educated predictions, meteorologists have to use several factors at their disposal to determine the severity, location and length of any potential severe weather.

To start, the National Weather Service oversees the weather forecasting for the entire nation and for issuing alerts based on those forecasts. To help keep each forecast and alert as accurate as possible, the NWS is broken down into six regional offices around the country, along with sub-offices closer to home.

The Southern Region located in Fort Worth, Texas is the office responsible for our weather forecasting in Conway and Faulkner counties.

The staff employed at the Southern Region office use satellite radar, sensors, seismic activity and solar patterns to create each forecast and any adjoining alerts. While they understand that even the most well-researched forecasts can go awry as Mother Nature is unpredictable, they do their best to make sure they are as precise and thorough as they can be.

Is It a Watch or a Warning?

The most basic weather alerts that we should all understand are watches and warnings. These two terms are used in almost all weather alerts.

When the NWS issues a watch, it means that they have recognized the potential for an incoming storm to produce dangerous qualities like high winds, tornadoes or heavy rains. Storm watches should make you begin to prepare your safe shelter location and keep an eye on the sky.

When a warning is issued or replaces a watch, though, you need to be seeking shelter as soon as possible. A warning means that the incoming storm is currently producing dangerous conditions and you need to be out of the elements in order to stay safe.

Since Arkansas is considered part of “tornado alley,” we tend to be vulnerable to severe storms with frequent tornadoes. The more you understand about how tornado warnings are issued, the safer you can be!

Home Safety Measures

Your family’s safety is always the most important aspect of any weather event, but if you have advanced notice of an incoming storm, you might have some additional time to get your home ready to weather any potential damages.

Clearing your gutters and securing your outdoor furniture are two things your family can do to reduce the risk of damages to your home via water or flying debris. It would also be a good idea to check on your emergency kit and add anything that is missing or depleted.

After the severe threat has passed, take pictures and inventory of any damage that has occurred. If you need assistance with the damages, call us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties. We will answer you 247 and begin creating your restoration plan as soon as we are able.

The more you understand about the weather here, the safer you can stay. By taking the time to review the local weather risks and brushing up on your knowledge of how alerts are issued in your area, you are setting yourself up to be prepared for any storms that come our way.

Experienced storm damage to your home or property? Contact us today for a quick response!

A Few Reasons Why You Should Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/25/2022 (Permalink)

What to Expect when you first contact SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties:

 You can first expect that we are available 24 hours for emergency service! If you are calling day or night, weekday, or weekends, and during the holidays, you can always expect to speak with a real person about the emergency you are experiencing. SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties is the top choice for many insurance agencies.

Here is what happens after the initial call to SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties:

  • Response Time- When your home or business has been damaged, the response time is an important factor in how costly the restoration process can be. We are open 24/7 you can expect to hear back within an hour after you have contacted us about the emergency that you are calling about.
  • Arrival Time- Within 4 hours of the initial call our technicians can be onsite. This fast response can make the difference in the damages to your property, which will end up costing the insurance company less money.
  • Verbal Briefing-Once we have arrived and done an inspection to determine the extent of the damage and decide on the best course of action our team will let you know what should be done at your property and they will also give a verbal briefing to the insurance adjuster.

Our teams quick response will allow the mitigation process to get started right away, which will prevent any further damages to your property. SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties are here to help 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Give us a call at 501-328-3301 and we will get a team dispatched out quickly.

Common Commercial Property Damage Risks | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

a large commercial building with extensive damage to roof and siding SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is your local commercial disaster team. Contact us to learn more about our commercial damage restoration service

Businesses are the backbone of the United States. Ever since our country’s creation, we have relied on innovation and businesses to help fuel and propel our nation forward. We either work for one, frequent one often or own one.

If you fall into the category of a business owner, you know how complex owning a business can be. On top of the day-to-day needs, it is imperative to have plans for when things go awry. When disaster strikes in the form of water or storm damage, it can have terrible consequences for your business.

In addition the sheer amount of repair work that may need to be addressed after a natural disaster, it is also becoming more and more expensive to recover from it. The NCEI reports that over the last five years, our country has suffered an average of $153 billion worth of damage annually, which is a substantial increase from the last couple of reported years.

In Arkansas, we are no stranger to strong storms in the summer months. Even recently we had to recover from some extensive storm damage in Conway. If you own a business in the area where the power was out, it could have really been problematic for you if you rely on electricity for whatever service or product you offer.

Below we shed some light on a few common issues that business owners face and offer some solutions to help mitigate severe and lasting damage to your business.

Water Damage

Unexpected water or lingering moisture problems can create widespread damage as well as mold issues if it is not addressed right away. These water issues can stem from rain-filled thunderstorms and even internal problems like appliance failures or faulty piping. Both kinds of damage can have negative effects on your commercial property.

Flooding from overflowing rivers or flash flood events can overwhelm the ground around your building and can seep into the foundation of your facility. Over time, it can degrade the structure of your building and will cost even more to fix.

Investing in a properly graded landscape around your property can help route water down and away from your foundation.

Water damage can also happen slowly over a longer period of time if it originates from a pipe or leaky appliance. Inspect your plumbing regularly to catch any potential issues before they become an overwhelming issue.

Storm Damage

Destruction from storms is also a common problem that businesses suffer during severe weather season. Even minor storms can cause a loss of electricity, uproot trees and blow debris around that can damage your business exterior.

Most storms fall into the moderate category and bring in winds between 10 and 45 mph and create minor damage risks. However, strong storms like the ones common in the warmer months can produce winds of over 100 mph. Storms with high winds like these can upend vehicles, level buildings and ruin landscaping.

If you are able to install storm-protective window covers or reinforce your roof, it can help reduce the severity of damage when a strong storm rolls through our counties.

Thankfully, proper inspection of your windows, doors and piping can help you avoid costly repairs down the road and can protect your business from catastrophic issues. If you have enough warning ahead of time, clearing your property and preparing it for a storm can help clear out any potential hazards before the storm.

Where SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties Comes In

When faced with damage to your business, it can feel overwhelming and discouraging. If the water or storm damage is severe enough, it can even start to affect your livelihood if your business has to close for an extended period of time.

We are proud to be the company you can trust to get you back on your feet. We provide a quick response and 247 availability, and we maintain communication with you throughout the restoration process.

We believe in your business just as much as you do—and we will work hard to get it back to its pre-damage condition.

If you have experienced damage to your business or want to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

HVAC and the Current Heatwave

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

What Does This Heat Wave Mean To your HVAC System?

With the local current heat index being 103 and above recently this means that your HVAC system is working overtime. We have had an influx of calls from HVAC systems causing water leaks in homes and businesses, either from clogged lines or the drip pan overfilling. Here are some ways to help keep that from happening.

  • Call your HVAC company and have them service your unit. This is the most efficient and easiest, but the most expensive.
  • Check your main condensation line. It is usually located near the ground outside the home and it slowly drips water when the HVAC is on.
  • If the main line isn’t dripping than you need to check the secondary line which is usually above a window or door. You will need to find a way to flush this to remove any blockage. Make sure you research how to properly clear your lines before trying this yourself.
  • The drip pan, check to make sure it has no holes or rust around it. If it is damaged you will need to replace it.

If you have a water leak than we can come out and perform a free inspection at your residence or business. If your HVAC leaks than call SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301

Choosing to Work for SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties!

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties you have the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of people every day. We are seeking individuals who have a positive attitude, service-oriented teammates, self-motivated, and responsible. Join us in our mission to help our customers in their greatest moments of need. We have a family-oriented culture and a standard of excellence in all the work that we do.  Positions are available for the individual who wish to join us in our vision of becoming the premier cleaning and restoration company in the world. We also desire to see you succeed! No matter what your role is at SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties you are helping us restore normalcy to the lives of those affected by water or fire damage in their homes or business in our communities.  If you are highly dependable and excited about exceeding expectations, then you may be just the person we're looking for. To apply, visit us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties!

Fire Prevention Starts at Home | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

interior view of a room with items completely destroyed by fire If your home is damaged in a house fire, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help. Contact us for any fire restoration needs.

According to the American Red Cross, they have responded to more than 20,000 house fires so far this year in 2022. Unfortunately, that number is not even an extensive list of all of the house fires in the United States.

Your first step in fire prevention is to have a fully functioning smoke detector in your home. That is the best way to prevent loss of life and devastating fire damage. After that, there are still some small things you can do yourself to help reduce fire risk in your home.

Declutter Your Spaces

It is easy to have excess in our homes. From our stairways, hallways and entry areas, we can easily become burdened by all of the extra shoes, jackets, blankets and other things that build up over time. If you have lots of things strewn about your home, you are creating tripping hazards if a quick exit is needed.

These things can also be additional fuel to a home fire or can even spark a fire if left too close to water heaters or other housing units. Allow your spaces to stay as organized and as open as possible to help slow the spread if a fire does break out.

Do you make a habit of filling up your outlets and power cords regularly? Overloaded extension cords are a very common issue in homes, and they easily can become a fire hazard. Unplug things when they are not in use, and try to avoid using up every outlet in a power cord all the time.

Your Yard Can Defend You

Your yard is actually the first line of defense when an external fire is threatening outside. By being intentional with how you plant trees and other landscaping, you can create a makeshift barrier around your home. This natural barrier protects your home and slows the spread of a fire to give your fire department more time to reach you.

States California have actually imposed defensible zone regulations due to their proven ability to slow home destruction.

Planting Strategically

Arkansas has seen an increase in wildfires in recent years, and with the Ozark-St. Francis National Forest to our north and the Ouachita National Forest to our south, we are an area that would benefit from implementing defensible spaces in our yards. The next time you are planning to plant a tree, apple blossom or shrub, think about where you’re planting it.

Clean It Up

Finally, even the simple act of cleaning can be a large factor in reducing fire risk. Simple dusting around appliances or electrical outlets help limit potential fuel for an electrical spark. Cleaning your stove and oven regularly ensures that you don’t have any blockages or buildup that could start a fire.

Our homes serve us in so many ways these days—we work, play and relax in them more often in the past few years. Do your part to take care of your home so it continues to take care of you.

If you have experienced fire damage or want to learn more about our fire damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

How Water Damage Progresses: A Timeline | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

5/10/2022 (Permalink)

a bathroom sink showing signs of a water leak SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is your 24/7 water restoration expert. Call us right away if you need immediate service.

Have you ever put off fixing a leaky faucet or delayed drying out a small water spot in your home? If you have, chances are that the lingering effects caused more damage than if you had taken care of it as soon as the issue presented itself.

An average household leak can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water in a year.

Water damage can progress rapidly if left untreated. The damage can seep into floorboards, walls or drywall, and can ruin fragile items in your home. It’s crucial to address the issue right away to give your home the best chance of a full restoration.

Here’s what you need to know about how quickly water damage can move through your home:

In the First 24 Hours

If you live in a house, there is a one in four chance of a flood damaging your home within a 30-year period in a high-risk area. Living in the South, we are susceptible to flash flooding from storms, so it is crucial to know what to do early on after the weather event has passed.

Make sure to be proactive in the first 24 to 48 hours following the damage to ensure the least amount of your belongings and possessions become casualties of the water. Certain items will immediately become waterlogged and ruined if not cared for right away.

Items like cozy chairs, scrapbooks or that family quilt that has been passed down for generations can be compromised beyond repair if quick action is not taken. Items like these can take a long time to dry out and sometimes are not salvageable. Additionally, mold grows quickly and efficiently on these things and can make matters worse.

Here at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, we have the “restore vs. replace” mentality. Your possessions matter to us, and we do our best to save the precious things that cannot be replaced.

However, if something cannot be restored, this will be communicated to you. These things are typically removed as soon as possible to expedite the drying of all restorable materials.

Within the First Week

Mold can spread like wildfire if it is not cleaned up and removed properly in this timeframe. If it sets in, it can be incredibly hard on your home’s internal structure and can even compromise its integrity.

After One Week

After a week, the costs and efforts to restore your home will continue to increase and cause you more money and expertise to reverse. The very structure of your home can become damaged beyond repair as well.

How SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties Will Help

SERVPRO’s restoration process begins with the first call, preferably within the first 24 hours. We begin by thoroughly extracting the water to prevent further spread and to speed up drying time. Most likely, your floors, furniture and other possessions will also need to be cleaned, sanitized and deodorized as well. We finish by using our powerful drying equipment to remove the rest of the moisture and hidden water.

After these initial steps, your home may need construction work to get your property back to its preloss condition. Whether it be a small repair or a massive rebuild, we will be able to help with the restoration and the repairs. We will take you along with us at every step and have you back in your home or business as soon as we can.

Regardless of the type of water damage sustained, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover. Contact us 247 when you need a dependable team to help you recover.

SERVPRO: The Restoration Experts You Can Believe In | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

two SERVPRO employees unloading cleaning equipment out of a green van No matter the damage sustained, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has the tools and team to help your home return to a normal state quickly.

Have you recently experienced a natural disaster or suffered unexpected water or fire damage in your home? When the unexpected happens in your life, we will be there for you.

Here at SERVPRO, we specialize not only in cleanup and restoration services, but we also offer disaster relief cleanup and help people and businesses get through natural or manmade disasters.

Water Damage

Flash flooding can happen in the blink of an eye, especially if it follows a drought period or a hurricane. It doesn’t matter if the water amount is minimal or massive, any amount of water damage can have serious implications for your home.

In fact, floods cause more than $10 billion in damages nationwide every year.

If you own your own home or are a business owner here in Arkansas, unexpected flooding or unexpected water issues can be detrimental to your family. We are proud to have the tools you need to overcome the damages and get back to your life.

We also employ special Disaster Relief Teams that can be mobilized in an instant to aid in hurricane or other disaster cleanup. They are specially trained to provide assistance and support during those difficult times.

Fire Damage

A fire department in the United States responds to a fire every 23 seconds, and there was roughly $8.1 billion in direct property damage and losses nationwide in 2020.

If your home or business has sustained fire damage, we’ll jump right into action with our seven-step restoration process.

Fire damage can be very extensive and widespread, so our restoration process is very thorough and our technicians follow a step-by-step procedure every time to make sure every assessment is made and the proper cleanup plan is created to return your space to the condition it was before the fire.

Storm Damage

Living in the south, we all know that storms can be unpredictable and can develop quickly and intensely without warning. Thankfully, we specialize in unexpected storm damage, too!

If a major storm hits us here in Conway and overwhelms local resources, we have access to equipment and other materials from our other 1,950 locations to ensure a quick and reliable response to your needs. Our network of other locations allows us to have the resources of a large business with the touch of hometown passion.

SERVPRO specializes in content restoration, with the intention of restoring your items rather than replacing them. We want you to keep your possessions just as much as you do.

What Sets SERVPRO Apart?

When we say 247, we mean 247. Our SERVPRO experts will answer your call day or night via our Emergency Line and you will receive immediate, knowledgeable assistance. Disasters don’t happen only during the daytime, so we are ready when you need us.

With more than 50 years of restoration experience, our experts in green are the reason we are the No. 1 cleanup and restoration team in the nation. We pride ourselves in helping your home or business get back to “Like it never even happened” status as quickly as possible.

Regardless of the type of damage sustained, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover from its disastrous effects. Contact us anytime when you need a dependable team to help you rebuild your life.


Common Causes of Fires and Tips To Prevent Them

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

Here are some common causes of fires that you should know and some tips that can help prevent a fire at your home. 


  • Remember to not leave the kitchen unattended while cooking.
  • Turn off burners when finished.Have a fire extinguisher near the kitchen.


  • Never lay down or fall asleep while smoking
  • Smoke outside to avoid falling asleep, putting a cigarette down. 


  • Never leave a candle unattended
  • Make sure that the candle is not close to any items.

These are just a few tips in order to prevent fires. Change your batteries in your smoke detectors the same time each year so you don’t forget to do it and check them periodically to make sure they are working correctly. It is also a good idea to have a plan for you and your family if there ever was a fire and to have practice drills so your family members know what to do in the event of a fire in your home. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to answer any questions if you have had a fire at your home. We are available for emergency service 24 hours 7 days a week.  

3 Types of Natural Flooding & Their 4 Main Causes | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

a street completely submerged in water and a flood warning sign in roadway Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has the team to help you recover from any disastrous event.

As the most common type of natural disaster, flooding is also the most fatal, claiming more lives in the United States annually than hurricanes, tornadoes or lightning. The damage that flooding causes can be localized to one home or impact an entire community depending on its severity.

Flooding can truly happen anywhere in the United States and cause a variety of damages, but there are some key similarities in the type of flooding and what causes it. Today, we will look at the three typical types of flooding and the four reasons they often occur.

The 3 Types of Flooding

Flash floods are the most common type of flood, happening when a storm cell is very wide or parks itself over an area, producing heavy, localized rainfall. Flash flooding happens fast and produces strong currents, often carrying away people and cars caught in its path.

River floods occur when there is too much water for a riverbank to reasonably hold. The water will rise over the sides of the bank, producing flooding in the surrounding area.

Coastal floods happen in areas next to large bodies of water, when storm surges or cyclonic activity causes ocean or gulf levels to rise to flood levels.

The 4 Reasons Natural Flooding Often Occurs

Heavy rainfall. When storms bring about a large amount of rainfall, flooding becomes rather likely. Typically this will manifest as flash floods or river flooding, with urban areas being more at risk. Any area that has a large amount of concrete is more susceptible to flooding, as that inhibits the ground’s ability to absorb excessive amounts of water.

Oceanic activity. A storm surge or hurricane can lead to the rising of an ocean tide, which can then cause coastal flooding. The areas right along the coast are the most endangered, but the water can spread rapidly inland as well.

Dams and levees failing. Many people remember the devastation caused by 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, which was due in part to the levees breaking. This can be extremely devastating, as it releases a large volume of water rapidly.

Snowmelts and ice dams. When in an area that experiences heavy snowfall, spring brings about a lot of melting in a short amount of time, which can lead to flooding. This can be exacerbated by river floods caused by ice dams or ice jams that block the water’s flow downstream.

Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover from its disastrous effects. Contact us anytime when flooding or water damage makes a mess in your life.

Let SERVPRO Help Your Business | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

an image with damaged books SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is your local commercial restoration expert. Contact us today should you experience any damage.

When you own or operate a business (or both), you know that you need all hands on deck to ensure the business operates smoothly. And even when it’s operating at its best, a disaster can throw a wrench into plans.

The good news is: When a disaster strikes, you have a few more “hands on deck” you can rely on. You can count on your neighbor SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to be there for you, because we want to see your business succeed.

Large loss recovery. Fires, storms and flooding are the top causes of financial losses for American businesses. These types of events can cause a large amount of damage, especially if you don’t take action quickly afterward. We understand that accidents or disasters don’t happen at the most opportune times, so that is why we have someone on call 247.

Emergency Ready Plan. Ideally, the recovery process starts long before the disaster does! It’s important to take steps to prepare your business ahead of time. We will work with you to create an emergency plan that outlines what to do and how to do it in the aftermath of an emergency, including basics such as a chain of command and alternative work sites.

Cleaning of All Kinds. We offer cleanup of all types of messes! This includes cleaning for specialized situations like biohazard removal, as well as more general needs like carpet cleaning. We’ve got a solution for every type of messy situation, and the good news is, we have seen and cleaned it all.

Restoration Services. Whether your business has been impacted by a storm, a leaky pipe or a small fire in the kitchen, we can help restore it to preloss condition. Our technicians are trained in comprehensive restoration services, including the repair of water damage, fire damage and storm damage.

Industry Specialization. No matter what type of industry you are in, our technicians are trained on all of the ins and outs of all of them. With the specific or unique needs your company requires in mind, we can tackle any cleaning or restoration needs you may have. And we will do our best to enclose the work area so that your regular business operations are not disturbed.

Whatever your recovery need may be, and whatever your commercial property may require, trust SERVPRO to get the job done. Contact us today to get started on an Emergency Ready Plan or find out how we can serve your business.

Spring Showers & Other Weather Hazards | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

an image with a cloudy, rainy, sunny and snowy sky Extreme temperature changes can lead to the possibility of severe weather. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is a click away if you experience any

The United States is one of the largest countries in the world, coming in second to Russia and Canada based on total land.

When you have a large area like the United States, that means that “seasonal weather” can many different things. There are different weather patterns that occur in different parts of the country, and they cause different weather threats.

With spring upon us, warm and cold air will collide, causing different weather events all throughout the nation. That’s why you must stay prepared.

Let’s look at the Pacific Northwest, which experiences heavy rains during the spring months, often leading to flooding or water damage of some kind. The higher elevations areas here may still have some snow, which can cause problems of its own.

Looking at the Upper Midwest and Northeast regions, you’ll see that spring for this region is actually still winter-like weather. Residents in Maine are likely going to still have snowstorms and blizzards! It’s almost like this region jumps from winter to summer.

Opposite of these regions, the southern West Coast will be looking out for excessive heat waves. In the South Pacific, including Hawaii, they may also be watching for tsunamis.

The middle part of the United States has dryer air, but it’s very windy! This region will have to be prepared for windstorms, derechos and wildfires. With the region being so dry and windy, it’s important to remember how quickly a wildfire can spread with these types of weather conditions. There is also what is known as “Tornado Alley” in this region, so tornadoes can be a problem as well.

Lastly, let’s look at the Southeast region that we call home. This area experiences severe weather conditions leading to anything from severe thunderstorms to tornadoes. In this region, there are some coastal states that will have to be on the lookout for early-season hurricanes.

Weather can be unpredictable, but if you know the regions and their weather conditions, you can stay better prepared. While the weather you experience can look much different than that of someone in a neighboring state, there are hazards everywhere.

If extreme weather leaves you with damage from water, fire or other elements, help is a click away. Contact SERVPRO for fast, expert recovery.

Be Emergency Ready With SERVPRO | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO employee standing in office next to a person reviewing plans If the day comes where your business is hit with disaster or emergency, you can rest assured SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties will be there to he

“Become your own boss,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said.

What they didn’t say is how much time and hard work is devoted to that business of yours. You not only get to be the boss, but you also get to ensure employees are happy, paid and doing their jobs.

So the fact that a natural disaster can come in and ruin your business in a matter of minutes is quite scary. According to FEMA, 40% of small businesses can’t reopen after a natural disaster stops business. And what is even worse is that a quarter of the businesses that do reopen are forced to close forever within the first year.

Now we are faced with another concern. Businesses are not only having to close their doors because of emergencies or natural disasters, but now they are being forced to shut their doors because of global pandemic. Which is why it’s important to plan and prepare while you can!

Did you know that three-quarters of all small businesses don’t have a plan in place? SERVPRO is here to change that.

Our goal is to help business owners in Conway, Vilonia, Mayflower and more prepare an Emergency Ready Plan.

Our goal is to help you become so prepared for a natural disaster or anything else, that when it’s time to evacuate, that’s literally all you will have to do! We will carefully review your business needs and requirements, covering everything from restoration to data recovery. We want to make it a simple process for you and your employees, so that if disaster strikes, you are calm rather than overwhelmed.

Being your own boss can be fun, but fun doesn’t come without hard work, and disaster planning doesn’t have to be that. Call your local SERVPRO experts today and get started on your plan!

When your business is ready to prioritize planning and safety to prevent extended downtime, contact SERVPRO to get the Emergency Ready Plan underway from the folks who know all there is to know about disaster and recovery.

Fire Can’t Start Without These 4 Major Things | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

a small paper house burning If your home or business has any damage, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is ready around the clock to help you recover.

Do you remember what a tetrahedron is? For some of us, it’s been a while since we had a geometry quiz so to save us all time—it’s a three-dimensional, triangular shape with four equal sides.

This relates to fire safety because there is something called a fire tetrahedron. This is a way of saying that it requires four components for a fire to live. With only one component missing, a fire will die.

The 4 Things a Fire Needs to Live

Fuel. The saying “just adding fuel to the fire,” is what we think of when we see that fire needs fuel. The fuel can be things like wood, plastic or other sources. Essentially, it’s something that can easily be burned.

Heat. We are taught as young children that fire is hot. So it’s only logical to know that once something is exposed to heat, it will eventually ignite of melt.

Oxygen. Oxygen is what helps breathe life into anything—and that includes fire. Oxygen provides an expanding series of chemical reactions that actually generate the combustion process.

Chemical Chain Reaction. Things always cause a type of chain reaction. In the case of a fire, this is what continues to feed a fire. 

The 4 Ways to Stop a Fire

Cool it. When you see a fire, your immediate reaction is to douse it with water. Which is smart, seeing that cooling it down is one of the best ways to put a fire out. It’s important to remember, though, that because of the high heat, it will likely take lots of water to put a fire out.

Smother it. Sometimes a fire can’t get cooled off enough, so therefore, the best thing you can do is remove the oxygen that it’s feeding off of! Removing the oxygen by smothering it will quickly help a fire go out.

Starve it. If you starve something from the things it needs, it will eventually die. The same is true for a fire—starve it from fueling agents, oxygen or heat, and it will eventually come to a natural end.

Interrupt the chain reaction. The last thing you can do is to interrupt the chain reaction, and you can do this by using chemical agents. A chemical agent called halon is particularly effective at this, but because it has an elevated potential for ozone depletion, it’s considered an environmental threat.

If the fire tetrahedron makes a wreck of your home or business, we’re ready around the clock to help you recover. Contact SERVPRO anytime for fast, thorough cleanup and recovery after a fire.


Deciphering What “Full Service” Means | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

a green SERVPRO van parked in a warehouse full of equipment When you need cleanup and recovery of any kind, you can trust SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to get the job done.

When you own a home or business, it’s likely that at some point you will endure damage from a storm or an emergency. If that time comes, you know that when you see that big green SERVPRO truck headed your way, all will be fine!

SERVPRO is best known as a cleaning company, but what we think you should really know is that we are a full-service company. Meaning, if you need something cleaned, or restored, no matter the cause, we can get the job done right!

Here’s what SERVPRO means by full service:

Water damage recovery. Water damage can come from all kinds of things and can do all types of damage! No matter what the cause or reason is, you can rest assured that we will be there to get you through the cleanup process.

Fire damage recovery. Fires happen every 23 seconds here in the United States. And as you can imagine, they can do a lot of damage to a structure along with all the contents inside. That’s why SERVPRO brings in lots of help to get your place fixed in an efficient way.

Mold removal. If you’ve had any type of water damage in your home or business, you can bet that at some point you might run into mold damage! Mold can threaten the structure of your home and spreads quickly. So, when it comes to mold cleanup, it’s best you leave that to the professionals.

Storm recovery. Storms happen without warning sometimes and can cause damage to your home or business. No matter what kind of damage you experience, we are on call 247 in case you need immediate help.

Commercial needs. We provide home and business owners with the same services, except business owners get a few more, like advanced cleaning services to let you put your best foot forward.

General cleaning. Cleaning can be the most hated chore for some people, but here at SERVPRO, we don’t mind it. We not only do general cleaning, but we will clean carpets, curtains and upholstery so that when we leave, you know without a doubt your place is clean.

Specialty cleaning. Sometimes you need cleaning that goes above and beyond. We offer advanced, specialized techniques for document restoration, air duct cleaning and even biohazard cleanup.

Add 24-hour service and an easy insurance process to all this, and the picture becomes clear—when you need cleanup and recovery of any kind, you can trust SERVPRO to get the job done.


Commercial Vandalism and Trauma Cleanup

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Trauma, vandalism, and crime scene cleanup. Did you know that SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties provides these services to your commercial business. We know that if you find yourself in a tough situation like these that you will need help and guidance in how to get these situations handled. We are a phone call away and are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can be assured that our trained production staff will always treat you and  your property with empathy and respect.

Here are a few other services we provide instead of the typical water, fire, and mold services: 

*Trauma clean up


*Tear gas and pepper spray residues

*Odor removal and deodorization

*Fire extinguisher debris

SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties will ensure the safety and cleanliness for each situation and make it look "Like it never even happened." Give us a call at 501-328-3301 and we will answer any questions that you might have. We also provide free estimates. 

Spring Storms are Here......What about those gutters?

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

The spring rains have begun and the past 24 hours has been extremely wet her in Conway and Faulkner Counties. So have you thought about those gutters?  This is a great time to get out there and get those gutters unclogged and make sure that your home drainage systems are working properly. Making sure that maintenance is done will help keep damage from occurring to your home by all those spring rains.  

Spring storms can happen quickly and cause extensive damage on your property if the rain water has no where to go and can pool together to cause water damage to the inside of your home. It is always good to have these areas inspected during the year, we typically recommend checking these at least twice a year. 

If you are affected by these spring rains we are available 24 hours 7 days a week and offer free inspections. Hopefully you will not have to call us but if you do then you can rest assured that our technicians are trained and certified to handle these situations. Give SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties a call at 501-328-3301 if you have any questions or need an inspection and make sure you get those gutters cleaned out. 

The High Costs of Water Damage | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

2/6/2022 (Permalink)

"the underside of a sink showing water damage from leaking pipes ” If water damage catches you off-guard and leaves you all wet, you’ve got help on your side. Contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

As a homeowner, water can become a big threat to your home and your possessions. While water helps our world grow and function, it can also cause big problems if you don’t stay aware.

A home has plumbing and appliances that use water every single day. And no matter how prepared or maintained you think your home is, the truth is sometimes things happen that are beyond our control.

But with that said, you can help put your mind at ease by ensuring that your pipes and appliances are well-equipped and maintained. Doing so can lower your risk of becoming a water damage statistic.

24. This is the percentage of all home insurance claims that have something to do with water damage. Almost one in every four insurance claims has to do with water damaging a home or business.

48. This number represents how long you have before your water damage can become a bigger issue, like mold. You typically have only 48 hours before water damage stimulates mold growth in your home—and sometimes it doesn’t even take that long.

98. This is the percentage of homes with a basement that will have water damage at some point. Keep an eye on your basement, looking for signs of a leak, like discoloration or a musty odor.

10,234. Water damage can not only ruin your possessions or equipment—it can also cause major structural damage to a home. That’s why $10,234 is the average amount paid out for water damages.

14,000. If you had to guess how many water damage emergencies happen each day, would you guess 14,000? It’s accurate. That means that every six seconds someone is having to deal with a busted pipe or some other water emergency.

13,000,000,000. In this case, 13 billion is referring to the annual cost of water damage only in the United States. Eye-opening, right?

Some of these numbers can be quite scary, but you can rest easier knowing that most water damage can be prevented. Keep up with the maintenance of your home, regularly checking your appliances and plumbing. Do what you can to help reduce the risk of having to deal with water damage.

If water damage catches you off-guard and leaves you all wet, you’ve got help on your side. Contact SERVPRO to see how we can quickly and fully restore water damage to your home or business.

What to Expect When You Call Us for Water Damage | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

2/6/2022 (Permalink)

a house floating in a large body of water When water damage strikes, make the call to SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for A-to-Z cleanup and restoration.

What would you say if we told you that on a daily basis there are 14,000 Americans who experience water damage issues in their homes? If you happen to be one of these people, don’t panic, at SERVPRO, we are here for you.

Once you contact SERVPRO, we will work quickly and efficiently to get your home back to normal. Here’s what you can expect from us:

Emergency Contact. Our specialists are on hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we are ready to help at any moment’s notice. During your initial call, we will get information about the damage, set up an appointment to come and assess it for ourselves and then determine next steps. Because quick action is crucial, we will be there to help in no time.

Inspection and Water Damage Assessment. When our technicians arrive, we will immediately go to the source of the problem to address it. If the water damage was caused by a leak, we’ll plug it. We will then evaluate the damage, marking hazards along the way. We will then determine what can be saved, restored or replaced.

Water Removal. Because we use powerful pumps and extraction units, we can remove hundreds (or thousands) of gallons of water damage from your home. By removing all the standing water, we can help reduce the risk of mold and speed up the drying time.

Damaged Material Removal. While we try to preserve and restore as much as possible, water damage can render some items irretrievably damaged. We’ll identify those items and remove them from the home.

Cleaning, Sanitizing and Deodorization. With water in the home, soaking into things, there’s no doubt that you are going to want to sanitize and deodorize your home. We can do this by using our industry-leading equipment along with time-tested techniques.

Drying. Once the bulk of the water has been removed, there’s probably water that can’t be seen by the naked eye. We will use cutting-edge equipment to help remove that excess water and moisture so that we can reduce the risk of mold.

Monitoring. As your home is going through the drying process, we will reach out to you by phone and through site visits daily. Our job is to ensure that the drying process is working, and we can adjust equipment as needed to help speed up the process.

Repairs and Construction. Once the water extraction is complete, the real work begins! We can do it all, large or small. We will handle any reconstruction or repair that you need—and we work to help keep the cost down by being your one-stop shop.

When water damage strikes, make the call to SERVPRO for A-to-Z cleanup and restoration. We’ll make your damaged property look “Like it never even happened.”

Do You Have A Plan

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

It's a new year which often means as a business owner you have new goals and strategies for the year, just like us.

Does your strategy for the new year have any thoughts of what you would do to plan for a  disaster? What if the best way to plan for success is to plan for a potential disaster? We can help you with this with our Emergency Ready Profile. It is a unique and customized emergency plan to help your business in the event of a disaster. 

Having contingencies in place to prevent a disaster from derailing your business is something that can save you from a lot of headache and wasted time. When we consider previous events such as historic freezes, flooding, and tornadoes one thing is clear: we cannot control the weather, but we can do our best to prepare for it. 

When you utilize our Emergency Ready Profile, business owners will have a clear plan in the event of one of these events. We will Conduct a walkthrough and gather pertinent information regarding the structure, which will allow responsible parties to make any improvements that could lead to potential headaches down the road. This tool will allow for all information about your business to be in one place, so business owners or facility managers have easy access in the event of a disaster at the business location. It is an excellent way to keep track of your facility to ensure nothing catches you off guard.

The beginning of the year is an ideal time to prepare for a disaster before it occurs. For more information contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to schedule this complimentary service.

Is Your Business Prepared for the Upcoming Weather?

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

The cold weather that is moving through our state this week will be bringing cold temperatures which could mean a potential for winter weather and frozen pipes. When pipes freeze, they expand and may burst, leading to major water repairs and damage to your property.

Our team will be here to help mitigate these emergencies when they occur, but we want to provide some information that can potentially help keep your business from having any issues with frozen pipes.

Tips to prevent frozen pipes:

  • Keeping a steady drip of water flowing can help keep the pipes free from freezing and ice accumulating.
  • Pipe sleeves and heating tape can be applied to insulate the pipes and it is also a good precautionary measure to caulk around gaps where cold drafts can affect pipe temperatures.
  • Shut off any outside water sources that you do not need, especially if you are expecting particularly low temperatures. When a building is left unattended, make sure the thermostat is set no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Open cabinet doors under sinks and in storage areas to allow heat from the room to circulate uninsulated pipes.

If you are dealing with frozen pipes or water damage from frozen pipes in your commercial building call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties as soon as possible. You can reach our team of professionals at 501-328-3301.

What to Know About Preparing for Winter | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

"a close-up image of a wiper blade wiping away condensation on a car windshield”  If winter weather should bring damage to your home or business, contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for fast, restorative solutions.

The winter holidays are sneaking up on us quickly. And while we may not experience the frigid, bitter cold snow storms that the northern region of the United States experiences, we can still have some cold temperatures.

Typical winter weather of snow and ice storms aren’t what you will find around here, at least not regularly. Thankfully, we get to experience winter and enjoy being outside, too.

But even though our winter weather is a little calmer than elsewhere, there are still some steps you should take to prepare:

Service your HVAC. We might not usually get frigid temps, but it is still plenty cold. You’ll want to turn on the heater, if you haven’t already! Have it inspected, ensuring that it’s working and operating safely. Having a professional come out might be in your best interest; you can never be too safe.

Make time for roof, gutter and chimney maintenance. We don’t get a ton of wintery precipitation, but we do get some, averaging at least one inch of snow per month over the winter. Just like rain, snow can cause flooding as well, no matter how much accumulates. Make sure you inspect your roof for loose shingles and secure flashing—and keep your gutters free of debris.

Insulate and seal. If you insulate your attic and seal your windows, you can help in keeping your home warm. By doing this, you are keeping the heat from escaping, which will come in handy in the other seasons as well.

Maintain your vehicle. Whether we’re dealing with a dusting of snow or simply a cold rain, it’s important to make sure your tires are in good shape. Have your car inspected, paying particular attention to the tires, the battery and the windshield wipers. It’s also a good idea to keep an emergency kit in your car in case something happens where you have to use your vehicle as shelter.

If winter weather or unexpected flooding causes water to damage your home, we’re always here to help. Contact SERVPRO to see how quick and easy it is to let the pros handle your cleanup and recovery.

There’s No Curfew for Restoration Services | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

a small interior room showing extensive damage from a recent fire If a fire issue happens, remember the trusted leader in the recovery industry, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

“Be home by midnight, and not a minute later!” That was the cardinal rule for most teens in the past, and you certainly didn’t text or call asking for an extension. Mainly because the technology didn’t exist.

Unlike then, we now have access to anything and everything right at our fingertips! And while we may be a bit spoiled, there are certain areas in which that instant communication is nice and sometimes necessary.

If your home or business has experienced a disaster or accident, instant communication is essential! That’s why we always have someone on call; our SERVPRO technicians know what it’s like and we are here for you.

After a fire. When you think about fire, you probably think about flames. And it’s definitely true—flames can do major damage. But there are other fire byproducts that can wreak havoc on your home, too.

With soot and smoke becoming the new home décor from top to bottom, you have a mess on your hands. These substances becomes embedded into fabrics, carpet or even walls of your home or business, making it almost impossible to clean on your own.

After water damage. When your house springs a leak or experiences some other type of water damage, prompt action is essential. If you don’t act fast, other problems can emerge. In fact, it only takes 48 hours or less before your water damage can also become mold damage.

And if your house or business is damaged and left unrestored for any period of time, additional damage can occur. A house left open to the elements, for example, may also sustain weather-related damage.

Our SERVPRO technicians are here for you, no matter the size or type of disaster! Call us and let the pros deal with the dirty work so that you don’t have to—we’ll get started fast.

When you need help after a home or business disaster, fast service is a priority, and there’s nobody faster or more prepared than SERVPRO. Call us anytime to take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service.


How House Fires Start | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

11/10/2021 (Permalink)

a firefighter battling a fire with a water hose in hand Regardless of the cause, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here for you if your home is affected by fire.

No one wants to see their home caught in a blazing, unpredictable fire. We all try every day to make wise decisions to help prevent this from happening.

However, despite an increased awareness of fire safety, more than a quarter of all reported fires still occur in the home.

Let’s work together in getting that number down by recognizing and staying aware of the top causes of house fires.

Cooking. Cooking is the leading cause of house fires and injuries, with unattended cooking primarily to blame. The best thing you can do to help prevent a fire is to stay in the kitchen while preparing food.

Heating equipment. Heating implements like portable space heaters are another main culprit in helping cause house fires. Heating equipment accounts for 14% of house fires. There can be a combination of things that can cause this, including mishaps and malfunctions. Placing heaters too close to something flammable is also a leading culprit in fires.

Electrical fires. Faulty wiring or a higher usage of electricity (especially in older homes) can also contribute to house fires. Something as simple as placing a higher wattage bulb into a lamp that requires low wattage or having frayed wiring can increase the risk of a house fire.

Intentional fires. There are more than 28,000 intentional home fires started every year. That means someone purposefully set a fire intent on destruction, rather than a fire set for other reasons that simply got out of hand.

Smoking materials. This particular risk is only responsible for 5% of house fire occurrences, but it’s the leading cause of civilian fire deaths. These fires are particularly deadly because they often occur when someone who is smoking falls asleep.

Regardless of the cause, SERVPRO is here for you if your home is affected by fire. Contact your local team today to see how we can help.

Fall Fire Tips | SERVPRO® of Conway & Faulkner Counties

10/19/2021 (Permalink)

You might have noticed, leaves are beginning to fall and there seems to be the perfect crisp chill in the air.

That’s right, the fall season is sneaking up on us quickly. If you’re an avid camper or outdoorsman, this very well could be your favorite season of the year.

Fall, while gorgeous, does present some potential fire hazards. So, curl up with a blanket and a latte and refresh your memory on some simple safety tips to remember this season.

Campfire Safety

Whether you are out camping in the peaceful woods, or you’re simply gathering around with family and friends, it’s important to remember that campfires can present a lot of risks.

Knowing where to put the fire, how to start it and how to put it out are some basic things that you need to consider.

For starters, your campfire should be away from anything flammable. You should start building your fire with dry leaves or twigs and add larger ones later once the fire is going. You should never use an accelerant like kerosene or lighter fluid.

After you have finished enjoying the campfire, you need to ensure that the fire is completely out before leaving the area. You can help make sure the fire is out by slowly dousing it with a bucket of water, which will help put out any remaining embers. As you may know, with burning embers, something as simple as a swift wind can help ignite the fire again.

Space Heaters

Portable space heaters can be very useful in lots of situations, but it’s also important to remember that they are among the most frequent causes of home fires in the fall and winter.

You will want to keep your space heater away from anything flammable on both sides. Also make sure to keep your space heater on a level surface and away from children or pets that could potentially knock it over.

While most space heaters now come with an automatic shutoff capability, this isn’t something you want to chance. Also, you should plug your space heater directly into an outlet, it’s not safe to plug it into an extension cord.


Fall seems to be the beginning of many holidays. With Halloween quickly approaching, you need to remember that candles, decorations and even costumes can present some serious fire hazards. Make sure you are aware as you decorate and stay attentive when you celebrate!

If a fire hazard should turn from potential to reality in your home, remember the trusted leader in the recovery industry and contact SERVPRO to get your property fully restored right down to the smell of smoke.

You can rest easy knowing you’ve got the trusted leader in the restoration industry on the line, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

10/14/2021 (Permalink)

When it comes to your home being damaged, no matter the cause, you will be required to make a quick decision about who to call on for help.

When you’re researching restoration companies, you need to be aware of a few things before fully committing to one. Take a look at the questions listed below so that you can make the best choice for yourself.

Do They Have a Good Reputation?

If you have had a disaster happen to your home, you know all about scammers. These scammers typically follow storms all around the world so they can hit people who are in their most vulnerable state. They come by promising the world, earn your trust, take your money and leave, never to be seen again.

That’s not our story here at SERVPRO. We have been in the national landscape for over 50 years, and we have worked hard to earn a reputation to be proud of. We put in any necessary work it takes to satisfy our customers to the fullest.

Can They Act Fast?

As we have all come to learn, disasters or accidents typically hit at the worst possible times! But regardless of the day or time that they do hit, you need to feel certain that you have someone you can reach right away so that your restoration can begin quickly.

We know all too well that time is not your friend when disaster strikes. That’s why we have someone on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week in case an emergency arises.

Is There a Support System in Place?

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is locally owned and operated right here in Conway. If a disaster arises, we can be there in a hurry.

But sometimes disaster strikes an entire region or community. If catastrophe strikes the entire community, you can rest assured that our SERVPRO family will be there to help you. We are fully backed by an entire nationwide network of SERVPRO franchises.

We can tap into the network at a moment’s notice and call on them for added resources and assistance.

When you call SERVPRO, you can rest easy knowing you’ve got the trusted leader in the restoration industry on the other end of the line. When disaster hits home, contact us to get our local experts and nationwide network on your side.


Vandalism That Turns Into Fire Damage

9/21/2021 (Permalink)

As a commercial property owner you probably do everything you can to keep a fire from happening, but unfortunately things happen that are out of the hands of property owners, like vandalism. That is why you should purchase fire insurance for the premises and make sure that your policy covers vandalism. 

Our office receives several calls a year from property owners who have fire damage from someone breaking in and vandalizing their property. We recently provided services for a church where someone broke in and started a fire in the pastors office. This caused severe damage to the area the fire started and smoke damage through out the church. The water and foams that were used to suppress this fire caused damage to the building as well.

Having insurance on your commercial building can help pay for the cost of repairs caused by the fire and the fire suppression materials. Without proper insurance coverage, you might have to pay for the cost of the damage on your own. This could be devastating to your business. 

It is relatively easy to get insurance on your commercial property. Most insurance agents can offer commercial property policies and your local agent will be able to help you get the best policy for your commercial property. Keep in mind, that there are typically different policies to choose from, it is always a good idea to speak to someone you trust who can help you make the right decision for you and your property.  

If your commercial property has unfortunately been affected from fire damage we can provide a free inspection and help get your commercial property up and running for business. Give us a call at 501-328-3301 and we can help you through the process.  

Several Different Storm Damage Possibilities

9/21/2021 (Permalink)

There are many different types of storm damage and any of these can easily cause damage to your home or business. Knowing these different types of damage that a storm can cause can help you be prepare your home or business when a storm is in the weather forecast. 

Wind damage from a storm can range from blowing a few shingles off the roof to strong winds that my loosen your flashing. This can lead to leaks that can affect he interior of your home. Even a subtle roof leak can produce damp conditions that could lead to a moldy condition. One of our restoration experts can help address storm damage to your residential or commercial property.  

Heavy rains can cause flash flooding in the Conway area. Groundwater can cause materials to get in your home or business that should be handled by professionals. Our team can assist in evaluating what kind of water has flooded the property and the cleanup process after flood damage can be taken care of by our restoration specialists. 

When a storm occurs one thing that people don’t think about is storm damage from lightening.  When there is thunder that that means that lightning is striking. Your home or business can attract a lightning strike that could cause a fire.  Lightning strikes cause about 2% of all fires. If this occurs during a recent storm give SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties a call at 501-328-3301 and we can give you a free assessment of the damage and let you know what our restoration crews can do to get the storm damage cleaned up at your home or business. 

Hurricane Season Is Still Among Us.

9/21/2021 (Permalink)

Hurricane season is still here, so what does that mean for Conway and Faulkner Counties in Arkansas? We have seen rain from Hurricane IDA and rain from tropical storms this season and we want to make sure our community is prepared and knows what to do in case we get more rain from this years hurricane season. Here are some things that can keep you and your loved ones safe if we get more weather elements from this hurricane season.

  • Be informed: Having an evacuation plan in place for your family can ensure that members of your household know what to do during a storm. A planned route and an alternate route to get to a safe place if you need to leave your home is important.  
  • Know the Risks: How susceptible is your area to flooding and wind damage? The more informed you are the better. This will minimize your risks and you will be able to address the areas of your property that you can protect. 
  • Documents: Review your policies ahead of time. Make sure what is covered and if flood insurance is available to you. Place important documents into a fireproof and waterproof safe, such as insurance policies, birth certificates, drivers license or photo identification, and sentimental documents. 
  • Emergency Kit: This is often overlooked, emergency kits should have water, non perishables, blankets, pillows, flashlights, batteries, and a weather proof radio. Also having some toys for children can keep their minds off of what is going on during the storm. 

These tips will help you minimize the risk of damage to your property if your home is affected during this years hurricane season. We know that hurricane season can bring substantial rain, wind and tornadoes to central Arkansas. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties can help if your home is affected by storm damage. 

Water Leaks Don't Consider Your Schedule...That Is Why We Are Here

9/21/2021 (Permalink)

Have you ever thought that you do not have time for the things that happen in your life that are not expected? 

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties knows that water leaks don’t always occur during regular business hours and that is why we provide emergency mitigation services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days, including holidays.

While you are waiting for help to arrive here are a few things that you can do to help minimize damage to your property. If the water loss is from a clean water source, such as a water supply line, sink or tub overflow, hot water heater leak, appliance malfunction, or a burst pipe you can do the following tips to help minimize damage. If the water loss is not from a clean water source then wait for help to arrive as the water could be contaminated.

  • Shut water off
  • Remove excess water by mopping or with towels. Do NOT try and extract water with your vacuum cleaner
  • Move valuable furniture or sensitive items to a dry area of the home. If you can not move the furniture try to place reynolds wrap or bowls under the feet of wooden furniture and use clothespins to pin material from furniture off damp floors. 
  • Remove rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove loose items from the floors

Our trained restoration team will get your residential or commercial emergency taken care of in a timely manner. We can be reached at 501-328-3301. 

Hurricane Season Is Approaching

7/21/2021 (Permalink)

Hurricane season is approaching and SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is prepared to help with these storms that affect other areas. Here are some ways that you can be prepared if you are in the path of a hurricane.

Have An Emergency Kit: Keeping an emergency kit stocked with water, canned foods, non perishables, blankets and toys for children could be the difference between a disaster and an inconvenience. 

Gather Documents: Make sure you understand your insurance policies ahead of time to see what is covered and if flood insurance is available to you. Gather important documents such as insurance policies, IDs, birth certificates, deeds, or even sentimental documents and keep them in a fireproof and waterproof safe. 

Being Informed Is Important: Always know where to go and who to call in an emergency. An evacuation plan being in place in the event of a disaster will ensure that you know what to do in case your home is not the safest place to be during the storm. 

Protect Your Property: Try and protect your property as best as you can ahead of the storm by boarding up windows and moving items inside that are not anchored down.

Implementing some of these tips could help you minimize the risk of your property being a victim of the upcoming hurricane season.  SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties will be available to help with this storm season and help get your home back to normal. 

Realtors and Why You Should Choose SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties

6/25/2021 (Permalink)

Can we talk about the real estate market? Houses are selling faster than they can be listed. Multiple offers are being made to sellers and we are seeing interest rates drop to an all-time low. So, what a better time to have an edge with a reputation for having quality listings whether it be a commercial or a residential listing. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties understands that you want to move a sale through quickly to get your commission. How your listing looks is everything to a potential buyer and we can assist in making that happen. It doesn’t matter what shape or situation your listing is in, the team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties can assist you in many different ways to make sure this sale is quick and the most profitable for you!  Our team can assist you in inspecting a crawl space/attic area for mold, water, or biohazard damage and fix this damage efficiently.  Our team can even assist in estate sales in the case of hoarder cleanouts with optional inventory itemization and cleaning services.   A SERVPRO  professional would be happy to attend your next sales meeting to discuss how to recognize the potential for mold and what to do in case of a fire or water emergency. Call us to schedule an inspection at 501-328-3301. 

Spring and Summer Commercial Cleaning Tips

6/25/2021 (Permalink)

This time of year is a great time to get some much needed cleaning done. Most people think of spring cleaning as only for residential homes, but our commercial spaces need it as well. A good cleaning helps to give workers a more open and less hectic environment; additionally, a clean and welcoming place of business helps to attract customers. Here is a list of some important areas to inspect during your deep cleaning cleaning:   


  • Windows

Windows are one of the simplest yet crucial areas to keep clean.  Beyond making sure you have squeaky clean windows, check to make sure they have tight seals. Checking the caulking and weather stripping to make sure it is intact can save you money in the long term. 

  • Landscaping

This is very important for the presentation of your business.  Now the grass, flowers, weeds and other plants are starting to grow, it’s important to start grooming your landscape.  Don’t wait till your plants get out of control, hire someone now or take some time yourself to pull the weeds, mow the grass, and trim any trees or bushes.  Additionally, this is a great time to plant some flowers if you want to spruce up your place of business. 


When converting your buildings air flow system from heating to air conditioning now is the best time to quality check your system.  Test your system by running it for a while to make sure it’s working properly, check any old or out of date parts that might need replacing.  Clean out the ventilation system by removing dust particles and any other debris lying inside.  Ventilation systems are rarely cleaned, which is why lots of building owners tend to find pest infestation or mold problems when cleaning their vents/ducts.  It is best to take these precautions while the temperature is in a transitioning period.  


  • Dusting

Simple and effective.  Even if you already dust on a regular basis now’s a good time to dust those harder to reach, and often ignored, areas.  

  • Flooring/Carpets

As people come in from the rainy times and wipe their feet on your carpets, dirt begins to build up.  Don’t let this grime buildup in your building; buy some strong cleaning products for your floors and a top quality vacuum for carpets. In addition to constantly maintaining floors and carpets, now is a great time to hire a professional carpet and floor cleaner to give your floors a deep clean. 

If the office has gotten out of hand this can be a good time of year to tidy up and breathe some fresh air into the workplace.  Depending on your type of business will help determine what type of cleaning takes priority. If you need extra help or an even deeper clean call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.  We can be reached at 501-328-3301. 

A Few Reasons to Feel Comfortable Calling Us!

6/25/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has been serving Faulkner and Conway Counties since 2005. Our team understands what it means to be a small business and how to effectively serve our community.  We also understand that even the briefest of business closings can have catastrophic consequences. Our teams will work to get your business back up and running as soon as possible so that you can continue running operations as normal. Should your business be affected by water or fire damage our teams are Here to Help! 

Our teams are also been receiving calls about Covid-19. We have been providing our proprietary Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned cleaning protocol in and around our community in businesses, schools, and churches that have had exposure to Covid-19.  These responsible business owners and managers reached out to us, had their facilities cleaned, and were able to display the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned window decals on their doors, assuring customers that they were cleaned, are ready, and open for business! 

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week –Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties today at 501-328-3301 for your free inspection!

Grill Fires and How to Prevent Them

6/25/2021 (Permalink)

Summer time is here and so is outside fun! 

We all know that summertime means we are firing up those grills! We all love the smell of freshly grilled burgers and hotdogs, but be careful because you don't want those smells to be from fire damage! SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has seen fire damage and smoke damage caused by summer celebrations. 

Did you know that according to the National Fire Protection Association that gas grills cause more than 8900 fire each year.  Grill safety is important, and being aware of a few safety tips will keep your summertime celebration from getting out of hand. Below are some tips to ensure your grill season is a safe one! 

  • Grill away from any structure.
  • Make sure your grill is stable.
  • Keep your grill clean.
  • Check for propane leaks.
  • If the flame goes out, wait five minutes before relighting.
  • Keep an eye on what is going on around the grill.
  • Be cautious when using a charcoal starter fluid.
  • Don't wear loose clothing or clothing that can dangle.
  • Be prepared to put out a fire.

If your property is affected by fire damage or smoke damage, call the trusted professionals at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301. 

Summer Months and Water Damage

6/25/2021 (Permalink)

Hot summer season has reached us and we love to turn on the air conditioning and head to the pool. 

However, just because the risk for frozen pipes has passed, the risk of water damage still poses a threat even during the summer months. 

The extended use of air conditioning units in the summer months means, if not properly maintained, can cause drainage issues. To try and avoid this make sure to change your air filter regularly. Also having regular inspections and cleanings are also important to try and prevent  any issues in your unit from worsening. One thing that is always good to keep an eye on is the drain pan. Check to make sure water isn’t accumulating in the pan. 

Another thing to keep in mind is the potential for pipes to burst. Although burst pipes are more common during the colder months, hot summer weather can still cause this for a home or property owner. If there is any change in your water pressure than this should be inspected and you should ask why this could be happening.   While it could be simply be nothing, it could also be a sign that their is a problem that could lead to a broken pipe. It could be a result of corrosion build-up which leads to leaks and eventually a broken pipe that has affected your home or business.

Another thing to keep an eye out for is cracks appearing in the walls, especially around the corners. This could mean there are changes to your foundation, which could lead to a slab leak. 

These are a few things to watch out for in the summer months so that the summer can be enjoyed. If you have a need for an inspection or have water damage give us a call at 501-328-3301. 

Fozen Pipe Prevention and Tips

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

Freezing weather is moving into Conway and Faulkner Counties in Arkansas within the next several days and the best thing you can do is know how to keep your pipes from freezing before those below freezing temperatures hit. Frozen pipes can be preventable.  SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties wants to offer some tips on how to keep this from happening in your home or business.

How to prevent frozen pipes

Here are some recommend ways to keep your pipes from freezing.

  • Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing, especially if your sinks are on an exterior wall. (If you have small children, be sure to remove any harmful cleaners and household chemicals.)
  • Keep garage doors closed, especially if there are water supply lines in the garage.
  • Let the cold-water drip from a faucet served by exposed pipes. Running water through the pipe—even at a trickle—helps prevent pipes from freezing.
  • Keep the thermostat set to the same temperature during day and night. During a cold snap it is not the time to set back the thermostat at night.
  • Seal cracks and openings around windows, doors, and at sill plates, where the house rests on its foundation.
  • If you plan to be away during cold weather, leave the heat on in your home, set to a temperature no lower than 55° F.

What to do if frozen pipes occur

If you turn on a faucet and only a trickle comes out, you may well have a frozen pipe. If a pipe has broken than turn off the water at the main shutoff valve, which is usually at the water meter or where the mainline enters the house. If the water is still running and no pipes have burst, you can take the following steps. (Of course, if you suspect a more serious problem, call a plumber.) 

  • Turn on the faucet. As you heat the frozen pipe and the ice plug begins to melt, you want the water to be able to flow through. Running water through the pipe, as cold as it is, will help melt ice in the pipe.
  • Apply heat to the section of pipe using an electric heating pad wrapped around the pipe, an electric hair dryer, or by wrapping pipes with towels soaked in hot water. As tempting as it may be, do not use a blowtorch, kerosene or propane heater, a charcoal stove, or any device with an open flame; the high heat can damage the pipes or even start a fire.
  • Apply heat until full water pressure is restored. Check all other faucets in your home to see whether you have additional frozen pipes. If one pipe freezes, others may freeze, too.

If you have had damage from frozen pipes or have questions call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties anytime at 501-328-3301 and we can answer your questions or inspect your damage for free.

What About My Pool in Freezing Weather

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

Jet flowing in a swimming pool Keeping your jets flowing in your swimming pool during freezing temperatures

With the freezing temperatures that are moving into Arkansas in the next several days frozen pipes are a real concern, but some people might not think about the damage that can occur to their swimming pools if they have a pool that has not winterized. This can be a costly repair if these pipes crack or freeze, so the best way to keep this from happening is by prevention.

If your pool has not been winterized there is still a way to keep damage from happening to your pipes. The water needs to stay circulated. This means keeping your pump running 24 hrs a day. Also, if you have any Lumineers or jets keep those running as well.  This helps maintain a constant water temperature and keeps the water moving.  SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help if you have any questions or find you are in need of services please give us a call at 501-328-3301.

What You Can Expect From Us When A Fire Occurs

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

Soot on the floor from a fire that started in a chimney Soot damage from a fire that started in the chimney and affected the entire home.

When a fire happens in your home or business the first 48 hours is important. It can make the difference between restoring vs replacing your property and personal belongings. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties provides timely response ranging from fire, smoot, and smoke removal to content inventory.  

Here is what you can expect from us in your home or business:

  • Within 1 hour from notice of loss a priority responder will contact you.
  • Within 4 hours of loss notification our certified technicians will be onsite to access the damage and walk you through the job process step-by-step, explaining what to expect and the anticipated outcome.
  • Within 8 hours of the on-site visit our certified technicians will begin working to preclean for restoration so no further damage from soot or smoke occurs. We will also be in close contact with your insurance adjuster if a claim has been filed.
  • Once we are finished there will be a final walk through with you and the priority responder.

If you have had a fire in your home or business, you can reach us 24 hours a day at 501-328-3301 for a free inspection and we can help you with any questions you might have.

What Your Kids Should Know When Their is a Home Fire

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

What Your Kids Need to Know About a House Fire

A house fire can happen fast and cause lots of damage in a short amount of time. Your property can be restored thanks to specialists. That is why it is more important to protect your family.

Children can get nervous or anxious when they see a fire in their home. That is why it is important to teach your children fire safety tips. You should regularly practice the below safety tips with your children. This way, they will know exactly what to do during an emergency.

Safety tips to teach your children:

  1. Roll Out of Bed
    Fires often occur while you’re sleeping. Your children should not sit up in bed while there is smoke or a blaze in their room. This could expose them to intense temperatures. When practicing your kid’s safety plan, let them know they should roll out of bed and onto the floor.
  2. Test the Doors
    Children should understand that they should place the back of their hands against a door before opening it. If the door is hot, they should stay where they are or find another way out.
  3. Crawl Through the Home
    To prevent smoke inhalation and burns, children should crawl underneath the fire. The basic crawl involves getting on all fours and keeping the nose pointed at the floor.
    If the heat from the is powerful, you should also teach your kids a crawl where they keep their legs parallel to the floor.

  4. Get to Safety If Trapped
    Your children should also know what to do when an escape is not possible. Tell them that they should get to a room with a door and a window and they should then close the door and open the window. They can then either climb out the window or yell for help.

Smoke Alarms Save Lives!

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

Smoke Alarm on the ceiling in a home Smoke Alarms can Save Lives

Smoke Alarms Save Lives!

When properly installed and maintained smoke alarms save lives according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Smoke alarms should be in every bedroom and on every level in your home, including the basement. In office and commercial environments, check your state requirements or contact your local Fire Marshall to help ensure all codes are met.

Monthly you should test your smoke alarms with the test button. There are smoke alarms that have non-replaceable batteries, these should be replaced every ten years. Batteries in other alarms need replaced every year, and the unit replaced every ten years. If the alarm chirps signaling low battery, take the proper steps to replace the unit or the batteries immediately. You never want to disable or remove the battery from an alarm. Almost half of fires where smoke alarms were present but did not activate had missing or disconnected batteries (NFPA).

If you need help installing, testing or changing batteries in your smoke alarms, contact an electrician, your local fire department, or the American Red Cross.

Be sure your home or workplace has a fire emergency plan in place and conduct regular fire drills. For more information on Emergency Preparedness, contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counites at 501-328-3301.

Smoking Cigarettes Can Cause a Fire? Really?

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

Cigarette Butt in an ashtray Smoking cigarettes can cause house fires and can be deadly.

Thousands of residential fires are linked to smoking each year. Smoking may not be the best habit, and you might wonder how smoking can lead to a fire. There are several ways that cigarette butts can ignite a fire.

  • Throwing a cigarette butt in the trash
  • Using items for ashtrays that are improper
  • Throwing a cigarette butt down outside

Here are some ways to prevent any flames from a cigarette.

  • Do not Use Plants or the Ground as an Ashtray-It can be tempting to throw your cigarette down in the backyard, or in the bushes. But dry grass and leaves can easily catch on fire from a smoldering cigarette butt. You want to find an ashtray or make sure stamp the butt out.
  • Never Smoke Sleepy- Smoking while sleepy can be deadly. Falling asleep on a couch or in a bed with a lit cigarette can lead to embers igniting fabric and the results can be fatal.
  • Don’t Smoke Indoors-Some people still smoke inside the home. Smoking outdoors removes the risk of an ashtray fire, or butts of ashes igniting curtains, furniture or flammable items and leaves your home smelling good.

Smoking can pose a significant fire risk. Use the tips above and learn what not to do.  Should your home be affected by a cigarette fire, call a remediation specialist that you can trust. You can  SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501328-3301 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Winter Storm

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

Freezing Rain on Trees Freezing rain can cause damage to trees and power lines in a winter storm.

The current Winter Storm Watch for several counties in Arkansas, including Conway County and Faulkner County means it is time to prepare for the possibility of some severe weather in our area.  

The weather channel has sent an alert out saying that a high impact winter storm is expected to move over Arkansas from Sunday through Monday evening. There is snowfall expected along with sleet and freezing rain. This could impact several things in your home and business, here is just a few:

  • Burst Pipes-Freezing temperatures can cause pipes to burst due to pressure buildup. Unheated areas and uninsulated areas are at the most risk. Opening the faucet to a trickle can keep the pressure from building up.
  • Fallen Tree Limbs-Freezing rain can damage trees due to the weight of the ice accumulation. Falling branches can damage your roof, siding and gutter system. They can also fall on power lines, creating a fire hazard. And power lines can be affected by the ice buildup from the freezing rain causing electrical outages.
    It is important to be proactive when it comes to winter weather. If your home sustains damage from a winter storm, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties can assist with the damage that has occurred. Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 501-328-3301.

Appliance Leaks and Water Damage

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

When was the last time you inspected your appliances? Many of us don’t give a second thought about our household appliances that we use every day and the amount of wear and tear they receive. Most appliances that we use utilize water. This means they are prone to leaks if not maintained.  Water damage can sit for a long time before damage is realized. Therefore, regular inspections are important for prevention.

Inspect These Appliances Often:

  • Hot Water Heater

A hot water heater will typically have a lifetime of 10 to 15 years, but leaks can start much earlier than this. The seals and pipes connected to the hot water heater can often break.  Keeping an eye out for any accumulation both during and after use is a smart move.

  • Refrigerator

Refrigerators are not moved very often, which can lead to water damage that has happened that you don’t know about. A refrigerator’s water lines are typically made from a soft plastic that can easily fail, so checking for leaks behind and under the fridge as part of your annual home maintenance is wise.

  • Dishwasher

A dishwasher is just as problematic as a refrigerator but is even more isolated and utilizes far more water. Additionally, homeowner’s insurance often does not cover water damage caused by older models of dishwashers, so knowing what models are not covered by your insurance company is a good idea.

  • Washing Machine

Washing machine hoses are some of the most common sources of leaks. It is recommended that they are inspected at least once a month by homeowners. In addition to these regular checks, they should be fully replaced every five years to prevent hidden deterioration.

  • Air Conditioner

The drain in your HVAC unit is designed to keep condensation from pooling in and around the unit, but if this drain malfunctions water damage can quickly be caused. Having a professional technician evaluate your machine is the best defense against HVAC created water damage.

Some Do's and Don'ts When Water Damage Happens

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

Do you know what to do when water damage happens in your home? Do you know what to do and not to do?

 Water damage can happen to anyone’s home resulting in property damage. Here are some things to do and don’ts if you have a water loss. With the right tools and pieces of equipment, our professionals at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties can safely dry out your home or business. Here are some things to always keep in mind.

  • Do shut off the source of water and turn off the electricity.
  • Do try and move furniture if it is safe to do so, to ensure that more damage does not happen to the furniture. If it is not safe to move the furniture than place Reynolds wrap or plastic bowls under the feet of the furniture until help arrives.
  • Do not enter a room with standing water, there could be a potential for electrical shock.
  • Do not lay wet rugs on furniture upholstery because the fabrics have the potential to bleed between each other. 
  • Do not use your household vacuum to try and suck up any water.

These tips can help to minimize damage, and you will be better prepared for help to arrive. Remember to stay safe and get the water damage cleaned up professionally to minimize the chance of mold growth. Our Team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is ready to assist at a with any of your water mitigation emergencies. Give our team a call at 501-328-3301.

Sprinkler Systems in Commercial Buildings

2/2/2021 (Permalink)

Sprinkler systems in commercial buildings are often installed to help save lives and property when a fire occurs. Water damage does occur when putting out the fire or when systems malfunction. This is when SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help. We will come in and inspect the property and dry the structure when a system malfunctions or water damage is caused from the system going off due to a fire.  Fire sprinklers are activated when the mercury liquid filled bulb bursts between 135 and 165 degrees. It is thought by many that they are triggered by smoke, but they are activated by heat. Sprinkler heads commonly fail when the line freezes from cold weather or the head gets hit or pulled by something. We are here to help when you need it most and want to help prevent issues before they arise. It is always a good idea to know where your sprinkler line shut off valves are located if the system ever malfunctions. Give us a call if you have any questions at 501-328-3301.

Keeping our Businesses Clean

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

Crew member wiping down surfaces A team member cleaning your business

Our communities have been through a lot the last several months. Many businesses were shut down and are still unable to open to full capacity. Many businesses have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and many things have changed for business owners and customers. Staying safe is a top concern for customers and business owners. 

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties continues to help businesses stay open by providing cleaning that keeps their customers safe during this difficult time. our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program is a defensive way for us to help businesses the need for a high standard of cleaning. 

We provide preventative cleaning and confirmed cleaning for COVID-19. Our SERVPRO professionals have been trained in biohazard decontamination. 

We are here 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have any questions or need services call us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301.

Your Commercial Business and Frozen Pipes

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

When pipes freeze, they expand and may burst, leading to major water repairs. Frozen pipes in your business can be a big mess. Our team will always be there to help mitigate these emergencies when they occur, we want to do what we can to provide information to you that can potentially help keep your business out of these situations.

Tips to prevent frozen pipes:

  • Letting a small amount of water to flow through pipes at all times can do a lot to prevent pipes from freezing. A steady drip is all that is needed to keep the pipes free from ice accumulation.
  • Many pipes do not have proper insulation to prevent them from freezing in cold weather. Pipe sleeves and heating tape can be applied to insulate the pipes. It is also a good precautionary measure to caulk around gaps where cold drafts can affect pipe temperatures.
  • Shut off any outside water sources that you do not need, especially if you are expecting particularly low temperatures. When a building is left unattended, make sure the thermostat is set no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Open cabinet doors under sinks and in storage areas to allow heat from the room to circulate uninsulated pipes.

Dealing with frozen pipes:

  • Hairdryer – This is one of the safest and most effective ways to thaw a pipe. Open the faucet and then heat the pipe by working back toward the area where the blockage has occurred.
  • Space heater – A small heater can work much faster than a hairdryer. Simply direct the heater toward the frozen area of the pipe.

Make sure you and your employees know where the shut off valve is located. If you are dealing with frozen pipes or water damage from frozen pipes in your commercial building call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties as soon as possible. You can reach our team of professionals at 501-328-3301.

Tips to Prevent Mold Growth in Your Commercial Business

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

Why you should take steps to keep mold from growing in your business.  Some mold, over time, may cause structural damage to wood along with damage to furnishings and finishes. Use the following tips to help prevent mold growth in your business.

#1: Repair Leaks

Leaks from plumbing, windows, roofs, Leaks can lead to significant water damage in your business as well as an increased risk of mold growth. If you are not regularly inspecting your property, it’s easy for these leaks to go unchecked until they create a larger, more costly problem. Watch for signs of a leak such as lower water pressure; wet spots on the floors, ceilings, or walls; and condensation around windowsills and in attic spaces. These leaks can also occur from plumbing, windows, and roofs.

#2: Keep It Clean

Clutter creates lots of hiding spots for crumbs and dust, which are both great food sources for mold. Make sure to clear the clutter and wipe down hard surfaces regularly. Be sure to promptly clean all spills as well. Clean and sanitize break rooms and bathrooms frequently. Both rooms provide ample opportunity for mold growth. These rooms should be cleaned at least weekly depending on how regularly people use each room.

#3: Turn on the AC/Dehumidifier

Many people think turning off the AC when no one is there is the best thing to do but turning the AC off can cause mold to grow. Running your AC or a dehumidifier cuts down the humidity in the building.  Leaks are not the only way for moisture to accumulate in your business. High humidity levels can lead to moisture and mold as well. On hot days, fans can cool you off, but they don’t do much for humidity levels. Run your AC or a dehumidifier to cut down the humidity in the building.

#4: Take Care of Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system can quickly distribute mold spores throughout your building if there is a problem. Make sure your HVAC system receives regular inspections. Sometimes moisture condenses inside air ducts or leaks drip onto ducts from ceiling tiles, which can lead to mold growth inside the ducts. Make sure to keep the HVAC drip pans clean and unobstructed. Additionally, replace your filters as needed.

#5: Slope the Ground Away from the Foundation

If the ground around your building slopes toward the foundation, water can accumulate and weaken your building’s structure. Additionally, it provides an ideal environment for mold to grow. The ground should slope away from the building. You should also make sure your building follows the local building codes for drainage. Mold is persistent. Even if you follow all the right steps it’s still possible for mold to grow and spread in your building. Fortunately, at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, we have the right experience in mold remediation to make your place of business “Like it never even happened.” Unfortunately, mold does not stay put, it grows quickly. You will want to give us a call as soon as you notice it, so we can start the remediation process. Our technicians have the training, equipment, and knowledge necessary to help locate and remediate mold efficiently. If you find mold in your place of business, call us SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301.

Commercial Emergency Ready Plan

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

We have mentioned in a previous blog that SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties can provide our local businesses an Emergency Ready Plan. Our ERP is the best way to help your business. This plan will reduce business interruption following a water, fire, or disaster to your business. As many of 50% of businesses may never recover following a disaster, according to the industry research. Often businesses that survive have a preparedness plan in place. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you will minimize interruption in your business by having a plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business. Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency so that during the emergency you are “Ready for whatever happens.”  Give us a call at 501-328-3301 today and set up your ERP!

Community Preparedness

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

With severe weather in Arkansas right around the corner, it is never too early to prepare your community for emergencies and disasters of all types, “Disasters happen” and that can devastate individuals, neighborhoods, and businesses.

Learn how to be prepared. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have an evacuation and shelter-in-place plan?
  • Do you have a plan to communicate with your family before, during and after an incident?
  • Do you have an emergency supply kit?
  • Do you or someone in your family know CPR?
  • Could you turn off your natural gas if necessary?
  • Do you know how to take cover in an earthquake?

Knowing the answers to the questions above can help your community to be better prepared if there is a disaster.

Make sure your employees and family members are informed and practiced in your emergency plan and be sure to sign up for alerts and warnings for your area, and download other necessary apps to stay informed, such as the FEMA app. If your business has a disaster and you need any questions asked call us anytime at 501-328-3301. 

Where Is My Emergency Kit During The Storm?

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

Do you have an emergency kit ready if there is a storm in the area? If you are not prepared for a severe storm, the results can be devastating. Central Arkansas is no stranger to severe storms, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties wants to share some of the following items to keep in mind while putting together an emergency kit in the event of a severe storm in the area.

  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Any medicine currently being taken
  • Emergency food and water
  • Extra change of clothes and shoes
  • Pet supplies if you are taking care of an animal

These are just a few examples of what an emergency kit should contain. Residents can add whatever else they may need. There should be an emergency kit in every residential building as well as all commercial buildings if possible. Aside from having an emergency kit ready, a plan should also be in place. If there is a designated storm area inside the home or office, occupants should head there with the emergency kits. Severe storms cannot be avoided, but with the right tools and resources they can be easier to deal with.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties wants to make sure the surrounding areas are prepared!

Why Realtors Choose SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

Light grey house with dark grey shutters Local real estate market in Conway Arkansas.

Real Estate is booming!  Houses are selling faster than they can be listed and there is not enough inventory on the market.  SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties understands that you want to move a sale through quickly to get your commission. How your listing looks is everything to a potential buyer and we can assist in making that happen. It does not matter what shape your listing is in we can assist you in many ways to make sure this sale is quick and the most profitable for you!  Our team can assist you in inspecting a crawl space/attic area for mold, water, or biohazard damage and fix this damage efficiently. We can even assist in hoarder cleanouts with optional inventory itemization and cleaning services.   A SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties professional would be happy to attend your next sales meeting to discuss how to recognize the potential for mold and what to do in case of a fire or water emergency. Give us a call at 501-328-3301.

Welcome To Our Team

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

Male employee smiling standing in front of a green background New team member of SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties would like to welcome our new Marketing Manager, Carl Spears, to your team! 

Carl was born and raised in Stuttgart AR. He graduated from Central Arkansas in 1992 with a BS degree in Communications. He started his career in insurance sales with AAA insurance. He ventured into pharmaceuticals sales, and then he revisited insurance sales with Allstate.

Living in Greenbrier the last 12 years, he helped startup a YouTube channel for the local school district. Carl was the play-by-play announcer for the Greenbrier Panthers before moving on and starting a Podcast that covers Arkansas High School Sports. The podcast is currently still being produced each week.

Carl has spent 22 years in sales and marketing. He has a background in sales, social media marketing, website design, production and broadcasting.

“The best thing about being part of the SERVPRO family is being able to help people in their time of need. From water or fire damage, being able to assist and get someone back to a normal life is very rewarding,” Carl said.

Insurance and marketing is his background, but helping people is his passion.

SERVPRO of Conway Fleet Expansion

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

Ford Transit Ford Transit added to our vehicle fleet at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

Everyone here at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is proud to announce that our transportation fleet has expanded. Our business being able to add a vehicle to our team is another way that we are making sure that we can take care of our residential and commercial customers. This also allows for us to make sure our team members have another safe and reliable mode of transportation. We decided that a Ford Transit was a good fit for our business, as it allows for us to carry a good quantity of drying equipment and supplies to each job site with ample space inside the vehicle. If your business or residence has had water, fire or mold damage give a call at 501-328-3301 and we can provide a free estimate for these services. 

Crew Members Helping During Hurricane Sally

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

Hurricane Sally Crew Members at the Gulf Coast during Hurricane Sally

The 2020 Hurricane season was a very active year with several hurricanes hitting the gulf coast. Crew members from SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties were able to travel with the SERVPRO Storm Team to the gulf coast when Hurricane Sally made landfall. 

One reason SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties likes to travel when storms hit across the United States is the people that our team members get to meet. 

When a storm, like a hurricane, causes damage to a home or business, it can be a devastating time for the homeowner, or property owner and being able to help them get the damage cleaned up, or in some cases to give advise on what the homeowner can do themselves to help restore the damage is always rewarding. Customer service is our number one goal here in Conway, and that includes when we are traveling from home. 

Thank you for allowing SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties the ability to help restore your hones and businesses. 

Fire Damage in Vilonia, Arkansas

1/18/2021 (Permalink)

Fire Damage from the Chimney Damage from a Chimney in the Attic

A fire started in the chimney of this Vilonia home, and caused damage to several rooms in the home, including the attic. This picture shows the damage that occurred in the Attic of this home. 

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties was called to inspect the loss to see if we could clean the soot and smoke damage. We were able to clean the smoke and soot damage that occurred and get it ready for reconstruction services. 

We receive calls every year from fires that begin in a chimney. There are several things that you can do to make sure this doesn't happen to your home. 

Many times a chimney fire will go undetected, here are some indications that you have had a chimney fire from the Chimney Safety Institute of America:

Nine Signs that You’ve Had a Chimney Fire 
Since a chimney, damaged by a chimney fire, can endanger a home and its’ occupants and a chimney fire can occur without anyone being aware of them it’s important to have your chimney regularly inspected by a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep. Here are the signs that a professional chimney sweep looks for:

  • “Puffy” or “honey combed” creosote
  • Warped metal of the damper, metal smoke chamber connector pipe or factory-built metal chimney
  • Cracked or collapsed flue tiles, or tiles with large chunks missing
  • Discolored and/or distorted rain cap
  • Heat-damaged TV antenna attached to the chimney
  • Creosote flakes and pieces found on the roof or ground
  • Roofing material damaged from hot creosote
  • Cracks in exterior masonry
  • Evidence of smoke escaping through mortar joints of masonry or tile liners

Here is the link for further information about chimney fires. 


If you have had a fire at your home or business. Give SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties a call at 501-328-3301 and we can come out to give you a free estimate. 

What Will Happen When You Contact Us?

6/8/2020 (Permalink)

Here is what to expect during the first several hours after contacting SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties: 

Response Time - When damage has occurred to your home or business, the response time is an important factor in how time-consuming and how costly restoration will be. SERVPRO is always open, so you can expect to hear back within one hour after you have contacted us about your emergency. Once you have provided them with the necessary information, we will begin preparing to address the needs of you or your client.

Arrive Time - Our technicians can be on-site to begin the restoration process within four hours. Beginning the process more quickly will result in less damage overall at your home or business, which can end up costing you less money. Response time can make a difference if you have suffered a great deal of damage.

Inspection/Verbal Briefing - Once the damage restoration specialists have arrived, they will inspect the home to determine the extent of the damage and decide on the best course of action moving forward. If you are trying to figure out if you should file a claim, then our team can help you decide what should be done. If you decide to file an insurance claim than they will provide a verbal briefing to your insurance provider. They will document everything that they are doing and be in close contact with your insurance provider. Our team's quick 24-hour response will allow us to begin mitigation as soon as possible to prevent any further damage before we begin work on necessary repairs.

Commercial Fire in Conway, Arkansas

6/8/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damage to your commercial business can be catastrophic. It does not matter what kind of business that you have, a fire can mean downtime, loss of income, loss of goods, costly equipment loss, loss of property or worse.  A fire can quickly move through a building and if you are not prepared it can be a situation that escalates faster than you realize. Good planning can help ensure that a fire does not happen, or if it does how it can be handled quickly and effectively.

We recently received a call from a local business in Conway and they had an electrical fire that started in the kitchen and needed help getting their business back up and running. We were onsite within 4 hours to meet the business owner to come up with a plan of action and started working the loss the day we received it. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner knows that time down for your business, is money lost. Our team will work around the clock to make sure it is “Like it never even happened,” and your business is back up and running!

Saving Your Business Downtime After a Flood

5/21/2020 (Permalink)

There are several reasons for flooding in your Conway warehouse. Storm surges, torrential rains, flash floods, or overflowing rivers can create an issue for your business.

Commercial flood damage can disrupt your daily operations, leaving you with downtime you cannot afford. Your business always relies on being able to run smoothly, so you should get in touch with us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties and we will waste no time in helping you remove the flood waters and drying out your building.

When we first arrive for the initial inspection, we will determine the scope of the damage and how we need to proceed. We will also make sure there are no safety hazards. We then can begin water extraction with industrial, truck-mounted pumps. Removing the bulk of the water can help with avoiding additional damage like mold growth.

Once the water is extracted, our team members will remove any wet materials that cannot be dried. Sometimes, baseboards drywall, insulation or flooring that is not salvageable is removed. Any cabinet drawers and doors are opened, and toe kicks are taken off as well. Each wet surface must be treated.

This is when we can begin the drying process. We use commercial grade equipment, such as dehumidifiers and air movers, to increase the circulation of air and evaporation. Our team members will monitor the environment daily to ensure that the process goes as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Once the materials have met their drying goals than the drying equipment is removed, and structural reconstruction can take place.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties understands that a flood situation can halt the operations of your business in Central Arkansas. We know that this means you will have a loss of income; we do not waste time getting to your business and drying it out. Give us a call at 501-328-3301.

Emergency READY Profile....What Is It and How Can It Help Your Business?

5/21/2020 (Permalink)

As many as 50% of businesses close following a disaster, according to the latest research. Of the businesses that survive, most of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. And knowing you are ready for whatever happens speaks trust to your clients and employees that in the event your business is affected by a disaster, you have a plan.

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you will minimize business interruption. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

  • A no cost assessment of your facility. This means there is no need to allocate funds, giving you a great value at no cost. 
  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency. It will only take a little time to complete and will not take you away from current projects. But it will save a lot of time if ever needed. 
  • A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster. This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action. 
  • Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin. This saves time so we can begin the work of mitigating the damage which can save you time and money. 
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information. Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties will provide this service for free! Call us to schedule a time for us to come and develop an ERP for your business.

Will It Ever Stop Raining?

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Will It Ever Stop Raining?

The weather in Arkansas this year has been wet. We have seen what seems likes days and weeks of rain, from flash flooding to rain showers. It is always a good idea to make sure that you are prepared to handle these rainstorms. In the event of a rainstorm here are a few tips to help keep you safe. 

  1. If you are driving during a rainstorm put on your headlights, hazard lights, and drive slowly to prevent hydroplaning.
  2. Get out of boats and stay away from large bodies of water in the case of lightning striking.
  3. Most importantly, Take shelter! 

Emergency situations are never enjoyable, but we strive to make life get back to normal quickly and smoothly. If you have a flooding emergency that takes place in your home or commercial business, we are here to help! Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301.

Facts About Tornadoes

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

It is tornado season here in Arkansas, and our main threat is tornado and wind damage. Here are a couple of things from https://www.ready.gov/tornadoes to help be prepared in the event of severe weather.

To begin preparing, you should build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan.

Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or to commercial radio or television newscasts for the latest information. In any emergency, always listen to the instructions given by local emergency management officials.

Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.

If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.

Go to a pre-designated area such as a safe room, basement, storm cellar, or the lowest building level. If there is no basement, go to the center of a small interior room on the lowest level (closet, interior hallway) away from corners, windows, doors, and outside walls. Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside. Get under a sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck.

Keeping you Safe

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Do you have a good quality weather radio?

A weather radio is designed to alert you to potentially dangerous weather, such as an approaching tornado, massive hailstorm, or hurricane. It allows you to be warned ahead of storms providing you time to seek shelter. A weather radio is the most reliable source for weather alerts.

When shopping for a weather radio, look for the following key features:

  • Reviewable alerts (you can scroll through alerts and turn off the siren for alerts you do not wish to hear)
  •  Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) alert programming- alerts when specific counties are threatened, ensuring you only receive alerts from your county.
  •  Ease of programming

If you need help programming your weather radio, you can always contact your local National Weather Service Office or for additional information, including county codes for your state, visit the NoAA weather radio website.


Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned-a defensive cleaning program

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Table tent signs describing the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program on top of a wooden table Our defensive cleaning program gives your business a way forward by providing your employees and customers on going safety and assuredness.

Let us help you get back to business

As our communities re-open, we are all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we have developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we are offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you have selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. 

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We have cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  • Consult – Every business is different, which is why you will be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.
  • Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  • Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned,but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities, we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties today at 501-328-3301 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

* #1 Choice in cleanup & restoration based Commercial Attitude & Usage Tracking study. Polling 816 commercial business decision makers on first choice for future needs related to cleanup & restoration work. Study conducted by C&R Research: October 2019

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned means professionally trained SERVPRO franchises perform the requested cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection services according to proprietary SERVPRO protocols and recognized industry and CDC standards with EPA approved cleaning products to deliver a SERVPRO certified cleaning experience.  Each SERVPRO franchise is independently owned and operated.

Smoke Alarms=Lives Saved

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Smoke alarm Having smoke alarms in your home or business saves lives

It is especially important to have smoke alarms in your home. When properly installed and maintained, smoke alarms save lives according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

In your homes, smoke alarms should be in every bedroom and on every level, including the basement. In office and commercial environments, check with your state requirements or contact your local Fire Marshall to help ensure all codes are met.

Test smoke alarms monthly using the test button. Smoke alarms with non-replaceable batteries need the entire smoke alarm unit replaced every ten years. Other alarms need batteries replaced every year, and the unit replaced every ten years. If the alarm chirps signaling low battery, take the proper steps to replace the unit or the batteries immediately. Never disable or remove the battery from an alarm. Almost half of fires where smoke alarms were present but did not activate had missing or disconnected batteries (NFPA).

In larger commercial facilities, hard wired or wireless smoke alarms offer benefits such as not needing to be tested as often and activating throughout the entire building if smoke is detected in just one area (NFPA).

If you need help installing, testing or changing batteries in your smoke alarms, contact your local fire department, an electrician or the American Red Cross.

Be sure your home or workplace has a fire emergency plan in place and conduct regular fire drills. For more information on Emergency Preparedness, contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301.

Electrical Fire: Now what?

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Electrical fire in attic Electrical fire that started in the attic.

Faulty wires can cause a residential fire and inflict a lot of damage to the homeowner's property and many people are unaware that they have faulty wiring in their homes. Few things are as terrifying and stressful as watching flames consume your home and personal belongings.

If you have found yourself in this situation, you are probably wondering what you can do to repair the fire damage and to remove the lingering smoke odor. Fortunately, there are ways that a fire restoration team can fix your smoke damaged home and help you salvage your property.

Here is what to expect from our fire restoration teams:

One Hour: Within one hour from notice of loss, a priority responder will contact you.

Four Hours: Within four hours of loss notification, our certified technicians will be onsite to assess the damage.

Eight Hours: Within eight hours of on-site arrival, certified technicians will be working neatly and efficiently to clean, restore, and deodorize. Pre-cleaning for restoration, to prevent any further damage from soot and smoke.

Detailed Explanation: A trained and uniformed technician will walk you through the job process step-by-step, explaining what to expect and the anticipated outcome. We then use state-of-the-art restoration techniques to ensure your home or business is back to normal in an appropriate timeframe.

Final Walk-through: After the work has completed, a final walk-through will be conducted with you to help ensure your satisfaction.

We know that dealing with an electrical fire can cause a lot of stress, but you don’t have to face the problem alone. Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301 if you have any questions about fire damage for your home or business.

Shower or Bathtub Leaks

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

We have been receiving quite a few calls concerning shower leaks, so we thought that sharing some information about how to identify a water leak around your shower or tub would be helpful.

  • Water Stains: Water stains can show up around the walls of your tub and shower, but they may also make their appearance below your bathroom. If the bathroom is on the second floor, you can check for signs of a shower pan leak by looking at the ceiling under the bathroom. If it is on the first floor, you may need to go into the crawlspace or basement to look for signs of water stains.
  • Grout Cracks: Tiled showers can show signs of a leak too. When the moisture gets trapped behind the tiles, it tries to come out wherever it can. This leads to cracked grout lines. Sometimes you may even notice cracks in your tiles.
  •  Loose Flooring: A bathtub leak can cause damage with the flooring in your bathroom. Whether you have tile or vinyl floors, you may notice the building materials have become loose. If tiles wiggle when you step on them, it could be a sign there is a leak. Laminate flooring, on the other hand, may start to curl up when introduced to too much moisture. When water gets underneath laminate flooring there is not a way to dry the water and the flooring will need to be removed.
  •  Peeling Paint: Look at the walls around the tub and shower. Do you notice peeling paint or falling down wallpaper? This could be a sign that there's moisture being released into the walls. 

You may be able to notice signs of a bathtub leak before the damage becomes detrimental to your home. Working with a residential water cleanup team can help you find water issues quickly. A shower or bathtub leak is something you want to catch as soon as possible or it can cause major damage to your walls, insulation and flooring. For more information please call us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301.

Has Water Damage Affected Your Carpet?

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

How do you decide if your carpet can be dried out and re-stretched after having water damage in your home? Whether or not your carpet can be saved depends on the type of water that affected the carpet and how long the carpet was wet.

 Here are the 3 main categories of water:

Clean Water

If the water comes from a pipe break or leaking water supply line, this is considered a clean water source. The carpet could be dried out and saved for re-use, but If the carpet is heavily soiled or left wet for an extended period, it can deteriorate further. If found early than the carpet can usually be saved.

Gray Water

Gray water comes from an overflowing toilet, or from a malfunctioning dishwasher or washing machine. The decision to keep carpet exposed to gray water is a tricky one and may depend on the speed of removal and whether an effective disinfection process can be done.

Black Water

Black water is the worst of the 3 categories of water. This type of water loss can come as a result of a sewer back up or other situation where feces, microbes or harsh chemicals may be present. It involves careful handling to extract, and careful attention to subsequent disinfection and disposal of contaminated items. Carpet removal needs to be done for black water losses.

Give SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties a call if you have any questions or need help with water damage to your home or business. You can reach us 24/7 at 501-328-3301. We can help you make the hard decisions about whether replacing your carpet is necessary and help restore a safe and comfortable home for your family.

Cleaning Experts

3/31/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties 501-328-3301




Frozen Pipes? Now What?

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

Do you know how to prevent frozen pipes?
The weather has been mild in central Arkansas this year, but winter is not over yet, and it might be a good idea to know how to keep your pipes from freezing. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties would like to offer you a few tips on how to keep this from happening in your home or business.

  • Open cabinet doors in your kitchen and bathroom to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing, especially if your sinks are on the outside wall.

  • Let the cold water drip from the faucet. Running water through the pipe helps prevent pipes from freezing.
 What to do if frozen pipes occur 
  • If you turn on a faucet and only a trickle comes out, you may well have a frozen pipe. If a pipe has broken, turn off the water at the main shutoff valve, which is usually at the water meter or where the mainline enters the house. If the water is still running and no pipes have burst, you can take the following steps. (Of course, if you suspect a more serious problem, call a plumber.)

  • Turn on the faucet. As you heat the frozen pipe and the ice plug begins to melt, you want the water to be able to flow through. Running water through the pipe, as cold as it is, will help melt ice in the pipe.

  • Apply heat to the section of pipe using an electric heating pad wrapped around the pipe, an electric hair dryer, or a portable space heater (kept away from flammable materials), or by wrapping pipes with towels soaked in hot water. As tempting as it may be, do not use a blowtorch, kerosene or propane heater, a charcoal stove, or any device with an open flame; the high heat can damage the pipes or even start a fire.

  • Apply heat until full water pressure is restored. Check all other faucets in your home to see whether you have additional frozen pipes. If one pipe freezes, others may freeze, too.

Drying Equipment

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has the equipment, training, and experience to find and dry unseen water before secondary damages occur. The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the damage expense during a water loss. If is important to handle every water problem as a real threat to your property. Technology and equipment must be counted on to perform these services properly. Here are a few tools used by our technicians. 

  • Moisture Sensors-Used to detect moisture in carpets, baseboards, and walls. 
  • Moisture Meters-Used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials. The moisture meter provides accurate readings, allowing the SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties technicians to monitor the drying process. 
  • Thermohygrometers-This is used to measure the temperature and relative humidity. Having this information, allows our technicians the ability to calculate and create an environment most conducive to drying. 
  • Ultra-Low-Volume (ULV) Foggers-Used to atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that can easily penetrate the site where odor-causing residues may accumulate. This device can also be used to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard to reach areas. 
  • Thermal Foggers-Used to dispense solvent-based products by creating a dense fog. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that attach to and neutralize odor-causing particles to deodorize structures, garments, automobiles and other places where cleaning cannot reach. 

Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, we have the training and equipment to make it "Like it never even happened." Call us today at 501-328-3301

Customer's Handwritten Testimonal

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

It is always our great pleasure at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to serve the people in Conway and the surrounding areas. We work hard to make sure our customers get the very best care when doing business with us, and we take whatever time is necessary to make sure this happens. 

We know that dealing with the mitigation from a fire or water loss, the renovation and clean up can be very stressful and our team here at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties understands that. We are here to help you make a tough situation a little bit easier. 

That is one reason it is always wonderful to receive a handwritten note that a customer has taken the time to write and send to us, like the one we received here:

"Dear Terry,"

Cynthia & I want to express our thanks to SERVPRO's quality & timely service. We are so pleased with the communication and service! If you have others in your organization like Chet, your business will continue to thrive!" 

"Grateful, Robby & Cynthia"

Here at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties were are dedicated to serving our customers and our community. 

Preventative Tips For Water Damage

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

Water damage to homes after a flood or a heavy rain can be disastrous. Oftentimes, these events are unexpected, and if we are not prepared for what may happen, we can suffer more water damage than we need to. 

  • Inspect Your Home. Take a good look around your home, are you prepared for wet weather? Do exterior doors fit as tightly as they should, and are the doors and windows weather stripped? Have you looked at your roof to see if it needs any maintenance? Are there low lying areas in your yard, and does it drain well? 
  • Maintenance. Regularly check your rain gutters and spouts, if they get clogged with debris such as dead leaves or small branches, they are not going to be able to drain away rainwater. If water were to back up it can leak back to walls of your home, without you knowing it, and you could have water damage you didn't know about, and even mold. Regular maintenance will help alleviate these problems. 
  • City Communication. Power lines and telephone poles near your home can be an issue when storm season comes if they are not in good condition. Contact your utilities companies and have them come take a look prior to wet weather to make sure you and your loved ones will be safe. Be aware of the condition of any large trees on your property. If the grounds become saturated, a tree with an unstable root base can fall and create problems. Make sure you know who to call should you need help. 

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is ready to help in any way we can. If you have sustained water damage to your property, give us a call today at 501-328-3301. 

Laundry and Water Damage

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

Did you ever think your house could be flooded by doing laundry?

In our office at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties we receive calls from homeowners who have had water damage from their washing machines. Appliances can cause significant water damage to your home. If you leave the house with your washing machine running, you could return home to a flooded house and if you start laundry on your way to bed, you may wake up step in a pool of water.

Here are a few reasons why washing machines malfunction.

  1. They can malfunction and not cycle themselves off and continue to run
  2. The drain hose can become disconnected and your machine will not fill up with water, but the water will continue to run.

It is a good idea to have your appliances checked regularly, and don’t leave the house or go to bed and start your laundry. These two tips will help cause less damage to your home if you have a washing machine that malfunctions and causes water damage in your home. 

If you find yourself in this situation, give us a call at 501-328-3301 and our team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties will be there to help! 

Facts About Smoke and Soot Damage

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot can cause hidden damage and odor to your home or business. Our SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties production crews are experts when it comes to smoke damage who can accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a plan of action. 

 Facts about Smoke and Soot

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.

  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.

  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

 Different Types of Smoke

Did you know there are actually different types of smoke damage?  There is what is called wet smoke and dry smoke. Listed below you will find two types  in more detail.

 Wet Smoke/Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. This type of smoke damage is harder to clean.

 Dry Smoke/Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises, therefore, smoke rises.

 Protein Fire Residue/Evaporation of material

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor.

In the unfortunate event of smoke damage , we are available 24/7. Call us at 501-328-3301.

What To Do After A Fire Damage Has Occurred

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties knows how devastating a fire can be to your home or business. It leaves behind soot, smoke damage and a host of other problems. Fire damage will affect not only the structure of your property, but also the contents. It will most likely need thorough professional cleaning. If your home or business suffers a fire, it is important to take the appropriate steps to prevent further damage until help arrives.  The following tips may help reduce damage and increase the chances of a successful restoration:

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpet

  • Keep hands clean. Soot on hands can further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork.  Place dry, colorfast towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas

  • If electricity is off, empty freezer/ refrigerator completely and prop doors open to help prevent odor

  • Wipe soot from chrome kitchen/ bathroom faucets, trim and appliances, then protect these surfaces with a light coating of lubricant

  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers to stop particles of soot from getting in or out of the HVAC system

  • Clean aluminum window panes to prevent them from being permanently damaged.

Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at (501) 328-3301, if you have had a fire and we can help answer your questions and also provide you with a free estimate.

Fires...Every Second Counts

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

In a fire every second counts. Seconds can mean the difference between residents of our community escaping safely from a fire or having their lives end in tragedy.
Here are some things to implement with your family so that you are prepared in case there is ever a fire in your home. Remember that a small amount of preparation could mean all the difference to you and your loved ones. 

  1. Draw a map of your home with all members of your household, marking two exits from each room and a path to the outside from each exit.

  2. Practice your home fire drill twice a year. Conduct one at night and one during the day with everyone in your home, and practice using different ways out.

  3. Teach children how to escape on their own in case you can’t help them.

  4. Make sure the number of your home is clearly marked and easy for the fire department to find.

  5. Close doors behind you as you leave – this may slow the spread of smoke, heat, and fire.

  6. Once you get outside, stay outside. Never go back inside a burning building.
 Contact your local fire department and see how you can get involved with them and ask them what else you can do to prevent a fire from happening. Sometimes they will have events or give out smoke detectors for your home. Don't think this could never happen to you because it easily could, so be prepared. We don't have control over everything in our homes. Have a plan and be safe!

Winter Storm Damage

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know that a winter storm can cause significant damage to your home and property?
Winter storms can bring snow, ice, heavy winds and rains that can cause thousands of dollars of damage to your home. Here are a few ways that a winter storm can cause damage to your home:

  • Roof Damage.  High winds can rip the tiles off your roof, and cause tree branches to fall on top of your roof, and they can fall through the roof and harm the inside of your home.

  • Frozen Pipes. Freezing temperatures can cause pipes to freeze and subsequently burst. This can lead to severe water damage in your home.

  • Ice Dams.  An ice dam is a buildup of ice on the roof of your home. It occurs when melting snow refreezes and blocks other snow from draining properly. This can lead to a buildup of standing water that can then leak into your walls or ceilings.

How To Prepare
Here are some practical steps you can take to limit damage to your home during a winter storm, such as cleaning gutters and rain spouts in advance to prevent ice dams. You should also trim any tree branches that are too close to the house or to your power lines.
Before a winter storm arrives make sure you have purchased non-perishable food items, warm clothing, extra blankets and a battery operated radio. 
If a winter storm causes damage to your home. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help and we can be onsite right away to help you recover and get back to normal after a winter storm. Give us a call at 501-328-3301.  

Commercial Water Damage

1/31/2020 (Permalink)

Here are SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, we understand that when a commercial business experiences water damage it not only slows production time but can damage the goods needed to operate. During these emergencies, it is not just the building that needs to be back up and functioning but the materials and equipment you use on a daily basis that allows your business to be successful.  We understand that downtime means lost revenue for your business.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has the ability to save things like office furniture, and even sensitive information that may be stored in the office with our Document Restoration. We are in the business of restoring these items that may have been damaged during your water emergency. We always attempt to salvage anything damaged because we understand that it can keep the cost down for you and the insurance company as well as the value it has to your company. If an item can be saved or restored it is worth the time to do so. 

Everyone at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties will work tirelessly to treat each of your items with special care and our team is trained to keep your items from damage while we do the work at your business.

Trust that SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties keeps in mind that time down for your business, is money lost. So our team will work around the clock to make sure it is “Like it never even happened.” and your business is back up and running!

Commercial Fire Damage

1/31/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damage to your commercial business can be catastrophic. It does not matter what your business does, it can mean downtime, loss of goods, costly equipment loss, loss of property, or worse. A fire can quickly move through a building and even put your team at risk. If you are not prepared it can be a situation that escalates faster than you are ready to handle. Good planning can help ensure that a fire does not happen or if it does, how it can be handled quickly and effectively. 

Here at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties we receive calls from business owners that have had fire damage and these are the top reasons given to us on how the fire started; cooking, arson, human error, HVAC systems and electrical malfunctions.

What Can You Do?

1. Install fire alarms and sprinkler systems

2. Regularly inspect your heating systems, especially in the winter and always ensure that flammable materials are kept away from heat sources.

3. Have your buildings wiring systems inspected every few years for preventative measures.
These are just a few things that you can do as a business owner to help prevent the worst from happening.

If you do experience a fire at your business, you can trust that SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties keeps in mind that time down for your business, is money lost. So our team will work around the clock to make sure it is “Like it never even happened,” and your business is back up and running!

Is Your Business Ready For An Emergency?

1/30/2020 (Permalink)

As a business owner you always want to make sure you have emergency contacts close by in case anything unexpected happens. Imagine the stress you would be under if you had to search for contacts while facing an emergency at your business! SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties realizes that you might not think about the unexpected things that might happen to your business; flooding, tornado damage, fire, etc. 


Our ERP, Emergency Ready Profile is the best way to reduce business interruption following a disaster, so plan for it now! As many as 50% of businesses may never recover following a disaster according to the latest industry research. Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at your peace of mind. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business. 

The SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile Advantage is a no-cost assessment to your facility. This means there is no need to allocate funds, giving you a great value.. A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency. It will only take a little time to complete and will not take you away from current projects. But it will save a lot of time if ever needed. A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster. 

This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action. Established SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information. 

Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it, and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency so that during the emergency you are "Ready for whatever happens." Give us a call  and let's get your ERP set up today!

Signs Of Sewer Line Issues in Your Conway, AR Business

1/30/2020 (Permalink)

While a blocked sewer drain is relatively common in commercial properties, legitimate concerns over sewer line functionality may be few and far between. However, when major sewer line issues occur, it is essential to remedy the problems quickly to avoid potential backups and structural damage. Be aware of these four signs, which may indicate sewer line problems. 1. Odors While drain or toilet overflow are frequent problems in commercial properties, you should pay attention to odors surrounding these problems. For instance, if after clearing a clog you smell sewer gas, you may want to call a plumber for an inspection, as strong sewer smells can be an indicator of issues further in the line. 2. Clogged Drains A blocked sewer will not only cause unpleasant odors to occur in your building, but the blocked pipe can also cause frequent clogging of your drains and toilets. This problem may also cause sewer backups into your facility. 3. Indentations in Landscaping While you may not have any clogging issues, it is still possible that your sewer lines have failed. Pipe breaks may cause indentations in your landscaping, like divots in the lawn. If the break is severe enough, it is possible that sewage is leaking into the grounds of your property. Eventually, this can also lead to a sewage backup in your building. 4. Deformations in Landscaping In addition to indentations in the lawn, you may notice perpetual puddling in certain areas. You may also see that areas of your parking lot have sunken or cracked along with sidewalks. Depending on how close the break is to your building, you may even notice cracks in the foundation. These issues often require the expertise of a disaster restoration specialist in the Conway and Faulkner County, Ar area to resolve, which depending on your insurance policy may be covered. A blocked sewer line can wreak havoc on a business and may even lead to significant business interruption. You should be aware of the warning signs of such a problem so that you can resolve the issue as early as possible.

Storms With The Help Of Technology

1/30/2020 (Permalink)

It is important to be ready because a storm and disaster can strike at a moment’s notice! Technology helps keep us aware of danger with more time to prepare before it hits! It can also be a vital tool in preparing for emergencies or disasters, as well as during or after so that we can stay informed of the situation and in communication with others. From common technology you already use on a day-to-day basis to taking a few extra steps to prepare. Below are a few things that will help you be ready in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Store Information Online

There are many places to store important information securely online. Services like Google Drive and Dropbox offer a free way to store different types of files, from a Word document to images of important documents. Ready.gov suggests saving an electronic version of insurance policies, identification documents, medical records, and information on your pets, if necessary.

Follow the News

Stay informed by following agencies such as FEMA, local news channels, and local government on Twitter for the most up-to-date information in a disaster situation. It is also a good idea to have a emergency weather radio in case of loss of power. You can also alert first responders if a rescue is needed through Twitter.

Mark Yourself Safe

The American Red Cross offers a Safe & Well check-in site to list yourself as safe or find family and friends in situations where communication is difficult to establish. Facebook also has a feature called Safety Check that is activated after natural disasters or a crisis. You will receive a notification from Facebook if you’re located in the affected area at that time.

Charge Up

Keep a portable charger in your car and home in case of an emergency. You may need to recharge this from time to time. It is also a good idea to purchase solar-powered chargers as well.

Get in Touch

Make sure your contact information is up-to-date in your phone and e-mail for communication with family, friends, business contacts, and others whom you may need to get in contact with before, during, or after a disaster. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties also offers an Emergency READY Profile (ERP) for free at ready.SERVPRO.com to help prepare you, your property, or your business for an emergency. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your property or business, you will  know what to do and what to expect in advance which is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your property or business. Put help in the palm of your hand with the Ready Plan App. Get in touch with SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties today for more information on developing an ERP for your property!

A Trusted Company

6/6/2019 (Permalink)

The Timeframe of Calls

The owners and employees of SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner counties pride themselves on providing the utmost care to all customers. When a customer calls SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner counties, a production manager will return the call within a hour for all emergency services. If the call is related to an emergency, a team will be onsite within 4 hours. If it is not an emergency, an appointment will be schedule as soon as possible. The team will give a verbal briefing within 8 business hours to an insurance agent.


SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner counties values all customers and genuinely cares for each individual we come in contact with. We will take care of your home or business property as if was our own. We strive to have a happy customer at the end of the job that can return to his or her daily life. 

If you have an any questions, please call our office at (501)-328-3301.

Severe Weather in the Summer

6/6/2019 (Permalink)

Severe weather can happen at any time, in any location. The weather in Central Arkansas can be unpredictable especially during the summer months. Whether the weather leads to a tornado, flooding, or thunderstorms, SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner counties wants to make sure all residents know their risk.

Take Action

It is important to create an emergency action plan for any local weather hazards. Once the plan is created, it is just as important to practice the plan. Technology is a great resource in today’s society, and it can be of great use during severe weather. Use social media to share your weather preparedness with your friends and family. Social media can lead to more tips that can be useful for your family. During severe weather, use the internet to stay informed on what is taking place around you. FEMA will post videos that can be usual to you and your family.

If you have any questions, call us at (501)-328-3301.

Visit Ready.gov for more information regarding severe weather preparation.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

6/5/2019 (Permalink)

 24 Hour Emergency Service

Whether its mold, water, or fire damage, our team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has the most reliable emergency restoration services. Mold, water or fire damage can make a lasting impact on your home. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is devoted to provide service 24/7 as fast as possible. 

Mold Damage

Mold grows when water damage has not been dried properly. If you have had previous water damage and are now seeing fuzzy or wet spots of mold somewhere in your home, call us today. It is important to address your mold issues as quickly as possible, and our professional restoration team is here to help minimize the damage.

Water Damage

Immense water damage, like the flood happening in Central Arkansas, always happens when you least expect it. We understand that these emergencies cannot wait, so our restoration team is available 24/7. Water damage can ruin your home or business so it is important to take action immediately. Our team goes through extensive training to clean up the mess and lower the possibility of mold growth.

Fire Damage

As if fires were not destructive enough alone, the smoke and soot that comes with them can damage your business or home. These problems need taken care of quickly so the damage is not severe or permanent. Our team can minimize the damage if we arrive on scene quickly. Take action instantly after a fire and call our restoration team at (501)-328-3301. We can fix the problems that come after a fire, and we do our best work to return your home or business to normal.

No matter what emergency you’re facing, contact us at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties today at (501) 328-3301 and let our emergency restoration services team take care of it!

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – (501)-328-3301

Here To Help

6/5/2019 (Permalink)

Lake Conway Flooding

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties wants to share some latest information about the recent flooding. There is a flood warning for Lake Conway. 

Lake Conway has exceeded the flood stage and is still rising. There is additional rainfall expected this week. Property that has been flooded around Lake Conway in the last 10 years is at the greatest risk of flooding this week. This in a slow moving event, that will take a while for the water to recede. Central Arkansas could receive one to two inches of rain by Saturday. 

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties restoration team is prepared to help the community once the water begins to recede. We encourages you to contact us as soon as possible. Water damage becomes more severe as time passes.  Call our office at 501-328-3301 to get your name on our list or we can try and answer any questions that you might have.  

Recent Flooding

6/4/2019 (Permalink)

Flooding in Faulkner County

During the past several weeks the Arkansas River has caused widespread flooding in our state. We want you to know that SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has been preparing to help homeowners and business owners once the flood waters start to recede in Conway and Faulkner Counties. 

 Here are some safety tips:

Stay away from flood waters

If you approach a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around, and go another way. Six inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off of your feet.

Driving on a flooded road

Turn around and go another way. If you are caught on a flooded road and water are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car quickly and move to higher ground. Most cars can be swept away by less than two feet of moving water. There are many road closures in Conway and Faulkner Counties. Here is a website to let you know what roads are closed in our area


Stay out of the floodwater

Floodwaters may contain many things that may harm health. We don't know what is in flood water at any given point in time. Floodwater can contain:

  • Downed power lines
  • Human and livestock waste
  • Household, medical, and industrial hazardous waste (chemical, biological, and radiological)
  • Other containments that can lead to illness
  • Physical objects such as lumber, vehicles,  and debris

We know that the cleanup is often an overwhelming task, even with minor floods. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is prepared to handle the flooding in our area. Once the water starts to recede we will be able to come out and access the damage. We know that the cleanup is often an overwhelming task. 

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help 24/7, call our office at 501-328-3301.

SERVPRO Storm Teams

6/4/2019 (Permalink)

The SERVPRO Storm Teams can provide help, whether you are dealing with a hurricane, tornado, blizzard, or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned Storm Teams on standby should any disaster strike near you, and they are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. SERVPRO professionals are prepared for the unpredictable. With the ability to mobilize local command centers, and the resources of over 1,700 franchises nationwide, no disaster is ever too big.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties was mobilized this winter to Wisconsin to help the storm teams that went to help due to the extreme cold weather this winter that affected many homeowners who experienced broken pipes that caused water damage to their homes. We stayed there for several weeks helping homeowners and businesses to begin the process of getting their lives back in order.  

As a leader in water damage restoration, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties knows that fast mitigation is the key to limiting interruption in your business and personal concerns. SERVPRO can be on-site within a few hours to help reduce the future damage flooding can cause. We have the right equipment, procedures, and training to help ensure the structure is dry the right way the first time, saving you both time and money.

Here at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, we are proud to serve when serious weather hits, we stand ready to mobilize our Storm Teams to help out during any kind of crisis. Call us at 501-328-3301 for assistance.

Current Flooding in Faulkner County

5/29/2019 (Permalink)

Our highly trained crews are ready to respond 24/7 to storm or flood damage in Conway & Faulkner Counties.

With the Current Floods that are affecting Conway and Faulkner Counties, SERVPRO is ready!

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms or flooding hit Conway and Faulkner Counties, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 501-328-3301

Fire Safety For Pets

5/29/2019 (Permalink)

Pets? More Like Family!

A fire emergency can hit when you least expect it. SERVPRO understands the need and importance to have an evacuation plan for all members of the family. While you should always be most focused on keeping you and your family safe, you should also spend time on creating a pet evacuation plan. Pet preparation gives you a better chance of getting your pets out of danger as well. Here are some tips to create a great pet evacuation plan:

Practice Evacuating

Emergencies can make it hard to think of everything you need to do in that second. It is important to practice your plan so you will be better prepared if the emergency ever occurs. This can be helpful for all members of the family regardless if they have two or four legs.

Evaluate Your Pets

Its not possible to have your eyes on your pets at every moment of the day. You don't want to put yourself at risk by searching for your dog or cat during a fire emergency, so its important to know where they typically go if frightened. If you know your pets typical hiding spots, it can be easier to find them in an emergency.

Keep Collars and Leashes Handy

Fires are frightening to everyone, but they are especially frightening to dogs. By keeping their collars and leashes handy, you can more easily guide them out of the house. If you are unable to find them, it can be easier for the fire department to get them out if they are wearing collars. It can be a good idea to hang leashes by the door you are planning to evacuate through.

Vacation Plan

Everyone has a different preference of pet care when they are on vacation. Emergencies can happen while you are away, so it is important to still have a plan for your pets. We suggest having a trusted individual stay at your home with your pets or boarding them at a local business like Hounds Hideaway. By doing either of these, your pets time alone and unmonitored is limited.

We are ready to help at anytime of the day. Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties at 501-328-3301.

We're Local and Ready 24/7

5/29/2019 (Permalink)

We are here to help our community in their times of need.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is 1 of 1,700 franchises nationwide. As a leader in the restoration industry, our professional technicians are faster to any size disaster. Our crews are available and ready to restore or clean your residential or commercial property at any time throughout the week.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has services Conway, Greenbrier, Morrilton, and many more local towns for over 13 years. WE have helped home and business owners make things "Like it never even happened." after a fire or water disaster.

Our office is located at 900 Runway Drive, Unit 1, Conway, AR which is located by the old Conway Airport. You can reach our office coming from the East by exiting interstate 40 at the Oak Street exit. Next, turn left onto Central Landing Blvd. IF you are traveling from the West on interstate 40, exit and drive straight onto Central Landing Blvd until you have reached the round-about. Once at the round-about, take the third exit. Continue straight until you reach the first right onto 9th Avenue. Take the third left onto Runway Drive. We are the first building on the left.

Look for the orange SERVPRO logo above our door.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties


We are here to help


We're an IICRC Certified Team

5/29/2019 (Permalink)

The IICRC is the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, a non-profit organization for the cleaning and restoration industry.

Now what exactly does that mean? It means here at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties we're held to IICRC's globally recognized standards and certifications for the inspection, cleaning, restoration and installation industries. Which means we won't cut corners or just try and get the job done. We have set procedures and guidelines to ensure that you receive the best care possible while we clean and restore your property.

Each of our crew members take courses each year with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification and are always equipped with the most up to date information to best serve you and insure your property is cleaned to the highest standard.

Our large range of restoration and cleaning services allows us to restore your property, no matter what is needed. If your property has cleaning needs, give SERVPRO of Conway &  Faulkner Counties a call at 501-328-3301. 

24-Hour Fire Damage Repair and Restoration

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

A house fire is never expected nor welcome. If your home ever suffers the damage of a fire, the situation can be very overwhelming and stressful. Fire and smoke damage are caused by the fire, but water damage can also be involved because of efforts to extinguish the fire.  SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties has the experience along with the fire and water damage equipment to help you through this tragedy. Highly trained fire restoration technicians will be able to restore for your home and belongings with the utmost care.

We strive to make this crisis as easy as possible. If you suffer a fire damage event, please contact us with any questions.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (501)-328-3301

Fire Damage Restoration Services

Each fire is different therefore it creates different damage. We tailor to each specific fire to restore the home or business to the original setting. The steps below are offered to illustrate the process for the typical fire damage restoration.

  1. Emergency Contact
  2. Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment
  3. Immediate Board-Up and Roof Tarp Service (if needed)
  4. Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)
  5. Removal of Smoke and Soot from all Surfaces
  6. Cleaning and Repair
  7. Restoration

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?

Call Us Today – (501) 328-3301

Water Damage Emergency Tips

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

What you can do until help arrives

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

Have A  Water Damage Emergency? Call (501) 328-3301

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

Commercial Mold Remediation

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

Besides causing a major business interruption, a mold problem can present a serious health risk for people exposed at your commercial property. Mold infestations can be caused by minor water intrusions, like a slow roof leak or loose plumbing fitting. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. If you suspect your property has a mold problem, call  SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties, who will respond quickly and work fast to manage the situation.

  • 24 Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Mold and Water Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises
  • Highly Trained Mold and Water Damage Restoration Specialists

Have a Mold Problem? Call Us Today – (501) 328-3301

Commercial Mold Remediation Presents Unique Challenges

Mold can spread quickly through a property if left untreated. SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties can respond quickly, working to first contain the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building. Next, we will begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation. We have the training, experience, and equipment to contain the mold infestation and remediate it to preloss condition. Learn more about SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties training and certifications.

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician

Your Belongings and Storm Damage

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

Storm and water damage affects not only the structure of your house but also your belongings. SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties understands that your home is more than a structure; your family’s furniture, clothing, keepsakes, and other belongings help transform a house into a home.

If You Have Questions or Need Help, Call Us Today – (501) 328-3301

Contents Restoration

SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties specializes in restoring contents damaged by storms and other water damage events. Our expertise and our “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced. We pretest your contents to determine what items can be restored back to their condition before the water damage. We utilize several methods of cleaning your contents, including:

  • Dry Cleaning - Used for cleaning light residues or to pre-clean prior to cleaning.
  • Wet Cleaning - An effective cleaning method for removing moderate to heavy residues.
  • Spray and Wipe -Effective for items that can’t withstand cleaning.
  • Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if cleaned.
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Involves agitation of the surface being cleaned. 
  • Immersion Cleaning - Contents are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product.


If your home requires extensive restoration or cleaning, SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties can conduct an organized, efficient move-out of the affected area. A move-out will provide several benefits, including:

  •  A quicker remodeling process
  •  Protecting items from potential damage
  •  Protecting contents from further on-site damage

When restoration is completed, we will work with you to coordinate the move-in according to your needs. The services offered upon move-in may depend on your insurance coverage.

Electronic Cleanup

Water-damaged electronics can present a serious hazard. Do not attempt to turn on or operate any electrical device that you suspect has been damaged by water. We will coordinate the restoration of your electronics, including:

  •  Television sets
  •  DVD players
  •  Computers
  •  And more

The key to restoring electronics is taking prompt action to prevent further damage. We start by cleaning the exterior of electronic devices to help stop further corrosion and damage. Electronics will be cleaned and inspected by a qualified electronics technician.

Document / Photograph Drying

When your valuable documents, including photographs, are damaged by water, extreme caution should be taken to help ensure the water damage does not destroy the document. Although some documents may not be restored to pre-water damage condition, SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties can save a great deal and help minimize additional damage. 

Depending on the type of documents and the level of water damage, we have five options for the restoration of documents:

  • Air Drying
  • Dehumidification
  • Freezer Drying
  • Vacuum Freeze Drying
  • Vacuum Thermal Drying

Contents Claim Inventory Service

When a storm event happens, the damage can often feel overwhelming. We can help ease the worry and confusion during the recovery process by offering our Contents Claim Inventory Service (CCIS), which provides a detailed and accurate list of your belongings. We take a room-by-room inventory of your contents, including digital photos, and in some instances, bar coding.

Our Contents Claim Inventory Service:

  •  Pre-loss list and value of contents
  •  Detailed and accurate report
  •  Better information to settle claims quicker
  •  Assistance with burden of proof for claims
  •  Peace of mind when you need it most  

Flash Flooding in Central Arkansas

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

Weather in Central Arkansas has proved to be unpredictable at times. A storm caused flash flooding on May 23. Power outages were caused for more than 2,000 people. Traffic slowed or was at a standstill in Little Rock and North Little Rock. Homes were also affected in several different counties. SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties has the expertise and the equipment to take care of your water damage.

Have A Water Damage Emergency? Call Us Today – (501) 328-3301

Until SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties can arrive at your home, there are certain steps you can take to prevent damage. These tips are listed below.

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

What Is Black Mold?

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

You may have seen sensational news reports that warn about the dangers of “black mold” or “toxic mold”. These reports can be alarming and confusing so it’s beneficial to get the facts to better understand mold.

Stachybotrys chartarum is the type of mold often called black mold, and it does produce allergens and irritants. However, many types of mold can produce allergens and irritants. Treat any mold with caution – stay out of affected areas and don’t touch or disturb the mold.

How Do I Tell If It’s Black Mold?

Since many types of mold can cause reactions, you should contact us regardless of the color or type of mold. In many instances, multiple types of mold may exist in the same house or structure. If you suspect you have a mold problem, contact SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties immediately. 

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – (501) 328-3301

Understanding Mold

When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

Fire Damage Emergency Tips

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

What you can do until help arrives

After any fire damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

Have Smoke or Fire Damage? Call (501) 328-3301

What To Do After A Fire

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What NOT To Do After A Fire

  • Don't attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces or shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting us.
  • Don't attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat or water without consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Don't use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet. The wiring may be damaged.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

Faster to your Conway and Faulkner Counties Water Damage Event

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties reacted to water damage in a home in Little Rock, Ark.

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week- including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more. SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner counties arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7- 501-328-3301

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1-24

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal beings to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint beings to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties

SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties Cares for your Commercial Property

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counites understands the importance of maintaining a good appearance at all times. Appearance of the property is the first thing clients will see whether in person or online before doing business with you. SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties has the training and expertise to make sure your property is at its prime appearance.

Commercial Property Falls Under:

  • Small Office Buildings
  • Large Office Buildings
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Small Retail Stores
  • Large Retail Stores
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Schools

Commercial Restoration Services

SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties responds to commercial services 365 days a year. We have the training and experience to handle these situations in commercial property.

Services Provided:

  • Commercial Water Damage Restoration
  • Commercial Fire Damage Restoration
  • Commercial Mold Remediation
  • Commercial Storm Damage Cleanup
  • Commercial Building Cleaning Services

Have Questions? Call Today – (501) 328-3301

Overview of Storm Damage

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

Weather can be unpredictable. SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties is ready to combat the damage to make your life go back to normal as soon as possible. Whether the damage is caused by a flash flood, frozen pipes, or even a tree failing on your roof causing water damage; we will do our best to help. 24-hour emergency service is provided for our clients since disasters make unwanted appearances at any time of the day. The faster we begin to work, the quicker your life will go back to normal.

We have highly trained professionals and specialized equipment ready for use. In addition to our own resources, we have access to equipment from other franchises across the state and country.

Have Storm Damage?

Call Us Today- (501)-328-3301

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties Provide Tips to Avoid Common House Fires

5/23/2018 (Permalink)

Cooking fire caused by an unattended stove in Conway home.

House fires can be caused by several different factors, but all of these fires will have invasive smoke damage. Our expertise allows us to work with the effects of different fires that have affected your home. House fires can be a surprise, but there are preventive steps to take to avoid these disasters.

Top five causes of house fires:

  • Cooking fires. Grease is extremely flammable, and it should be supervised at all times while hot. Once the flames start, they are difficult to stop.
  • Candles can be considered dangerous if left unattended. All matches and candles should be out of the reach of children to prevent accidental fires.
  • Electrical fires can result from faulty wiring or an outlet being overloaded. We advise having your home checked by a professional electrician especially if the house is older.
  • Chemical fires are more common during the summer. If cleaning chemicals or other flammable liquids get too hot, they either ignite or explode. Be cautious and read all labels on chemicals to make sure they are stored in the right environment.
  • Heat sources like home heaters should never be left on while the house is empty. We advise inspecting the heater before using it to make sure it is in good condition.

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Each smoke and fire damage situation is different. We will have a tailored solution for the specific situation. We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage. We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?

Call Us Today- 501-328-3301

Does Your Conway or Faulkner County Home Have A Mold Problem?

5/23/2018 (Permalink)

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore county back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise "mold removal" and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors. 
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet. 
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return. 
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and asses your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation. 

If Your See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today- 501-328-3301

Restoring Your Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

3/8/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage events at Conway & Faulkner Counties commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties provides fire, soot and water damage restoration service

3/8/2018 (Permalink)

The active wildfires here in Southern California are increasing their impact as growing Santa Ana winds add fuel to these devastating blazes that are encroaching in our area. According to the New York Times, new fires broke out in Malibu on December 7, with at least 96,000 acres already burned in the Ventura area and 116,000 acres in Los Angeles County. Evacuations have closed hundreds of schools and forced 200,000 of our neighbors to seek safety. The “Thomas Fire” in the Ventura area continues to burn with the aid of strong winds. This fire has caused the closure of the 101 freeway and a boil-water advisory was issued for Ventura County. Santa Ana winds The Santa Ana winds that are enabling the fires to rapidly increase their reach can have speeds in excess of 60 miles per hour. They are not expected to diminish until Friday into Saturday at the earliest. The National Weather Service has warned of “very rapid fire growth” in this area. SERVPRO Meteorologist Lela Davis said that the Santa Ana winds were already very dry when they reached the Southern California valley, allowing them to quickly pull moisture out of vegetation, increasing the risk for wildfires. For the first time ever, a purple wind warning was issued for today under the color-coded system used to advise about high winds. This purple warning pushed wind expectations from the “high” category to “extreme”. Ready to help Here at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties we are monitoring this wildfire situation closely. Our thoughts are with those neighbors who may be put in harms’ way during this event. In many cases, a wildfire can result in a total loss for a home or business, but in others it may be a partial loss, or can result in mild smoke damage. If your home or business is affected by a wildfire, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is Here to Help®. 

About SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Winter isn't quite over yet...

3/8/2018 (Permalink)

Here is some great information on freezing pipes that the American Red Cross have on their website! Check it out!
Why Pipe Freezing is a Problem

Water has a unique property in that it expands as it freezes. This expansion puts tremendous pressure on whatever is containing it, including metal or plastic pipes. No matter the strength of a container, expanding water can cause pipes to break.

Pipes that freeze most frequently are:

  • Pipes that are exposed to severe cold, like outdoor hose bibs, swimming pool supply lines, and water sprinkler lines.
  • Water supply pipes in unheated interior areas like basements and crawl spaces, attics, garages, or kitchen cabinets.
  • Pipes that run against exterior walls that have little or no insulation.
How to Protect Pipes From Freezing

Before the onset of cold weather, protect your pipes from freezing by following these recommendations:

  • Drain water from swimming pool and water sprinkler supply lines following manufacturer's or installer's directions. Do not put antifreeze in these lines unless directed. Antifreeze is environmentally harmful, and is dangerous to humans, pets, wildlife, and landscaping.
  • Remove, drain, and store hoses used outdoors. Close inside valves supplying outdoor hose bibs. Open the outside hose bibs to allow water to drain. Keep the outside valve open so that any water remaining in the pipe can expand without causing the pipe to break.
  • Add insulation to attics, basements and crawl spaces. Insulation will maintain higher temperatures in these areas.
  • Check around the home for other areas where water supply lines are located in unheated areas. Look in the garage, and under kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Both hot and cold water pipes in these areas should be insulated.
  • Consider installing specific products made to insulate water pipes like a "pipe sleeve" or installing UL-listed "heat tape," "heat cable," or similar materials on exposed water pipes. Newspaper can provide some degree of insulation and protection to exposed pipes – even ¼” of newspaper can provide significant protection in areas that usually do not have frequent or prolonged temperatures below freezing.
  • Consider relocating exposed pipes to provide increased protection from freezing.
How to Prevent Frozen Pipes
  • Keep garage doors closed if there are water supply lines in the garage.
  • Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing. Be sure to move any harmful cleaners and household chemicals up out of the reach of children.
  • When the weather is very cold outside, let the cold water drip from the faucet served by exposed pipes. Running water through the pipe - even at a trickle - helps prevent pipes from freezing.
  • Keep the thermostat set to the same temperature both during the day and at night. By temporarily suspending the use of lower nighttime temperatures, you may incur a higher heating bill, but you can prevent a much more costly repair job if pipes freeze and burst.
  • If you will be going away during cold weather, leave the heat on in your home, set to a temperature no lower than 55° F.
How to Thaw Frozen Pipes
  • If you turn on a faucet and only a trickle comes out, suspect a frozen pipe. Likely places for frozen pipes include against exterior walls or where your water service enters your home through the foundation.
  • Keep the faucet open. As you treat the frozen pipe and the frozen area begins to melt, water will begin to flow through the frozen area. Running water through the pipe will help melt ice in the pipe.
  • Apply heat to the section of pipe using an electric heating pad wrapped around the pipe, an electric hair dryer, a portable space heater (kept away from flammable materials), or by wrapping pipes with towels soaked in hot water. Do not use a blowtorch, kerosene or propane heater, charcoal stove, or other open flame device.
  • Apply heat until full water pressure is restored. If you are unable to locate the frozen area, if the frozen area is not accessible, or if you can not thaw the pipe, call a licensed plumber.
  • Check all other faucets in your home to find out if you have additional frozen pipes. If one pipe freezes, others may freeze, too.


Emergency Ready Profile

3/8/2018 (Permalink)

As a homeowner you always want to make sure you have emergency contacts close by in case anything unexpected happens. What if you are a homeowner but also a business owner? I know personally I couldn't imagine the amount of stress! SERVPRO realizes that you might not think about the unexpected things that might happen to your business; flooding, tornado damage, etc. 

That's why we have our Emergency Ready Program available to you! Our ERP, Emergency Ready Profile is the best way to reduce business interruption following a disaster, plan for it now! As many as 50% of businesses may never recover following a disaster, according to the latest industry research. Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. By developing a SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

 The SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile Advantage A no cost assessment of your facility. – This means there is no need to allocate funds, giving you a great value at no cost. A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency. – It will only take a little time to complete and will not take you away from current projects. But it will save a lot of time if ever needed. A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster. – This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action. Establishes your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professional as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider. – You have a provider that is recognized as an industry leader and close by. Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin. – This saves time so we can begin the work of mitigating the damage which can save you time and money. Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information. – Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency so that during the emergency you are “Ready for whatever happens.”  Give us a call today and set up your ERP!

When Storms or Floods hit, SERVPRO is ready!

2/27/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Conway & Faulkner Counties, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today

For Immediate Service, Call SERVPRO

2/27/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties provides 24-hour emergency service and is dedicated to being faster to any-sized disaster in Conway & Faulkner Counties. We can respond immediately to your emergency and have the expertise to handle your restoration or cleaning needs.

  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any-Sized Disaster
  • Highly Trained Restoration Technicians
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry
  • Locally Owned and Operated
  • Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment 

Have Questions? Call Us 24/7 

Residential Services

Whether your Conway & Faulkner Counties home needs emergency flood damage or your upholstery cleaned, you can depend on us.  Our technicians have extensive cleaning and restoration training and can make your property look its best. Learn more about our residential services:

  • Water Damage Restoration
  • Fire Damage Restoration
  • Mold Remediation
  • Storm Damage Restoration
  • Cleaning Services
  • Building/Reconstruction Services

Commercial Services

There's never a convenient time for fire or Water damage to strike your Conway & Faulkner Counties commercial property. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services we have the training and expertise to respond promptly with highly trained technicians to get your property back to business.

We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

2/21/2018 (Permalink)

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your Conway & Faulkner basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today 

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties  and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Follow These Mold Safety Tips If You Suspect Mold

2/21/2018 (Permalink)

If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home. When mold is disturbed, the mold can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO ofConway & Faulkner Counties for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.  Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today 

Conditions In Conway & Faulkner Counties Might Be Right For Mold

2/21/2018 (Permalink)

It’s estimated that more than 1 million types of mold exist, yet less than 10 percent have actually been named. This means mold is very common in both indoor and outdoor environments. While mold and humans can sometimes co-exist without issue, there are certain species of mold that can cause health effects for some people.

If the right conditions exist, mold will grow.  Those conditions include:

  • Water - Different mold types require varying amounts of liquid before growth begins.   
  • Temperature - Normal indoor temperatures will promote mold growth.
  • Time - Initial mold colonizers can take hold within one day after being exposed to an adequate water supply.

Mold growth can occur in any home, so it’s important to keep an eye out for situations that might promote mold activity. Roof/chimney leaks, wet basements, or condensation from ducts that dampen surrounding insulation are just a few examples of issues that make a house a prime target for mold growth.

If you suspect mold in your home, call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to assess the situation. We have the knowledge, tools and track record to effectively remediate mold in your home or business.

If you suspect mold, call us today

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for mold remediation services.

IICRC Certified Firm

2/21/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is an IICRC firm. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) creates the standards for the restoration industry and provides training and certification to restoration companies. IICRC Certified Firms have the right to display the IICRC Certified Logo.

IICRC Certified Firms must

• Present accurate information to consumers and conduct business with honesty and integrity.

• Require a technician on all jobs who has been formally trained and passed all required tests.

• Require a continuing education program to keep technicians up-to-date on the latest changes in the industry.

• Maintain liability insurance to protect all parties in the event of an accident.

• Maintain a written complaint policy and agree to Better Business Bureau or similar arbitration to resolve disputes, and accept the conclusions and recommendations of arbitration.

The IICRC Develops The Standards For The Restoration Industry

The IICRC has been the driving force in establishing the main industry standards and reference guides for professional carpet cleaning, water damage restoration and mold remediation. These IICRC standards take years to develop and require the coordination of experts in the field: manufacturers, industry organizations, insurance professionals, training schools, contractors, and public health professionals.

Every five years, the standards are reviewed and updated. The water damage restoration field changes rapidly with advancements in technology and science, and therefore the standards must evolve to keep pace.

About SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties 

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties  specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration and we are an IICRC Certified Firm. We believe in continuous training: from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Conway, AR Smoke and Soot Cleanup

5/10/2016 (Permalink)

Smoke and Soot Damage Can Cause a Pervasive Odor in Your Conway, AR Home.

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 501-328-3301

Mold Clean up and removal in Heber Springs, AR.

5/3/2016 (Permalink)

This condo had been closed up and not in use with no air conditioning on, which caused mold to grow throughout the entire unit.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today –501-328-3301

Faster to your Cleburne County Water Damage Event

5/2/2016 (Permalink)

Water and Mold Damage cleanup in Cleburne County Arkansas. The homeowner was notified by the water department about the amount of water on their bill

SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service in Cleburne County

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 501-328-3301

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties

SERVPRO of Conway and Faulkner Counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Conway 24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Services

5/2/2016 (Permalink)

Water Clean-up in Conway AR A water line broke under the Kitchen sink In Conway AR This picture shows wet and damaged walls, and flooring.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is available 24 Hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the seveity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help

Call Today- 501-328-3301

We understand that when you call us. you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration-in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask serveral questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Repressentive will ask serveral questions:

* Your name and contact information

* Your insurance information (if applicable)

* The street address of the water-damage occur?

* What caused the water Damge (if known)?

*Is there electrcity available (on-site)?

* The areas that you know are affected

About SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our Staff is highly trained in property damage restoration, From the initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certiication, reat assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.


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